Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Maizena dan Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia dan Organoleptik Selai Mawar

Asasia, Putu Anggia Ayu (2017) Pengaruh Konsentrasi Tepung Maizena dan Konsentrasi Asam Sitrat Terhadap Sifat Fisik, Kimia dan Organoleptik Selai Mawar. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Selai merupakan jenis makanan yang bersifat kental, manis, serta memiliki warna menarik. Luasnya penggunaan selai pada produk makanan, menyebabkan permintaan produk selai terus meningkat. Eksplorasi bahan baku selai harus dilakukan untuk memenuhi permintaan konsumen. Penggunaan bunga mawar sebagai bahan baku selai dirasa tepat karena kandungan bunga mawar yang bermanfaat serta warna bunga mawar yang menarik. Masalah pada selai dengan bahan baku bunga mawar, selai mawar tidak bisa mengental sehingga perlu penambahan tepung maizena sebagai agen pengental. Masalah lainnya, warna merah pada bunga mawar hilang seiring dengan proses pengolahan sehingga perlu penambahan asam sitrat agar pigmen antosianin pada mawar dapat stabil. Penambahan tepung maizena dan asam sitrat diharapkan dapat memperbaiki sifat fisik, kimia, dan organoleptik pada selai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan konsentrasi asam sitrat dan tepung maizena yang optimal agar menghasilkan selai mawar yang berkualitas baik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor. Faktor I yaitu penambahan maizena (5%, 6%, 7%). Faktor II yaitu penambahan asam sitrat (0,3% ; 0,5%; 0,7%). Kombinasi yang diperoleh sebanyak 9 dengan 3 kali ulangan sehingga diperoleh 27 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dan dilakukan uji lanjut dengan uji BNT atau uji DMRT dengan selang kepercayaan 95% dan uji non parametrik kruskal-wallis. Hasil perlakuan terbaik selai mawar diperoleh berdasarkan metode metode Zeleny Perbedaan konsentrasi tepung maizena memberikan pengaruh nyata (α = 0,05) terhadap kadar antosianin, aktivitas antioksidan, sineresis, kadar air, tekstur (tensile strength), daya oles, kecerahan (L), kemerahan (*a), kekuningan (*b), parameter organoleptik (warna dan tekstur) selai mawar. Perbedaan konsentrasi penambahan asam sitrat berpengaruh nyata (α = 0,05) terhadap derajat keasaman (pH), kadar antosianin, aktivitas antioksidan, sineresis, kadar air, kecerahan (L), kemerahan (*a), parameter organoleptik (warna dan tekstur) selai mawar. Interaksi antara perlakuan perbedaan konsentrasi penambahan maizena dan asam sitrat pada nilai kemerahan (*a) selai mawar. Perlakuan terbaik selai mawar dengan penambahan asam sitrat sebanyak 0,7% dan tepung maizena sebesar 5%. Selai mawar tersebut memiliki kadar air 37,94%; derajat keasaman (pH) 2,76; kadar antosianin 46,75 mg/L; aktivitas antioksidan 95,16%; sineresis 16,31%; tekstur (tensile strength) 0,73 N; daya oles 6,33 cm; kecerahan (L) 31,09; kemerahan (*a) 28,95; kekuningan (*b) 4,52.

English Abstract

Jam classified as food with sweet flavour, thick texture, and attractive color. The widespread use of jam products, causing the demand for jam continuous to increase. Exploration of raw materials of jam should be done to meet consumer demand. The use of roses as a raw material considered appropriate because of useful content of roses and the attractive color. One of the problems in the roses as the raw material is rose jam can not be thickened thus it needs addition of corn starch as thickening agent. Another problem is losing red color of roses during the process. The addition of citric acid could stabilize the anthocyanin pigment. The addition of corn starch and citric acid is expected to improve the physical, chemical, and organoleptic properties of jam. This research aims to determine the addition of corn starch and citric acid concentration to produce good quality of rose jam. The method that being used was Randomized Block Design with 2 factors. Factor I is the addition of corn starch (5%, 6%, 7%). Factor II is the addition of citric acid (0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%). The combination obtained by 9 and with 3 replication, so the total of combination is 27 of units of experiements. The result were analyzed by Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and tested with BNT test or DMRT test with 95% interval confidence and Kruskall-wallis as non parametric test. The best treatment of rose jam was obtained based on Zeleny method. The difference of corn starch concentration showed significant effect (α = 0,05) on anthocyanin level, antioxidant activity, syneresis, water content, tensile strength, smear, lightness (L), redness (*a), yellowish (*b), organoleptic parameters (color and texture) of rose jam. The difference of concentration of citric acid addition had significant effect (α = 0,05) on acidity degree (pH), anthocyanin level, antioxidant activity, sineresis, water content, Lightness (L), redness (*a), organoleptic parameter (color and texture) of rose jam. The interaction between the different treatment of concentration of corn starch addiction and citric acid significantly different on redness (*a). This study indicated that rose jam with the addition of 0.7% citric acid and addition of 5% corn starch was the best treatment based on physicochemical parameter. The product was characterized by mostuire content of 37.94%; degree of acidity (pH) 2.76; anthocyanin content of 46.75 mg/L; antioxidant activity of 95.16%; sineresis 16.31%; texture (tensile strength) 0.73 N; smearing 6.33 cm; lightness (L) 31.09; redness (*a) 28.95; yellowish (*b) 4.52.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/564/051710021
Uncontrolled Keywords: Asam Sitrat, Mawar, Selai, Tepung Maizena
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.2 Starches and jellying agents > 664.22 Cornstarch and potato starch
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2017 02:23
Last Modified: 03 Jan 2022 03:40
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