Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Otomatis Suhu Dan Kelembapan Kumbung Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus sp.) Berbasis Logika Fuzzy

Anta, Danuh Kanara (2017) Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Otomatis Suhu Dan Kelembapan Kumbung Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus sp.) Berbasis Logika Fuzzy. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pleurotus sp. dikenal dengan sebutan jamur tiram atau oyster mushroom tak lain karena bentuk badan buahnya menyerupai cangkang tiram. Bentuk badan buah jamur tiram sangat tergantung pada tempat tumbuhnya. Bila tumbuhnya di sisi samping substrat, badan buah sering tidak bertangkai atau bertangkai pendek yang letaknya asimetri (seperti kerang). Jamur tiram termasuk jenis jamur perombak kayu yang dapat tumbuh pada berbagai media. Miselium jamur tumbuh optimal pada suhu 25oC-30oC. Untuk merangsang pertumbuhan tunas dan tubuh buah membutuhkan kelembapan udara sekitar 80%- 85%. Tunas dan tubuh buah jamur yang tumbuh pada lingkungan dengan kelembapan di bawah 80% akan mengalami gangguan absorbsi nutrisi sehingga menyebabkan kekeringan dan gangguan pertumbuhan ataupun kematian. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk merancang sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dan kelembapan kumbung jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp.) berbasis logika Fuzzy, untuk menguji sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dan kelembapan kumbung jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp.) berbasis logika Fuzzy, dan untuk menguji performansi sistem yang diterapkan dengan membandingkan sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dan kelembapan berbasis logika Fuzzy dengan sistem berbasis logika On/Off serta dengan sistem konvensional pada budidaya jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp.). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung terhadap pertumbuhan jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp.) pada prototype kumbung yang terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu kontrol suhu dan kelembapan pada tanaman tersebut. Selain itu, pasca panen jamur tiram tersebut akan diamati perbandingan faktor-faktor pengukuran hasil dengan perlakuan yang berbeda. Adapun metode penelitian yang viii dilakukan oleh penulis yakni metode aplikasi sistem kontrol suhu dan kelembapan berbasis logika Fuzzy pada kumbung jamur tiram (Pleurotus sp.) yang menggunakan pengontrolan suhu berbasis logika Fuzzy pada aktuator suhu (kipas), dan pengontrolan kelembapan berbasis logika On/Off pada aktuator kelembapan (humidifier) dalam ruangan prototype kumbung, serta metode pengujian hasil (rerata massa, panjang batang, dan diameter tudung) jamur tiram perbandingan antara sistem kontrol berbasis logika fuzzy, berbasis logika On/Off, serta dengan sistem konvensional yang dibudidayakan dalam prototype kumbung. Hasil uji sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dan kelembapan dihasilkan sistem dapat mencapai steady state dalam waktu 5 menit. Dengan error suhu tertinggi sebesar 3,70% dan error terendah sebesar 0,89%, sedangkan error kelembapan tertinggi sebesar 0,78% dan error terendah sebesar 0,11%. Kecepatan recovery suhu pada sistem kontrol otomatis ini adalah 0,1oC per menit dan recovery kelembapan adalah 2,4% per menit. Hasil uji perfomansi sistem kontrol otomatis suhu dan kelembapan berbasis logika Fuzzy menghasilkan rerata massa sebesar 132,33 gram, rerata panjang batang sebesar 6,23 cm, dan diameter tudung sebesar 6,83 cm serta dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan yang berbeda-beda pada proses budidaya (Fuzzy, On/Off, dan konvensional) berpengaruh sangat nyata terhadap hasil rerata massa, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap hasil rerata panjang batang, dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap diameter tudung.

English Abstract

Pleurotus sp. known as oyster mushroom or oyster mushroom none other because fruit body shape resembles the oyster shell. Oyster mushroom fruit body shape is very dependent on the place of growth. When growing on the side of the substrate, the fruit is often not handled or short-stemmed nearby asymmetry (such as clams). Oyster mushroom is decomposer mushroom types including timber that can be grown in a variety of media. Mycelium of fungi grow optimally at a temperature of 25oC-30oC. To stimulate the growth of shoots and fruit body requires approximately 80%-85% relative humidity. The buds and fruit body fungus that grow in environments with humidity below 80% will experience impaired absorption of nutrients, causing drought and disruptions of growth or death. The purpose of this research is to design the automatic control system for temperature and humidity in kumbung oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) based on Fuzzy logic, to test the automatic control system for temperature and humidity in kumbung oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) based on Fuzzy logic, and to test the performance of applicaton automatic control system for temperature and humidity by comparing based on Fuzzy logic, with based on On/Off logic, and with the conventional system on the cultivation of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus sp.). This research was done using descriptive method by doing direct observation against the growth of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) on the prototype kumbung which consists of two factors, the main control are temperature and humidity inside the plant. In addition, post harvest oyster mushrooms will be observed comparison factors of measurement results with different treatment. The method of this research conducted by the author are method of application x control system of temperature and humidity based on Fuzzy logic kumbung oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sp.) using the temperature control based on Fuzzy logic for temperature actuator (fan), and On/Off logic based control for actuator humidity (humidifier) inside prototype kumbung, as well as method of testing results (average mass, length of trunk, and diameter of hood) oyster mushrooms comparison between control systems fuzzy logic based, an On/Off logic based, as well as with the conventional system which is cultivated inside the prototype kumbung. The result of automatic control system for temperature and humidity test generated system can reach a steady state within 5 minutes. With the highest temperature error of 3.70% and the lowest error of 0.89%, whereas the highest humidity error amounted to 0.78% and lowest errors of 0.11%. The speed of the recovery temperature automatic control system is 0,1oC per minute and recovery humidity is 2.4% per minute. Performance test result of automatic control system for temperature and humidity based on Fuzzy logic generate average mass of 132.33 grams, the average length of rod is 6.23 cm, and diameter of hood of 6.83 cm and also it can be concluded that the different treatment of cultivation processes (Fuzzy, On/Off, and conventional) has very real effect against the average mass results, has no real effect against the results of the average length of rod, and the has no real effect against the diameter of hood.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/687/051712067
Uncontrolled Keywords: Jamur Tiram, Kelembapan, Logika Fuzzy, Suhu
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.3 Food > 641.35 Spesific food from plant crops > 641.358 Mushrooms
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2018 02:48
Last Modified: 02 Dec 2020 09:53
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/8097
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