Umam, Ahmad Khoirul (2018) Effects of using Canna starch (Canna edulis Ker) as a natural stabilizer on the quality and stability of yogurt drink during cold storage. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penurunan kualitas minuman yoghurt akan terjadi selama penyimpanan. Stabilizer yang biasa digunakan untuk menjaga kualitas yoghurt adalah bahan kimia senyawa yaitu karboksimetil selulosa (CMC). CMC akan menjadi terakumulasi dalam tubuh manusia dengan konsumsi teratur, yang akan berkurang nilai pH caecal dan meningkatkan populasi non-dicerna mikroorganisme. Ganja (Canna edulis Ker) dapat digunakan sebagai penstabil alami, yang merupakan umbi lokal Indonesia dengan kandungan pati yang tinggi dan bersifat antioksidan properti. Pati ganja terdiri dari amilosa dan amilopektin yang sumber energi yang tinggi dan akan didegradasi oleh bakteri asam laktat (BAL). LABORATORIUM menghasilkan eksopolisakarida (EPS) yang memberikan reologi yang sangat diinginkan
English Abstract
The decreasing of yogurt drink quality will occur during storage. Stabilizer that usually used for maintaining the yogurt quality is a chemical compound namely carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). CMC will be accumulated in human body with regular consumption, which will decrease the pH value of caecal and elevate the population of non-digested microorganism. Canna (Canna edulis Ker) can be used as a natural stabilizer, which is an Indonesian local tuber with high starch content and antioxidative properties. Canna starch is composed of amylose and amylopectin which are high energy source and will be degraded by lactic acid bacteria (LAB). LAB produce exopolysaccharide (EPS) that imparts highly desirable rheological IV changes in the food matrix such as increase viscosity, improve texture, and reduce syneresis. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Canna starch on physicochemical, microbiology, and sensory quality of yogurt drink during cold storage. The complete randomized factorial design will be used with two factor. The first factor was Canna starch/CMC levels divided into 5 groups in order to know the effectiveness canna starch to replace the used of CMC, T0 (0.2%CMC) as a control, T1 (0.15% CMC + 0.025% canna), T2 (0.1% CMC + 0.05% canna), T3 (0.05% CMC + 0.075% canna), and T4 (0.1% Canna), respectively. The second factor was the storage time of yogurt drink divided into 4 groups that to determine the changes of yogurt drink quality during stored in the refrigerator at 4°C, D1 (1 days), D7 (7 days), D14 (14 days), and D21 (21 days), respectively and. All samples were analyzed for viscosity, syneresis, sedimentable fraction, pH, titratable acidity, exopolysaccharides, antioxidant activity, microbiology, and sensory quality. Data obtained from the results of subsequent studies will be analyzed by GLM (General Linear Model) and followed by Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT). There were similar results between 0.1% Canna starch and 0.2% CMC, as a control, in experiment 1 based on viscosity, sedimentable fraction, and sensory properties during 1st storage day. The results of experiment 2 showed that the addition of 0.1% Canna starch significantly (p<0.05) increased TA, viscosity, EPS yield, antioxidant activity, maintained the viability of L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus, while significantly (p<0.05) decreased the pH value. On the other hand, the combination of 0.1% CMC and 0.05% Canna starch significantly (p<0.05) reduced syneresis and the sedimentable fraction of yogurt drink during 21 days of storage. The addition of Canna starch had no significantly (p>0.05) effect on all sensory parameters except on smoothness of yogurt drink during 1st storage day. The addition of Canna starch had no significantly (p>0.05) effect on the color, rancidity, bitterness, and sweetness, whereas had significantly (p<0.05) effect on the sourness, smoothness, and thickness over 14 days of storage. In conclusion, Canna starch could be used as a natural stabilizer with potential V health benefits related to high antioxidant activity and EPS value. The combination of 0.1% CMC and 0.05% Canna starch addition on yogurt drink manufacture showed the best physicochemical and microbiological quality without the decline of sensory properties
Other obstract
優酪乳於儲存期間易發生品質下降之問題,因此優酪乳於加工過程 中常以甲基纖維素鈉(Carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC)作為安定劑進行 添加,但CMC於人體會產生累積作用,導致腸道pH值下降及提升非消 化性微生物菌種含量。蕉芋(Canna edulis Ker)為生長於印度尼西亞之 塊莖作物,含有大量澱粉及抗氧化之特性,可做為加工食品之天然安定 劑;而蕉芋澱粉是由直鏈及支鏈澱粉所組成,可由乳酸菌進行分解利 用,並提供能量促進乳酸菌生長,且乳酸菌於發酵過程中產生之胞外多 糖(exopolysaccharide, EPS),具有提升發酵產品之黏度、改善質地及 降低凝析率等提升產品品質之作用。故本試驗旨在探討利用蕉芋 (Canna edulis Ker)澱粉為天然安定劑對冷藏優酪之理化性狀、微生物 性狀及感官品評之影響。本試驗設計將分為兩部分,試驗一將蕉芋澱粉/ CMC依比例混合後分成5組,比較不同添加比例對優酪乳品質之影響, 其中T0控制組為單一添加0.2%CMC;T1為混合添加0.15%CMC及0.25 %蕉芋澱粉;T2為混合添加0.1%CMC及0.05%蕉芋澱粉;T3為混合添 II 加0.05%CMC及0.075%蕉芋澱粉;T4為單一添加0.1%蕉芋澱粉,試驗 二將各組優酪乳分別儲存於4°C冰箱1(D1)、7(D7)、14(D14)及 21(D21)天,比較四種不同儲存天數對優酪乳品質之影響。各組優酪 乳樣品將進行黏度、凝析率、沈殿物分析、pH值、滴定酸度、胞外多 醣、抗氧化活性、微生物檢測和感官品評等分析,研究結果之數據將透 過一般線性模式進行分析,在以鄧肯氏多變域法比較各組間差異性。試 驗一結果顯示,添加0.1%蕉芋澱粉(T4)之優酪乳於儲存第一天之黏 度、沈殿物含量和感官品評結果,與添加0.2%CMC之控制組(T0)結 果相似。試驗二結果顯示,添加0.1%蕉芋澱粉之優酪乳(T4),於儲存 期間之滴定酸度、黏度、胞外多糖產量、抗氧化活性及保加利亞乳桿菌 和適熱鏈球菌之存活率皆顯著較高,而pH值則顯著較低;添加0.1% CMC和0.05%蕉芋澱粉之優酪乳(T2),於儲存21天期間之凝析率及沉 澱物含量則顯著較低。感官品評結果顯示,添加不同比例蕉芋澱粉之優 酪乳,除第一天之滑順感評分外,其餘項目之品評分數皆未達顯著差 異;添加不同比例蕉芋澱粉之優酪乳於儲存14天後,各組間顏色、腐臭 味、苦味及甜度皆無顯著差異,而酸味、滑順度和顆粒感則有顯著差 異。綜合上述,蕉芋澱粉可作為優酪乳之天然安定劑,同時具有高抗氧 化活性和高含量胞外多糖等相關潛在益處,且混合添加0.1%CMC和0.05 %蕉芋澱粉之優酪乳(T2),其理化性狀及微生物性狀等品質為最佳, 亦不影響優酪乳之感官評分。
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/641.371 476/UMA/e/2018/041803741 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | antioxidant activity, Canna edulis Ker, carboxymethyl cellulose |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.3 Food > 641.37 Dairy and related products > 641.371 476 Yogurt |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jul 2022 02:03 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jul 2022 02:03 |
URI: | |
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