Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Bekatul terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan, Total Fenol, dan Kadar Flavonoid Minuman Fungsional Sari Jagung-Ekstrak Bekatul

Anggraini, Rista Fitria (2017) Pengaruh Penambahan Ekstrak Bekatul terhadap Aktivitas Antioksidan, Total Fenol, dan Kadar Flavonoid Minuman Fungsional Sari Jagung-Ekstrak Bekatul. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Seiring berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (IPTEK), kebutuhan manusia akan pangan tidak lagi hanya pangan yang mampu mengenyangkan dan mencukupi kebutuhan gizi saja melainkan juga pangan yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan tubuh (fungsional). Salah satu sifat fungsional yang ada pada bahan pangan adalah antioksidan. Ekstrak bekatul diketahui mengandung beberapa senyawa antioksidan. Fortifikasi senyawa antioksidan ekstrak bekatul ke dalam produk pangan berperan penting dalam meningkatkan nilai fungsional produk pangan tersebut. Penelitian ini menguji fortifikasi ekstrak bekatul ke dalam sari jagung untuk meningkatkan sifat fungsional dari sari jagung. Penelitian ini dirancang dengan metode penelitian One Factor Design Response Surface Methodology. Faktor yang dipilih adalah konsentrasi ekstrak bekatul dengan batas atas 9% dan batas bawah 3%. Respon yang diamati adalah aktivitas antioksidan, total fenol, dan kadar flavonoid. Rancangan percobaandibuat dalam program Design Expert 7.1.6 dengan lima kali pengulangan titik tengah sehingga didapatkan 11 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pada pemilihan model, jenis model yang dipilih untuk ketiga jenis respon adalah model linear. Persamaan matematika yang didapatkan untuk respon aktivitas antioksidan adalah Y = 4.29038 + 4.04562X, respon total fenol Y = 450.96465 + 122.40741X, dan respon kadar Flavonoid adalah Y = -40.10101 + 13.92593X. Solusi titik optimum yang disarankan oleh program adalah pada konsentrasi 9% dengan nilai desirability 0.890. Uji lanjut sari jagung-ekstrak bekatul hasil verifikasi dilakukan melalui perbandingan karakteristik fisik dan kimia sampel dengan sari jagung kontrol serta sari buah blueberry dan tomat komersial. Hasilnya, sari jagung-ekstrak bekatul hasil verifikasi berbeda nyata (P<0.05) pada nilai aktivitas antioksidan, total fenol, kadar flavonoid, total padatan terlarut, kadar lemak, dan warna (a, b). Perbandingan dengan sari buah tomat komersial berbeda nyata (P<0.05) pada semua jenis uji, sedangkan perbandingan dengan sari buah blueberry berbeda nyata (P<0.05) pada uji total fenol, kadar flavonoid, dan total padatan terlarut. Sari jagung-ekstrak bekatul hasil verifikasi memiliki aktivitas antioksidan 39.506±0.32%, total fenol 1612.833±55.07 mg GAE/g sampel, kadar flavonoid 82.667±10.06 mg quercetin/g sampel, total padatan terlarut 12.000±0.50°Brix, kadar lemak 3.978±0.215%, nilai L 66.956±5.35, a -0.622±0.53, dan b 20.300±0.77.

English Abstract

Along with the development of science and technology, humans need not only for nutritional foods but also functional foods that can give benefit for their health. One of the functional characteristics from food is antioxidant. It is well known that rice bran has potential antioxdant activity since there are many antioxidant compounds in it. Antioxidant fortification to the food products play an important role to increase functional value of the products.This research was aimed to determine the fortification rice bran extract to the corn juice for increasing its functional characteristics. This research used One Factor Design Response Surface Methodology, the concentration of rice bran extract was chosen as a factor and antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and flavonoid contents were chosen as a respons. The factor has low level 3% and high level 9%. Set up experiments were made in the Design Expert 7.1.6 program with five times replication in center level. Based on research and data analysis it was known that linear model was the chosen model for all respons. The final equation for antioxidant activity was Y = 4,29038 + 4,04562X, equation for total phenolic was Y = 450,96465 + 122,40741X, and equation for flavonoid content was Y = -40,10101 + 13,92593X. The optimum solution that was suggested by program was 9% concetration of rice bran extract and the desirability was 0,890. Verified samples then compared with corn juices control and comercial blueberry and tomato juice. The results were verified corn juice-rice bran extract had significant different (P<0,05) in term of antioxidant activity, total phenolic, flavonoid content, total soluble solid, fat content, and colour (a,b) compared with corn juices control. The verified corn juices-rice bran extract also had significant different (P<0,05) with tomato juice comercial in term of antioxidant activity, total phenolic, and flavonoid content and also had significant different (P<0,05) with blueberry juice comercial in term of total phenolic and flavonoid content. The verified corn juices-rice bran extract had antioxidant activity 39,506±0.32%, total phenolic 1612,833±55.07 mg GAE/g, flavonoid content 82,667±10.06 mg quercetin/g, total soluble solid 12,000±0,50°Brix, fat content 3,978±0.215%, L 66,956±5.35, a -0,622±0,53, and b 20,300±0,77.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2017/504/051709352
Uncontrolled Keywords: antioksidan, bekatul, fenol, flavonoid, jagung
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.02 Processes > 664.022 Extraction
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Oct 2017 02:40
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2020 19:06
Full text not available from this repository.

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