Sofyan, Ariya (2018) Penambahan Tepung Jeringau Terhadap Produksi Dan Kualitas Telur Pada Puyuh Petelur (Coturnix-Coturnix Japonica). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Penelitian ini dilaksanakan 2 tahap yaitu tahap 1 uji kandungan bioaktif (flavonoid dan antioksidan) dan asam lemak pada jeringau merah dan jeringau putih. Uji kandungan antioksidan dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengujian Mutu Dan Keamanan Pangan Universitas Brawijaya Malang dan untuk pengujian kandungan flavonoid dan asam lemak dilakukan di LPPT UGM. Variabel yang diamati adalah flavonoid, aktivitas antioksidan dan kandungan asam lemak dari rimpang jeringau merah dan jeringau putih dan dianalisa menggunakan metode analisa deskriptif.Penelitian tahap 2 yaitu penelitian evaluasi biologis untuk mendapatkan pengaruh penambahan pemberian tepung jeringau merah terhadap penampilan produksi dan kualitas telur puyuh. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai 11 Juni – 6 Agustus 2017 di kediaman Bapak Yuli Arif Tribudi Kromengan Malang. Metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan masing-masing ulangan terdiri dari 8 ekor puyuh. Variable yang diamati adalah konsumsi pakan; produksi telur harian (hen day production); massa telur (egg mass); konversi pakan; berat telur; tebal kerabang, warna kuning telur dan kandungan kolesterol kuning telur. Data dianalisis dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA) dengan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Apabila ada perbedaan dalam perlakuan, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua jenis jeringau yang diteliti uji flavonoid dengan metode Spektrofotometri UV-IS memberikan hasil kandungannya pada tepung rimpang jeringau merah sebesar 33,76 % b/b dan pada tepung rimpang jeringau putih sebesar 3,84 % b/b. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan uji aktivitas antioksidan dari senyawa uji dilakukan menggunakan metode DPPH didapatkan nilai aktivitas antioksidan IC50 pada tepung rimpang jeringau merah sebesar 0,22 mg/ml dan tepung rimpang jeringau putih 0,49 mg/ml. Asam lemak yang dimiliki oleh rimpang jeringau merah dan jeringau putih merupakan asam lemak dengan atom C genap (omega 6) dan asam lemak yang dominan menyusun fraksi lipida rimpang jeringau merah dan jeringau putih adalah laurat dan palmitat (unsaturated fatty acid). Penambahan tepung jeringau merah (Acorus sp)pada pakan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata (P>0,05) terhadap konsumsi pakan; egg mass; HDP; konversi pakan; berat telur dan warna kuning telur pada puyuh, tetapi memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap tebal kerabang dan penurunan kolesterol kuning telur puyuh. Perlakuan P4 (penambahan jeringau merah 0,4%) memberikan hasil yang terbaik diantara perlakuan terhadap performa dan kualitas telur puyuh.
English Abstract
The objective of research was to evaluate bioactive compounds and fatty acids of red (Acorus calamus) and white varieties of sweet flag (Acorus sp) meals, and its effect on quail performance and egg quality. Research was divided into 2 steps, of which the first step was to analyze flavonoid and antioxidant, and fatty acid profiles of red and white varieties of sweet flag meals while the second step was designed to evaluate addition of sweet flag meal on quail performance and egg quality. Laboratory test for antioxidant was done in Quality test and Feed safety Laboratory in University of Brawijaya. In addition test for flavonoid and fatty acids were carried out in Laboratory of Integrated Test and Research UGM. The data was descriptively analyses. In the second step, biological evaluation was done by employing 160 quails. They were divided into 5 treatments and 4 replications, each unit consisted of 8 quails. Variables measured were feed consumption, hen day egg production (HDP), feed conversion, egg weight, egg mass, egg thickness, yolk colour, and yolk cholesterol. Data were analysed by using ANOVA of Completely Randomized Design. If significant different exists then continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The results indicated that both sweet flags contained active substances measured, but red sweet flag contained higher concentration. Red sweet flag contained 33.76 % w/w, but white variety on had 3.84 % w/w of flavonoid. On antioxidant content, red sweet flag contained 0.22 mg/ml as compared to 0.49 mg/ml for white variety.Fatty acids content in red sweet flag was dominated by omega 6 fatty acids, while in both varieties was rich in lauric and palmitic acids. (unsaturated fatty acid). Addition of sweet flag into quail feed gave no significant results (P>0.05) toward feed consumption, egg mass, HDP, feed conversion, egg weight and yolk colour, but it significantly (P<0.01) affected shell thickness and yolk cholesterol. Treatment of P4 (addition of 0.4% red sweet flag) gave the best result toward performance and egg quality. It was concluded that red sweet flag (Acorus sp) contained higher bioactive compounds and fatty acids than white (Acorus calamus sp) variety. In addition, effect of red sweet flag on quil performance and egg quality was only detected in decreasing yolk cholesterol and increasing shell thickness. The suggestion was to continue research by extracting swee flag, and cultivate more in order to reduce the cost.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/636.590 85/SOF/p/2018/041802401 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.5 Chickens and other kinds of domestic birds > 636.59 Other poultry > 636.590 85 Quails |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 27 Apr 2018 03:36 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 00:48 |
URI: | |
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