Putra, Bambang Agus Prakoso Perwira (2018) Kajian Kinerja Terminal Hamid Rusdi Di Kedungkandang Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Terminal Hamid Rusdi di Kota Malang memiliki peranan untuk menunjang transportasi umum di wilayah selatan Kota Malang, tetapi pada kenyataannya Terminal Hamid Rusdi belum berfungsi dengan baik. Hampir seluruh angkutan umum menaikkan/menurunkan penumpang di depan Terminal Gadang lama yang secara kebetulan berdekatan dengan Pasar Induk Gadang yang menjadi pusat kegiatan di daerah tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kinerja pelayanan, kesesuaian fasilitas, dan juga strategi yang diterapkan pada Terminal Hamid Rusdi. Terdapat 3 analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu : (a) Analisis Kesesuaian Fasilitas Terminal, (b) Analisis IPA, (c) Analisis SWOT. Analisis kesesuaian fasilitas dalam kajian ini mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 132 Tahun 2015 tentang Penyelenggaraan Terminal Penumpang Angkutan Jalan. Untuk analisis IPA mengacu kepada Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No. 40 Tahun 2015 tentang Standar Pelayanan Penyelenggaraan Terminal Penumpang Angkutan Umum. Data primer diperoleh melalui wawancara dan pembagian kuisioner dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 200 responden, sedangkan data sekunder didapat dari jurnal, literatur, dan internet. Hasil analisis fasilitas terminal sudah sesuai dengan ketentuan Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan, namun ada beberapa fasilitas yang belum tersedia seperti menara pengawas dan loket penjualan karcis untuk fasilitas umum serta ruang pengobatan, telepon umum, dan tempat penitipan barang untuk fasilitas penunjang. Dari 15 atribut pada analisis IPA, terdapat 3 atribut yang masuk dalam kuadran I, dimana ketiga atribut tersebut adalah (1) Keterpaduan moda transportasi, (2) Jarak terminal dengan pusat kegiatan, (3) Lajur keberangkatan dan kedatangan. Untuk analisis SWOT didapat 4 strategi guna menentukan strategi yang digunakan terkait permasalahan di Terminal Hamid Rusdi antara lain (1) Meningkatkan kawasan di sekitar Terminal Hamid Rusdi (2) Memperbaiki keterpaduan antar moda di Terminal Hamid Rusdi (3) Melakukan pembangunan bangkitan dan tarikan di sekitar Terminal Hamid Rusdi, (4) Adanya kebijakan tegas dari pengelola Terminal Hamid Rusdi. Dari hasil penilitian diatas, pelayanan dan fasilitas Terminal Hamid Rusdi dinilai cukup memuaskan. Namun jarak terminal yang jauh dari pusat kegiatan menjadi alasan utama belum maksimalnya kinerja Terminal Hamid Rusdi.
English Abstract
Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal in Malang has a role to support public transportation in the southern area of Malang, but in fact it is not utilized properly. Almost all public transport load/unload the passengers in front of the old Gadang Bus Terminal near Gadang Traditional Market incidentally which is the center of activity in the area. The purpose of this research is to know the service performance, suitability of facilities, and strategy applied at Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal. There are 3 analyzes used in this research : (a) Bus Station Facilities Conformity Analysis, (b) IPA Analysis, (c) SWOT Analysis. The appropriateness analysis of facilities in this study refers to the Minister of Transportation Regulation no. 132 Year 2015 on the Implementation of Passenger Road Transportation Bus Terminal. For IPA analysis refer to Regulation of the Minister of Transportation no. 40 of 2015 on Standard of Public Transportation Passenger Service Implementation. Primary data were obtained through interviews and questionnaire distribution with 200 respondents, while secondary data were obtained from journal, literature, and internet. The results of the analysis of bus station facilities are in accordance with the provisions of the Minister of Transportation Regulation, but there are some facilities that are not yet available such as watch towers and ticketing booths for public facilities and treatment rooms, public telephones, and daycare for supporting facilities. From the 15 attributes in the IPA analysis, there are 3 attributes that enter in quadrant I, where the attribute is very important but its performance is not yet satisfactory. The three attributes are (1) Integration of transportation modes, (2) Distance of terminal with activity center, (3) Departure and arrival lane. For SWOT analysis, there are four strategies to determine the strategy used in relation to the problems in Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal, among others: (1) Increasing the area around Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal, (2) Improving the integration between modes in Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal, (3) Conducting the construction of the trip generation and trip attraction around Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal, (4) There is a strict policy from the management of Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal. From the results of the research above, services and facilities Hamid Rusdi Bus Terminal considered quite satisfactory. However, the distance of the terminal which is far from the center of activity is the main reason not the maximum performance of Terminal Hamid Rusdi.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FT/2018/372/051804736 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Terminal, Relokasi, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Analisis SWOT. |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 388 Transportation > 388.3 Vehicular transportation > 388.32 Vehicular activities and services > 388.322 Bus service |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jul 2018 03:32 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 03:14 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/11870 |
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