Kurniawati, Luluk (2019) Analisis Sikap Dan Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Kualitas Dan Harga Kopi Serta Fasilitas Coffee Shop Di Kota Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Era globalisasi saat ini, gaya hidup masyarakat mulai berubah dipengaruhi oleh budaya luar, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, serta sistem informasi (Listyari, 2006). Coffee Shop di kalangan anak muda merupakan sarana untuk membangun kehidupan sosial, bergaul ataupun sekedar mengaktualisasikan gaya hidup yang dapat menaikkan prestise konsumen (Fauzi, I Nengah Punia dan Gede Kamajaya, 2007). Peningkatan jumlah Coffee Shop terjadi dari tahun 2012 hingga 2018. Jumlah kedai kopi dan Coffee Shop di Kota Malang sebanyak 90 yang terdiri dari 42 Coffee Shop, 42 kedai kopi dan 7 warung kopi. Banyaknya Coffee Shop di Kota Malang menyebabkan ketatnya persaingan. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat harapan, kepentingan dan kepuasan konsumen akan kualitas kopi yang ditawarkan, harga dan fasilitas Coffee Shop. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan karakteristik konsumen Coffee Shop di Kota Malang, (2) Menganalisis sikap konsumen terhadap kualitas, harga dan fasilitas Coffee Shop di Kota Malang, (3) Menganalisis kepuasan konsumen terhadap kualitas, harga dan fasilitas Coffee Shop di Kota Malang. Penentuan sampel dilakukan pada konsumen di enam Coffee Shop (Apresio Kopi, Okenyo Coffee, Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends, Anonym Coffee, Jalimerah Koffie dan Batas Teduh) yang memesan dan sedang menikmati V60 dengan jenis kopi arabika. Metode yang digunakan adalah non probability sampling dengan teknik acidental sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Multiatribut Fishbein, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Hasil dari analisis data Mayoritas konsumen Coffee Shop di Kota Malang adalah laki-laki dengan usia 20-23 Tahun. Konsumen sebagian besar adalah mahasiswa dengan pendidikan Sarjana Strata 1. Uang saku/pendapatan responden adalah sebesar Rp 1.000.000,- per bulan. Ketika melakukan kunjungan ke Coffee Shop, konsumen paling sering ditemani oleh teman atau pasangan hidup. Apabila kondisi Coffee Shop penuh, konsumen lebih memilih untuk mencari Coffee Shop lain. Konsumen biasanya berkunjung ke Coffee Shop pada hari libur pada pukul 17.01 – 22.00 WIB. Ketika melakukan kunjungan ke Coffee Shop konsumen lebih banyak dipengaruhi olah teman dan social media seperti instagram. Bentuk promosi yang diharapkan konsumen adalah potongan harga dan keragaman menu. Rata-rata konsumen berkunjung ke Coffee Shop adalah sekali sampai sepuluh kali dalam satu bulan terahir. Apabila harga kopi V60 mengalami kenaikan, konsumen tetap melakukan pembelian di Coffee Shop. Konsumen biasanya berkunjung ke Coffee Shop untuk berkumpul bersama teman-teman dan menikmati suasana Coffee Shop. Biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam sekali kunjungan adalah sebesar Rp. 15.000 sampai dengan Rp 30.000. Sikap konsumen terhadap atribut di enam Coffee Shop adalah sangat positif. Sikap konsumen terhadap atribut di Apresio Kopi, Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends dan Jalimerah Koffie adalah sangat positif. Sikap konsumen di Okenyo Coffee, Anonym Coffee, dan Batas Teduh adalah positif. Nilai sikap konsumen di masing-masing Coffee Shop yang negatif adalah pada atribut rasa, aroma dan warna. Atribut-atributii lainnya seperti jenis kopi, penampilan kopi ketika disajikan, harga, variasi menu, penampilan barista dan keramahan barista adalah positif. Atribut di masing-masing Coffee Shop yang memiliki tingkat kepentingan tinggi tetapi kinerja yang dihasilkan rendah (kuadran I) berdasarkan perhitungan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) adalah jenis kopi, rasa dan penampilan barista. Atribut yang memiliki prioritas rendah (kuadran III) adalah warna kopi, penampilan kopi ketika disajikan, harga, variasi menu dan penampilan barista. Atribut yang berada tepat di garis diagonal adalah aroma kopi. Nilai kepuasan di enam Coffee Shop adalah sebesar 78,28% yang menunjukkan bahwa konsumen merasa puas dengan atribut yang disediakan oleh Coffee Shop. Berdasarkan perhitungan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) konsumen di Apresio Kopi dan Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends merasa sangat puas. Konsumen di Okenyo Coffee, Anonym Coffee, Jalimerah Koffie dan batas teduh merasa puas.
English Abstract
The current era of globalization, people's lifestyles are change and influenced by outside culture, the development of science and technology, and information systems (Listyari, 2006). Coffee Shop among young people is a means to build social life, socialize or just actualize a lifestyle that can increase consumer prestige (Fauzi, I Nengah Punia and Gede Kamajaya, 2007). The increase in the number of Coffee Shops occurred from 2012 to 2018. There were 90 coffee shops in Malang City, consisting of 42 Coffee Shops, 42 kedai kopi and 7 warung kopi. The large number of Coffee Shops in Malang City causes intense competition. This research is important to do to determine the level of expectations, interests and customer satisfaction on the quality of coffee, prices and Coffee Shop facilities. This study aims to: (1) Describe the consumer characteristics of Coffee Shops in Malang City, (2) Analyze consumer attitudes towards quality, prices and Coffee Shop facilities in Malang City, (3) Analyze customer satisfaction with quality, prices and Coffee Shop facilities in Malang city. Determination of the sample is done at consumers at six Coffee Shops (Apresio Kopi, Okenyo Coffee, Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends, Anonym Coffee, Jalimerah Koffie and Batas Teduh) that order and are enjoying V60 with arabica coffee types. The method used is non probability sampling with accidental sampling technique. The analytical methods used are Fishbein's Multiattributes, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI). Results of data analysis the majority of consumers of Coffee Shop in Malang City are men aged 20-23 years. Consumers are mostly students with a Bachelor degree education. The allowance/income of respondents is Rp. 1.000.000 per month. When making a visit to a Coffee Shop, consumers are most often accompanied by friends or spouses. If the condition of the Coffee Shop is full, consumers prefer to look for another Coffee Shop. Consumers usually visit the Coffee Shop on holidays at 17.01 - 22.00 WIB. When visiting coffee shops, consumers are more influenced by friends and social media such as Instagram. The form of promotion that consumers expect is price discounts and diversity of menus. The average consumer visiting the Coffee Shop is once to ten times in the last month. If the price of V60 coffee increases, consumers still make purchases at the Coffee Shop. Consumers usually visit the Coffee Shop to gather with friends and enjoy the atmosphere of the Coffee Shop. The cost incurred in a single visit is Rp 15.000 to Rp 30.000. The attitude of consumers towards attributes at the six Coffee Shops is very positive. The attitude of consumers towards attributes at Apresio Kopi, Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends and Jalimerah Koffie is very positive. The attitude of consumers in Okenyo Coffee, Anonym Coffee, and Batas Teduh is positive. The negative value of consumer attitudes at each Coffee Shop is on the attributes of taste, aroma and color. Other attributes such as type of coffee, appearance of coffee when served, price, variety of menu, barista appearance and barista hospitality are positive.iv Attributes in each Coffee Shop that have a high level of importance but low performance (quadrant I) based on Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) calculations are the type of coffee, taste and appearance of the barista. Attributes that have low priority (quadrant III) are the color of the coffee, the appearance of the coffee when served, price, menu variations and the appearance of the barista. The attribute that is right on the diagonal line is the aroma of coffee. The satisfaction value in the six Coffee Shops is 78.28% which shows that consumers are satisfied with the attributes provided by the Coffee Shop. Based on the calculation of the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) consumers at Apresio Kopi and Didol.Ae Coffee & Friends are very satisfied. Consumers at Okenyo Coffee, Anonym Coffee, Jalimerah Koffie and Batas Teduh are satisfied.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/346/051907084 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.8 Managemet of marketing > 658.83 Market research > 658.834 Consumer research > 658.834 2 Consumer behavior |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 07:05 |
Last Modified: | 22 Oct 2021 06:47 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/173228 |
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