Pengaruh Proporsi Penambahan Hidrokoloiddan Penggunaan Jenis Bahan Pengembangterhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia Dan Organoleptik Roti Manis Bebas Gluten Berbahan Baku Tepung Beras, Pasta Kentang Dan Tepung Tapioka

Husni, Nurul (2018) Pengaruh Proporsi Penambahan Hidrokoloiddan Penggunaan Jenis Bahan Pengembangterhadap Karakteristik Fisik, Kimia Dan Organoleptik Roti Manis Bebas Gluten Berbahan Baku Tepung Beras, Pasta Kentang Dan Tepung Tapioka. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti merupakansalahsatuprodukfermentasiberbahanbakutepungteriguyang digemariolehmasyarakat Indonesia. Indonesia bukannegarapenghasilgandumsehinggaketersediaantepungterigudiperolehdenga ncaraimpor, di sampingitukandungan gluten padagandumbersifatalergenterhadappenderitapenyakitseliak. Pembuatan roti berbahanbaku non terigusepertitepungberas, pasta kentangdantepungtapiokamerupakansalahsatuupayauntukmengurangipengguna antepungterigusekaligusamandikonsumsiolehpenderitapenyakitseliak. Pembuatan roti padapenelitianinimenggunakanvariabelproporsipenambahanhidrokoloiddanpeng unaanbahanpengembang. Tujuandaripenelitianiniadalahmengetahuipengaruhproporsipenambahanhid rokoloiddanpenggunaanbahanpengembangterhadapkarakteristikfisik, kimiadanorganoleptikroti manisbebas gluten berbahanbakutepungberas, pasta kentangdantepungtapioka. PenelitianinimenggunakanRancanganAcakKelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor.Faktor I yaituproporsipenambahanhidrokoloidglukomanandan xanthan gum terdiridari 3 level (2%:0%, 1%:1%dan0%:2%) danfaktor II yaitupenggunaanbahanpengembang yeast dan baking powderterdiridari 3 level (2,5%:0%, 2,5%:1%dan1%:0%). Masing-masingdengan 3 kali ulangansehinggadiperoleh 27 unit percobaan. Data hasilpengamatandianalisismenggunakan ANOVA dilanjutkanuji DMRT atau BNT dengantarafbedanyata5%. HasilujiorganoleptikdianalisisdenganmetodeHedonic Scale Scoring. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwaperlakuanproporsipenambahanhidrokolo iddanpenggunaanbahanpengembangberpengaruhnyata (α=0,05) terhadappengembanganspesifik, volume pengembangan roti, volume pengembangan roti, porositas, kekerasandanwarnanamuntidakberpengaruhnyatapada staling rate. Perlakuanterbaikroti manisbebas glutendenganmetodeMultiple atributeyaitupada roti denganproporsipenambahanhidrokoloidglukomanandan xanthan gum 1%:1% menggunakanbahanpengembang yeastmemilikikandungankadar air 48,57%, kadar protein 6,7%, kadarlemak 7,4% dankadarabu 0,81%, warna (L*) 68,45; (a*) 3,67; (b*) 17,38, pengembanganspesifik 1,15 cm3/g, volume pengembangan 172,55%, porositas 71,74%, kekerasan5,44 Ndan staling rate 17,26%. Parameterii organoleptik aroma 3,14 (agaksuka); rasa 3,28 (agaksuka); warna3,85 (suka) dantekstur 3,54 (suka).

English Abstract

Bread is one of most favourite fermentation product in Indonesia made from wheat flour. Indonesia is not a wheat producing country so the availability of wheat flour is obtained by import.Otherwise the content of gluten in wheat is allergenic to celiac diseases patients. The making of non-wheat flour based breads such as rice flour, potato paste and tapioca flour as raw materials is one of effort to reduce the use of wheat flour as well as to raise the safetyof breads consumtion by patients with celiac disease. The variables used inthsstudy are the proportion of hydrocolloid addition and the use of leavening agent. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the proportion of hydrocolloid addition and the use of leavening agent to the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of sweet gluten-free bread made from rice flour, potato paste and tapioca flour. This study used Randomized Block Design with 2 factors. The first factor is the proportion of hydrocolloid addition, glucomannan : xanthan gum consisted of 3 levels (2%: 0%, 1%: 1% and 0%: 2%) and the second factor is the use leavening agent,yeast and baking powder consisted of 3 levels (2 , 5%: 0%, 2.5%: 1% and 1%: 0%). Each treatment was repeated 3 times to obtain 27 units of experiment. The observational data was analyzed using ANOVA followed by DMRT or BNT test with 5% real difference. The result of organoleptic test was analyzed with Hedonic Scale Scoring method. The resultof this research showed that the proportion of hydrocolloid addition and the use of leavening agent gave significant effect (α = 0,05) to bread specific volume, bread volume, porosity, hardness and color but gave no significant effect to staling rate. The best treatment analyzed withMultipleiiittribute method is on bread with addition proportion of glukomanan and xanthan gum 1%: 1% using yeast as the leavening agent. It has 48,57% of moisture, 6,7% of protein content, 7, 4% of fat content and 0,81%,ash content, 68,45 in whiteness (L *) color, 3.67 in redness color (a *), 17,38 in yellowness color (b *),1.15 cm3 /g in specific volume, 172.55% in loaf volume, 71.74% in porosity, 5.44 N in hardness and 17.26% of staling rate. Organoleptic parameters, the panelist gave scores 3,14 (rather like) for aroma; 3,28 (rather like) for taste; 3,85 (like) for color (like) and 3,54 (like) for texture

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/535/052002665
Uncontrolled Keywords: Roti ManisBebas Gluten, Glukomanan, Xanthan Gum, Baking Powder, Yeast. Sweet Free Gluten Bread, Glucomannant, Xathan Gum, Yeast, Baking Powder
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.7 Grains, other seeds, their derived products > 664.75 Secondary products > 664.752 Bakery goods > 664.752 3 Breads
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2020 06:53
Last Modified: 24 Oct 2021 02:45
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