Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Costumer Satisfaction Melalui Experiential Value Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pengunjung Wisata Edukasi Eco Green Park Kota Batu

Hartopo, Yussuf Agil (2017) Pengaruh Experiential Marketing Terhadap Costumer Satisfaction Melalui Experiential Value Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pengunjung Wisata Edukasi Eco Green Park Kota Batu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilatarbalakangi oleh perkembangan bisnis di bidang pariwisata yang mengalami peningkatan pengunjung tiap tahunnya di Indonesia termasuk di Kota Batu. Pariwisata menawarkan berbagai wahana yang menarik sehingga pengunjung wisata mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan. Pengunjung yang mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan akan merasa puas karena telah sesuai atau melebihi harapan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh experiential marketing terhadap costumer satisfaction melalui experiential value sebagai variabel mediasi pengunjung Wisata Edukasi Eco Green Park, baik secara langsung maupun secara tidak langsung. Jenis penelitian adalah explanatory research dengan metode survey. Sampel berjumlah 140 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Metode analisis menggunakan PLS SEM dengan software SmartPLS 3.2.6. Uji instrumen penelitian meliputi uji outer model, uji inner model, dan uji hipotesis. Uji hipotesis langsung menggunakan t-test sedangkan hipotesis tidak langsung menggunakan uji sobel. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa experiential marketing berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap experiential value, experiential marketing juga berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap costumer satisfaction, dan experiential value berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap costumer satisfaction. Sedangkan untuk pengaruh tidak langsung experiential marketing terhadap costumer satisfaction melalui experiential value menunjukan hasil yang positif dan signifikan.

English Abstract

This research is based on the development of tourism business which has increased visitors every year in Indonesia, including in Batu City. Tourism offers a variety of interesting rides so that visitors get a pleasant experience. Visitors who get a pleasant experience after a visit to the tour site will feel satisfied because it has been in or exceed their expectations. This research aims to determine the influence of experiential marketing on the costumer satisfaction through the experiential value as mediator variable of Eco Green Park Educational Tourism, either directly or indirectly. The type of research is explanatory research with survey method. The sample was 140 respondents with purposive sampling technique. Analysis method using PLS SEM with SmartPLS software 3.2.6. The research instrument test includes outer model test, inner model test, and hypothesis test. The direct hypothesis test uses the t-test while the indirectly hypothesis test use the sobel test. Experiential marketing had positive and significant effect on experiential value, experiential marketing had positive and significant effect on costumer satisfaction, and experiential value had positive and significant effect to costumer satisfaction. As for the indirect effect of experiential marketing on costumer satisfaction through experiential value shows positive and significant results.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FE/2017/580/051710555
Uncontrolled Keywords: experiential marketing, experiential value, costumer satisfaction, Eco Green Park, experiential marketing, experiential value, costumer satisfaction, Eco Green Park.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.8 Managemet of marketing > 658.83 Market research > 658.834 Consumer research > 658.834 3 Consumer attitudes, preferences, reactions
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Manajemen
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2017 04:44
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2020 12:58
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