Budianto, Dodik (2018) Optimasi Energi Biskuit Subtitusi Tepung Kulit Apel (Malus Sylvestris Mill.) Dengan Metode Linear Programming. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Apel merupakan buah yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. penghasil apel di Jawa Timur terdapat di Kota Batu dengan luas lahan 2.015 ha menghasilkan apel sebesar 20.167 ton setiap tahun. Kulit apel yang kurang dimanfaatkan dengan baik ternyata mengandung banyak serat dan senyawa polifenol yang merupakan antioksidan. Biskuit merupakan produk bakeri kering yang dibuat dengan cara memanggang adonan yang terbuat dari tepung terigu dengan atau tanpa subtitusi. Tingkat konsumsi rata-rata biskuit di Indonesia mencapai 0,40 kg/kapita/tahun. Anak-anak di Indonesia masih mengalami masalah gizi ganda (double burden), yaitu kekurangan gizi dan kelebihan gizi. Selain itu, mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah sangat penting untuk kebutuhan serat yang dapat menjaga berat badan sehingga anak-anak dianjurkan untuk mengkonsumsi sayur dan buah sebanyak 300-400 gram setiap hari untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serat. Linear programming merupakan metode untuk menformulasikan dan merumuskan permasalahan sehari-hari ke dalam pemodelan matematika untuk mendapatkan solusi yang optimal. Formulasi ditentukan melalui linear programming dengan batasan jumlah minimal kalori agar memenuhi persyaratan sumber energi untuk anak-anak usia 10-11 tahun. Produk biskuit kulit apel didapatkan berbagai proporsi tepung adalah (gram tepung kulit apel : gram tepung terigu) 30 : 70 , 50 : 50, dan 70 : 30. berdasarkan linear programming untuk persyaratan BPOM RI. Pelaksanaan penelitian meliputi pembuatan tepung kulit apel, pembuatan biskuit kulit apel, pengamatan dan perhitungan nutrition fact. Analisa biskuit meliputi analisa kimia (kadar air, protein, lemak, dan serat kasar) dan analisa fisik (warna, daya patah). Formulasi selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian perlakuan terbaik berdasarkan metode multiple attribute dengan parameter karakteristik kimia (protein, kalori) dan karakteristik fisik (daya patah, warna), data perlakuan terbaik akan dibandingkan dengan biskuit komersil yang sudah dipasarkan yaitu Biskuit Roma dan Biskuit Belvita. Hasil penelitian Biskuit kulit apel perlakuan terbaik dari segi fisik dan kimia yakni pada formulasi 50 : 50 dengan 22 gram tepung kulit apel : 22 gram tepung terigu terigu yang memiliki kadar protein 6,61%, kadar air 3,48%, total lemak 18,15%, total karbohidrat 68,38%, total kalori 461,35 kkal dan kadar serat kasar 3,08%. Warna dan daya patah menunjukkan pengaruh nyata (<0,05) terhadap semua paramete (L*) (a*) (b*) dan daya patah 9,20 N. Formulasi biskuit perlakuan terbaik telah memenuhi syarat klaim sumber energi/kalori bedasarkan BPOM (maksimal 484,22g/100g kalori) dan serat kasar 3,08 (minimal 3 g/100g), serta telah memenuhi standar mutu SNI biskuit yang mensyaratkan kadar air maksimal 5% dan total lemak minimal 9,5%.
English Abstract
Apple is the fruit that consumed by the Indonesian community. The producer of apple in East Java is located in the City of Batu with wide land 2.015 ha produce apples of 20.167 tons every year. The peels of the apple less used with good actually contain a lot of fiber and polyphenol which is an antioxidant. Biscuits is the dry bakery products that are made with how toast the dough which is made from wheat flour with or without substitution. The level of average consumption of biscuits in Indonesia reached 0.40 kg/capita/year. The children in Indonesia is still experiencing problems double nutrition (double burden), which is lack of nutrition and the advantages of nutrition. In addition, consume vegetables and fruit is very important to needs of the fiber that can maintain the body weight so that the children are recommended to consume vegetables and fruits as much as 300-400 grams each day to fulfiil the needs of the fiber. Linear programming is a method to formulate the daily problems in the modeling of mathematics to get an optimal solution. The formulation is determined through linear programming with the limitations of the minimum amount of calories in order to meet the requirements of the source of energy for children aged 10-11 years. Apple peel biscuit products obtained various proportion of fine flour is (gram flour apple skin : gram flour) 30 : 70 , 50 : 50, and 70 : 30. based on linear programming to BPOM RI. The implementation of the research include the making of fine flour apples peel, making biscuits apple peel, observation and calculation of nutrition fact. Analysis of biscuits include chemical analysis (level of water, protein, fat, and crude fibers) and physical analysis (colors, broken of power). The formulation of the test is done then the best treatment based on multiple attribute method (Zeleny, 1982) with chemical characteristics parameters (proteins, calories) and physical characteristics (broken of power, colors), the best treatment data will be compared with commercial biscuits which has been marketed namely Biscuits Romans and biscuits Belvita. Research Results of biscuits apple peel the best treatment in terms of the physical and chemical is on the formulation 50 : 50 with 22 gram flour apple skin : 22 grams of wheat flour that has the level of proteins 6,61%, the level of water 3.48%, total fat 18,15%, total carbohydrate 68,38%, total calories 461,35 and level of crude fibers 3,08%. Colors and broken of power shows the real influence (<0.05) against all parameter (L*) (a*) (b*) and broken of power is 9,20 N. The formulation of biscuits the best treatment is eligible claims energy source/calories distibution based on BPOM (maximum 484,22g/100g calories) and coarse fibers 3,08 (minimum 3 g/100g), and have meet the standard quality of SNI biscuits that requires the maximum water level 5 percent and total fat minimum of 9.5%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2018/126/051803685 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kulit Apel, Biskuit, Anak-anak, Linear programming / Apples Peel, Biscuits,Childrens, Linear Programming |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.8 Cooking specific kinds of dishes and preparing beverages > 641.86 Desserts > 641.865 Pastries |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 11 Oct 2019 01:31 |
Last Modified: | 24 Nov 2021 06:46 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/165565 |
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