Samad, Abdul (2017) Kajian Peningkatan Kinerja Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Di Yogyakarta, Surakarta, Dan Semarang. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pelaksanaan pengoperasian Bus Rapit Transit (BRT) membutuhkan evaluasi mengenai kinerja, dengan mengekplorasi kualitas pelayanan. Karena kualitas pelayanan merupakan hal yang penting bagi keberhasilan Trans Jogja, Trans Semarang, dan Trans Solo. Ketiga kota tersebut dianggap sampel mewakili seluruh wilayah Indonesia penyelenggara BRT. Permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada tiga kota penyelenggaran BRT tersebut, diantaranya adalah halte masih kurang sehingga penumpang terlalu jauh untuk mencapai shelter, keluhan pengguna, atau penumpang terhadap pelayanan kinerja BRT dan penempatan halte menjadi dilema antara kebutuhan dan kendala disatu sisi masyrakat membutuhkan, disisi lain penolakan bagi mereka yang aktivitasnya terganggu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi eksisting tingkat kinerja dan pelayanan Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), prioritas strategi penerapan manajemen pengelolaan BRT di lokasi kajian, dan rekomendasi regulasi yang sesuai untuk kebijakan penyelenggaraan BRT di kota Yogyakarta, Surakarta, dan Semarang di masa mendatang. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei. Penelitian dirancang mulai tahap penyusunan angket pendahuluan, pengumpulan dan kompilasi data lapangan, dan analisis data. Data primer didapatkan dengan pengumpulan data kualitatif, kuantitatif, dan data respons teknis dan target respons dengan wawancara. Data sekunder didapatkan dengan teknik wawancara kepada pihak pengelola dan pelanggan Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif, analisis Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Analisa Quality Function Deployment (QFD), dan Analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil analisis dari kuadran dengan metode IPA menunjukkan bahwa atribut prioritas BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, dan Semarang terbagi dalam empat kuadran. Kuadran paling banyak atribut yakni pada xvii kuadran tiga tentang pertahankan prestasi yang terdapat 12 atribut. Pada hasil analisis gabungan BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, dan Semarang dengan metode QFD dijelaskan bahwa atribut prioritas pelayanan BRT pada waktu operasional, kesesuaian tarif, pelayanan tiket, dan terbebas dari kebisingan, silau, dan view kurang baik. Hasil gabungan BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, dan Semarang dengan analisis SEM dijelaskan bahwa Variabel Manajemen (X1) memiliki total effect sebesar 0.428, Variabel Kebijakan (X2) memiliki total effect sebesar 0.346, dan Variabel Kinerja (Y) memiliki total effect sebesar 0.240. Total effect Variabel Manajemen (X1) lebih besar daripada variabel eksogen lainnya. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Variabel Manajemen (X1) memiliki pengaruh paling kuat (dominan) terhadap Pelayanan (Z). Rekomendasi yang sesuai untuk dilakukan di Kota Yogyakarta, Surakarta, dan Semarang adalah ketersediaan lajur khusus BRT. Pengadaan serta perbaikan sarana dan prasarana sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan serta kepercayaan masyarakat. Rekomendasi manajemen untuk ketiga kota kajian perlu diatur kembali dalam penetapan tarif untuk menentukan batas tarif atas dan bawah, serta struktur organisasi yang jelas beserta peran dan fungsinya dalam mengelola fasilitas BRT. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan sebaiknya dibuatkan uji kelayakan untuk beroperasinya armada BRT, pemerintah daerah penyelenggara membuat regulasi tentang pentingnya jalur khusus untuk armada BRT, dan meningkatkan tarif parkir kendaraan pribadi sehingga beralih untuk menggunakan BRT.
English Abstract
Implementation of the operation of Bus Rapit Transit (BRT) requires evaluation of performance, by exploring the quality of service. The quality of service is important for the success of Trans Jogja, Trans Semarang, and Trans Solo. All three cities are considered representative of the entire territory of Indonesia organizing BRT. The problems that often occur in the three cities BRT organizing are among them is the stop is still less so that passengers are too far to reach shelter, user complaints, or passengers on BRT's performance service and the placement of the bus stop becomes a problem between the needs and constraints on the one hand the community requires, for those whose activities are disrupted. The objectives of this research are to know the condition of existing level of performance and service of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), priority of management strategy implementation of BRT management in location of study, and recommendation of regulation appropriate to policy of BRT implementation in Yogyakarta, Surakarta and Semarang in the future. The research method used is survey research. The study was designed from the preliminary stage of compilation of questionnaires, collection and compilation of field data, and data analysis. Primary data were obtained by collecting qualitative, quantitative, and technical response data and response targets by interview. Secondary data was obtained by interview technique to management and customer Data analysis methods used are descriptive statistical analysis, Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) analysis, Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Analysis. The result of quadrant analysis with IPA method shows that the priority attributes of BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Semarang are divided into four quadrants. Quadrant is the most attribute that is in quadrant three about xix maintaining achievement that there are 12 attributes. In the combined analysis of BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Semarang with QFD method it is explained that BRT service priority attributes at operational time, tariff suitability, ticket service, and free from noise, glare, and view are not good. The results of the combined BRT Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Semarang with SEM analysis explained that the Management Variable (X1) has a total effect of 0.428, Policy Variable (X2) has a total effect of 0.346, and Performance Variable (Y) has a total effect of 0.240. The Total Effects of Management Variables (X1) are greater than other exogenous variables. This indicates that the Management Variable (X1) has the strongest influence (dominant) on Service (Z). The appropriate recommendations to be made in Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Semarang are the availability of the BRT special lanes. Procurement and improvement of facilities and infrastructure is needed to increase the comfort and trust of the community. Management recommendations for the three study cities need to be re-established in tariff setting to determine upper and lower tariff limits, as well as clear organizational structures and their roles and functions in managing BRT facilities. To improve service quality, feasibility studies should be made for the operation of the BRT fleet, the regional administrations should make regulations on the importance of special lanes for the BRT fleet, and increase the tariff of private vehicle parking so switch to using BRT.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctor) |
Identification Number: | DIS/388.322/SAM/k/2017/061802422 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 388 Transportation > 388.3 Vehicular transportation > 388.32 Vehicular activities and services > 388.322 Bus service |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 20 Apr 2018 01:18 |
Last Modified: | 26 Nov 2021 07:14 |
URI: | |
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