Optimasi Ekstraksi Daun Lidah Mertua (Sanseviera Trifasciata) Dengan Metode Maserasi Sebagai Biosorben Logam Timbal(Kajian Waktu Ekstraksi Dan Rasio Bahan Pelarut Etanol:Bahan).

Susanto, Natalia Sari (2017) Optimasi Ekstraksi Daun Lidah Mertua (Sanseviera Trifasciata) Dengan Metode Maserasi Sebagai Biosorben Logam Timbal(Kajian Waktu Ekstraksi Dan Rasio Bahan Pelarut Etanol:Bahan). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman lidah mertua (Sansevieria) merupakan salah satu dari sejumlah tumbuhan yang dapat tumbuh dalam iklim tropis. Tanaman lidah mertua (Sansevieria) yang dipakai dalam penelitian memiliki karakteristik pinggir dari daunnya memiliki border berwarna kuning dan jenis dari lidah mertua yang digunakan Sanseviera trifasciata. Penelitian menggunakan Response Surface Method (RSM) dengan rancangan komposit terpusat (central composite design, CCD) faktorial 22. Terdapat dua faktor dalam penelitian ini yaitu lama ekstraksi yaitu 1 hari, 3 hari, dan 5 hari, serta rasio bahan:pelarut (b:v) yaitu 5:1; 8,5:1; dan 12:1, keduanya membentuk kode (-1.414, -1, 0, +1, +1.414) dimana nilai -1 sebagai nilai minimal, nilai 0 sebagai nilai tengah dan nilai +1 sebagai nilai maksimal dari faktor. Nilai -1.414 dan +1.414 dihasilkan dari perbandingan nilai kedua faktor.Respon yang digunakan adalah % penyerapan timbal. Selanjutnya setelah didapatkan hasil dari rancangan percobaan kemudian dilakukan validasi untuk membuktikan waktu ekstraksi, rasio bahan:pelarut sesuai dengan hasil verifikasi dari titik yang optimum. Hasil penelitian menunjukan titik optimum yang disarankan oleh Design Expert 7.1.5 yaitu 73,08%, adapun untuk hasil verifikasi titik optimum sebesar 74.02%. Analisa dilakukan pada bahan baku daun lidah mertua, serbuk daun lidah mertua dan ekstrak etanol daun lidah mertua. Hasil analisa bahan baku daun lidah mertua (Sanseviera trifasciata) menunjukan nilai total fenol sebesar 3,85 mgGAE/g, kadar flavonoid 0,06 mg/g, kadar tanin 0,17 mg/g, kadar saponin 7,14 mg/g, dan kadar air 10,83%, sedangkan hasil analisa serbuk daun lidah mertua menunjukan nilai kadar total fenol sebesar 5,46 mgGAE/g, kadar flavonoid 1,39mg/g, kadar tanin 5,48%, kadar saponin 12,30 mg/g, dan kadar air 92,68%, dan hasil analisa ekstrak etanol daun lidah mertua menunjukan nilai total fenol sebesar 13,94 mgGAE/g, kadar flavonoid 13,04 mg/g, kadar tanin 10,76 mg/g, kadar saponin 31,98mg/g. Setelah ekstrak etanol daun lidah mertua dikontakan dengan timbal selama 2 jam kadar fitokimia dari ekstrak etanol daun lidah mertua mengalami penurunan, sebagai berikut, total fenol sebesar 4,03 mgGAE/g,kadar flavonoid 12,15 mg/g, kadar tanin 10,76 mg/g, kadar saponin 31,98mg/g, kadar tanin 10,38 mg/g, kadar saponin 25,71 mg/g

English Abstract

Lidah mertua (Sansevieria) is one of many plants that can grow in tropical climates. This research used a Lidah Mertua (Sansevieria) which have a yellow color on the edges and the type of Lidah Mertua itself is Sanseviera trifasciata. This research was used Response Surface Method (RSM) with central composite design factorial 22. There were two factors in this research, the first one was the extraction time which consists of 3 levels (1, 3 and 5 days), and the second one was the ratio of material: solvent (w/v), which consists of 3 levels (5: 1; 8.5: 1; and 12: 1), both form a code (-1414, -1, 0, +1, +1414) which value of -1 as a minimum value, value of 0 as the middle value and the value of +1 as the maximum value of the factor. The values of -1.414 and +1.414 were generated from the comparison of the values of both factors. The response used in this research was the % absorption of lead. Furthermore, after the results was obtained from the experimental design, the validation was done to prove the time of the extraction and the ratio of materials: solvent was matched with the results of verification of the optimum point. This result of the research showed that the optimum point which suggested by Design Expert 7.1.5 was 73,08%, with the verification point of the optimum point was 74.02%. The analysis included the lidah mertua leaves as a raw material, the powder of the dried lidah mertua leaves and the ethanol extract of the lidah mertua leaves. The result of raw material analysis of lidah mertua leaves (Sanseviera trifasciata) showed total phenol 3,85 mgGAE / g, flavonoids content 0,06 mg/g, tannin content 0,17 mg/g, saponin content 7,14 mg/g, water content 10,83%, whereas the result of the powder of the dried lidah mertua leaves analysis showed the total fenol content 5,46 mgGAE / g, flavonoid content 1,39mg/g, tannin content 5,48%, saponin content 12,30 mg/g, water content 92,68%, and the result of the ethanol extract of the lidah mertua leaves showed total phenol 13,94 mgGAE/g, flavonoid content 13,04 mg / g, tannin content 10,76 mg/g, saponin content 31,98 mg/g. The phytochemistry analysis on the ethanol extract of the lidah mertua leaves which has been contacted with lead for 2 hours showed the decreased of the phytochemical content as followed total phenol content of 4,03 mgGAE/g, flavonoids content 12,15 mg/g, tannin content 10.76 mg/g, saponin content 31,98mg/g , tannin content 10.38 mg/g, saponin content 25,71 mg/g.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/527/051709375
Uncontrolled Keywords: Daun Lidah Mertua, Timbal(Pb), RSM (Response Surface Method
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.02 Processes > 664.022 Extraction
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 11 Oct 2017 02:00
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2020 19:08
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/3539
Full text not available from this repository.

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