Pembuatan Roti Tawar Bebas Gluten Berbahan Baku Tepung Garut, Tepung Beras, Dan Tepung Maizena (Kajian Konsentrasi Glukomanan Dan Waktu Proofing)

Muthoharoh, Dini Fadhilatul (2017) Pembuatan Roti Tawar Bebas Gluten Berbahan Baku Tepung Garut, Tepung Beras, Dan Tepung Maizena (Kajian Konsentrasi Glukomanan Dan Waktu Proofing). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Roti tawar merupakan produk bakery yang terbuat dari tepung terigu, didominasi rasa tawar dan memiliki bentuk seperti sponge. Bahan baku utama roti tawar adalah tepung terigu yang tidak diproduksi di Indonesia. Menurut APTINDO, pada periode januari-juni 2016 tercatat impor terigu mencapai 97,349 ton setara dengan US$ 28,22 juta. Menurut Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) tepung terigu mengandung gluten yang menimbulkan reaksi negatif terhadap penderita celiac disease. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan adanya pengembangan produk bakery berbahan baku non terigu, seperti tepung garut, beras, dan jagung). Pada pembuatan roti tawar non terigu diperlukan adanya penambahan hidrokoloid yang dapat berikatan dengan air sebagai pengganti gluten. Jenis hidrokoloid yang digunakan adalah glukomanan. Selain itu diperlukan adanya pengendalian waktu proofing. Waktu proofing berperan pada pengembangan volume roti yang mempengarungi porositas maupun tekstur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi penambahan glukomanan dan waktu proofing yang tepat sehingga dapat menghasilkan roti tawar bebas gluten yang dapat diterima panelis. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial, terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu konsentrasi glukomanan (0; 0,5; 0%) dan waktu proofing (30; 60; 90 menit) dengan 9 perlakuan, masing masing diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan percobaan. Data selanjutnya dianalisis secara Statistik dengan ANOVA menggunakan Minitab 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsentrasi glukomanan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap karakteristik roti tawar bebas gluten. Variasi waktu proofing berpengaruh nyata terhadap volume pengembangan, volume pengembangan spesifik, nilai kecerahan (L*), nilai kemerahan (a+), dan nilai kekuningan (b+). Perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada konsentrasi glukomanan 0,5% dengan waktu proofing 60 menit (A2B2) dengan karakteristik volume pengembangan 431%, volume pengembangan spesifik 2,078 cm3/gram, porositas 10,898, nilai keserahan (L*) 56,53, nilai kemerahan (a+) 9,87, nilai kekuningan (b+) 24,17, kekerasan 207,5 g, elastisitas 3,89 mm, kohesifitas 0,76, stalling rate 139,84%, kadar air 45,11 %b/b, kadar protein 4,60 %b/b, kadar lemak 13,95 %b/b, kadar abu 1,30 %b/b, dan kadar karbohidrat 35,04 %b/b.

English Abstract

Bread is bakery product made from wheat flour, dominated by tasteless and the shape is like a sponge. The main raw material of bread is wheat flour which is not produced in Indonesia. Based on APTINDO, in January-June 2016 has recorded the number of import wheat up to 97.349 tons or equal to US$ 28.22 millions. Based on World Health Organization (WHO), wheat flour contains gluten which caused negative reaction with celiac disease sufferer. Because of that, it is important to make bakery product development with non-wheat raw material, such as arrowroot flour, rice powder and corn flour. In the making of non-wheat bread is needed the addition of hydrocolloid which can binds with water to replace gluten. The kind of hydrocolloid that being used is glucomannan. Beside that, it is needed to control proofing time. Proofing time has a role in the proof of bread volume which influences on the porosity and the texture. This study aimed to know the best addition of glucomannan concentration and proofing time so that can produce gluten-free bread which can be accepted by panelis. The experiment design being used is factorial Group Random Design (RAK factorial), which is consist of 2 factors: glucomannan concentration (0; 0.5; 1%) and proofing time (30; 60; 90 minutes) with 9 treatments, for each treatment is repeated 3 times so that the total treatments is 27 units. The next datas are analyzed statistically with ANOVA by using Minitab 16. The experiment result showed that the glucomannan concentration has not real effect towards the characteristic of gluten-free bread. The variation of proofing period has real effect towards the proofing volume, specific proofing volume, the value of brightness (L*), the value of redness (a+), and the value of yellowness (b+). The best treatment on this study is glucomannan concentration 0.5% with proofing time 60 minutes (A2B2) with characteristic of proofing volume 431%, specific proofing volume 2.078 cm3/gram, the porosity 10.898, the value of brightness (L*) 56.53, the value of redness (a+) 9.87, the value of yellowness (b+) 24.17, hardness 207.5 g, elasticity 3.89 mm, cohesiveness 0.76, stalling rate 139.84%, water content 45.11% b/b, protein content 4.60% b/b, fat content 13.95% b/b, ash content 1.30% b/b, and carbohydrate content 35.04% b/b.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/282/051705459
Uncontrolled Keywords: Roti tawar bebas gluten, Glukomanan, Proofing, Tepung Garut, Tepung Beras, dan Tepung Jagung
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.7 Grains, other seeds, their derived products > 664.75 Secondary products > 664.752 Bakery goods > 664.752 3 Breads
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Kustati
Date Deposited: 15 Aug 2017 01:51
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2021 04:52
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