Desain Sistem Pakar Audit Halal pada Restoran Berbasis Android

Cahya, Ahmad Badar Dwi (2017) Desain Sistem Pakar Audit Halal pada Restoran Berbasis Android. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sertifikat sistem jaminan halal (SJH) adalah fatwa tertulis Majelis Ulama Indonesia yang menyatakan kehalalan suatu produk sesuai dengan syariat Islam. Perkembangan teknologi perangkat lunak yang pesat menyebabkan masyarakat lebih memilih kemudahan mobilitas dalam mengakses segala informasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk merancang sistem pakar berbasis android yang membantu dan mempermudah pemilik restoran mengetahui kelayakan usahanya dan tahap awal persiapan pengajuan sertifikasi halal. Model sistem pakar dibuat menggunakan metode forward chaining. Metode forward chaining merupakan teknik pelacakan ke depan dimulai informasi yang ada dan penggabungan rule menghasilkan kesimpulan atau tujuan. Metode forward chaining dimulai dengan fakta yang diketahui, kemudian dicocokkan fakta tersebut dengan bagian IF dari rules IF _ THEN. Bila ada fakta yang cocok dengan bagian IF, maka rule tersebut dieksekusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan dua auditor LPPOM MUI sebagai pakar ahli. Hasil penelitian pengembangan sistem pakar terdiri dari tiga komponen utama, yaitu sumber pengetahuan, mesin inferensi, dan interaksi antarmuka pengguna. Implementasi metode forward chaining dalam sistem pakar audit halal dimulai dengan pengecekan 11 kriteria SJH hasil menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan sistem sesuai kondisi di restoran. Jawaban terpilih diolah sistem sesuai rule, sehingga menampilkan rekomendasi perbaikan untuk menunjang pengajuan sertifikasi halal. Berdasar hasil uji verifikasi dan uji validasi prototype sistem pakar Halalku berjalan dengan baik dari segi fungsi dan teknis. Hasil uji interface menunjukkan 96% layout design mudah digunakan, 92% menyatakan sistem mudah dimengerti, 88% aplikasi mudah dijalankan, 88% rekomendasi yang viii diberikan sistem mudah difahami, dan 92% design interface aplikasi menarik. Rekomendasi perbaikan sistem perlu menambah menu input berupa upload dokumen atau foto, membuat sistem terhubung online, serta hasil rekomendasi sistem pakar dibentuk download dokumen untuk memudahkan user mencetak dan membaca.

English Abstract

Halal Assurance Certification system is fatwa by written Indonesian Council Of Ulama said are a product in accordance with islamic syariah. Technological software that develop rapidly cause people prefer ease mobility to access information. The purpose of this research to design expert system based on android to help and simplify the proprietor of a restaurant so they know eligibility business in obtaining a halal certificate. In addition the restaurant can understand the early stages of preparation for filings halal certification. Model expert system was made using a method of forward chaining. Forward chaining method is tracking technique which move forward with existed information and combinationn rule to determine conclusion or purpose.The forward chaining method begins with a known fact, and then matched against it by IF of rules IF _ THEN. If there is a fact that matches with the IF section, then the rule is executed. This research using two auditor Indonesian Council Of Ulama as experts. Result of this research development expert system consisting of three major components, that are a source of knowledge, machine inference, and interaction a user face to face. The implementation method of forward chaining in halal audit expert system begins with checking 11 criteria halal assurance system from the results answer from questions system based condition in restaurant. The answer was processed based on rule, so the recommendation explain repairs for support submission halal certification. The results of verification test and validation test stated that the prototype expert system “Halalku” has run well in terms of functional and technical. Results of interface test get value 96 % layout design easily to use, 92 % system easily understandable, 88 % application easily running, 88 % recommendations given can easily comprehended system and 92 % design interface application are interesting. Recommendations improvement of a system are adding menu input of upload documents or a photograph, making the auditing system connecting online, and the recommendation for expert system could be set up download documents so user could print and reading.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/392/051709239
Uncontrolled Keywords: Android, Forward Chaining, Sertifikasi Halal, Sistem Pakar.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.07 Tests, analyses, quality controls
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 23 Oct 2017 06:29
Last Modified: 09 Oct 2020 15:50
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