Strategi integrasi One Village One Product dan Cooperative Enterprises (OVOP-CE) untuk perbaikan industri pengelolaan kakao

Lamatinulu, - (2018) Strategi integrasi One Village One Product dan Cooperative Enterprises (OVOP-CE) untuk perbaikan industri pengelolaan kakao. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Saat ini di Indonesia pertumbuhan industri pengolahan kakao skala usaha kecil dan menengah (UKM) yang melibatkan petani kakao dalam rantai nilai masih rendah. Selain itu isu nilai tambah dan efisiensi proses produksi masih menjadi kendala utama dalam pengolahan bahan baku industri cokelat. Hal ini menjadi faktor penyebab rendahnya nilai tambah kakao dan pendapatan petani kakao. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini mengkaji tentang strategi integrasi One Village One Product dan Cooperative Enterprises (OVOP-CE) untuk perbaikan pengelolaan industri kakao skala UKM. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menetapkan faktor-faktor penting dan strategi utama yang dibutuhkan dalam mendirikan mini industri pengolahan kakao berbasis prinsip OVOP-CE untuk menghasilkan produk lokal yang bernilai tambah dan berdaya saing global, mendesain kerangka kerja konseptual strategi pelaksanaan program OVOP-CE pendirian pabrik pengolahan kakao milik petani kakao yang dapat meningkatkan pendapatan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 5 kuesioner dengan responden yang dianggap ahli (expert) yang memahami tentang program OVOP, agro industri, koperasi, industri pengolahan kakao dan yang dianggap memiliki pengetahuan yang relevan dengan penelitian ini. Metode yang digunakan meliputi metode Delphi, metode Statistik Deskriptif nilai rata-rata, metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP), metode Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) metode ekonomi teknik untuk studi kelayakan industri kakao OVOP-CE dan analisis nilai tambah ekonomi. Hasil penelitian menemukan faktor-faktor penting yang menjadi strategi utama dalam menerapkan integrasi OVOP-CE yang meliputi strategi ketersediaan lahan kebun kakao produktif varietas unggulan milik petani lokal,ketersediaan dan kelayakan bahan baku biji kakao yang memenuhi persyaratan mutu, inovasi dan diversifikasi produk olahan kakao, spesifikasi produk olahan kakao sesuai standardisasi mutu. Temuan strategi yang terkait dengan kemandirian dan kreativitas meliputi studi kelayakan rancangan pabrik, ketersediaan infrastruktur, peralatan dan teknologi proses, ketersediaan modal dari inisiator dan modal dari petani kakao berupa biji kakao siap olah yang sesuai standar mutu, kemudahan dalam mengakses sumber permodalan dan kejelasan sistem pengembalian modal dan dukungan komitmen petani kakao untuk bermitra dalam program OVOP-CE. Strategi kunci yang ditemukan untuk mendukung keberhasilan program ini adalah komitmen dan konsistensi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) untuk berpartisipasi dalam program OVOP-CE. Hal yang paling penting terkait dengan pengembangan SDM dalam program ini adalah pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi masyarakat dan petani kakao yang terlibat dalam program. Dalam rancangan kerangka kerja ditemukan bahwa koperasi berperan sebagai pusat aktivitas untuk menghimpun potensi sumber daya petani lokal, pengendali penerapan strategi proses produksi, sistem pemasaran, bagi hasil, dan mengatur hubungan antara pemodal, pemilik industri kakao, pengelola pabrik dan bank. Dampak strategi integrasi OVOP-CE dapat meningkatkan nilai tambah kakao sebesa 128,2%. Melaui penerapan skenario sistem bagi hasil (profit sharing) pada strategi ini berpotensi peningkatkan pendapatan petani sebesar 45% - 71%.

English Abstract

Currently, in Indonesia, the growth of small and medium scale cocoa processing industry (SME) involving cocoa farmers in the value chain is still low. Other than that, the issue of added value and production process efficiency is still a major obstacle in the processing of raw materials of the chocolate industry. This matter a factor that causes low value-added cocoa and farmers' income. Based on these problems, this study examines the integration strategy One Village One Product and Cooperative Enterprises (OVOP-CE) to improved management of the cocoa industry of small and medium scale enterprises. The objectives of this research are: 1) to establish the key factors and key strategies needed to establish a cocoa processing mini-industry based on OVOP-CE integration to produce value-added local products and global competitiveness, 2) to design a conceptual framework for implementation OVOP-CE integration strategy to establish cocoa processing factory owned by cocoa farmers that can increase farmer's income. In this study used 5 questionnaires with respondents who are considered experts who understand about the program OVOP, agro-industry, cooperatives, cocoa processing industry and are considered to have knowledge relevant to this research. The methods used include the Delphi method, the average descriptive statistical method, the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, the Interpretative Structural Modeling (ISM) method, engineering economics method for the feasibility study of the OVOP-CE cocoa industry, and analysis of value-added economic. The results of the research was found important factors that become the main strategy in implementing OVOP-CE integration covering the strategy of availability of productive cultivated field of local varieties of superior varieties, the availability and feasibility of cocoa bean raw materials that meet quality requirements, innovation and diversification of processed products, specification of processed cocoa products according to standardization of quality. The strategies found related to self-reliance and creativity include feasibility study of factory design, availability of infrastructure, equipment and process technology, capital availability from initiators and capital from cocoa farmers in the form of ready-made cocoa beans according to quality standard, easiness to access of capital resources and clarity of return system the capital and support of cocoa farmers' commitment to partnering in the OVOP-CE program. The key strategy found to support the success of this program is the commitment and consistency of human resources to participate in the OVOP-CE program. The most important thing related to human resource development in this program is the implementation of education and training for the community and cocoa farmers involved in the program. In the design of the framework, it was found that the cooperative acts as an activity center to collect the potential of local farmers' resources, controlling the application of production process strategy, marketing system, profit sharing, and managing the relationship between the cocoa industry owner, the factory manager and the bank. The impact of the OVOP-CE integration strategy can increase the value added of cacao by 128.2%. Through the implementation of profit-sharing system scenario in this strategy has the potential to increase farmers income by 45% - 71%.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: DIS/633.74/LAM/s/2017/061803843
Uncontrolled Keywords: CACAO
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops > 633.74 Cacao
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 25 Feb 2021 02:52
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2021 06:26
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