Budiyani, Sarita (2019) Analisis Kepentingan Atribut Kertas Seni Berbahan Serat Sabut Pinang Dan Kardus Bekas Menggunakan Metode Konjoin. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pinang merupakantanaman yang ketersediaannyamelimpah di Indonesia, tetapipemanfaatannyahanyabagianbiji dan bunga saja, sepertiuntukobat-obatan dan adatmenginang. Halinitanpamemanfaatkanbagiansabutnya. Makadariitu, perludilakukanpengelolaanterhadapsabut pinang salah satunyaadalahdenganmemanfaatkanseratnyamenjadikertasseni .Sebagaiprodukbarukertassenisabut pinang, pentingdilakukan analisispreferensiuntukmengetahuitingkatkesukaanmasyarakatt erhadapproduk yang akandipasarkan. Hal inisangatpentingkarenaberbedanyakesukaankonsumenataskara kteristikproduk.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuinilaikepen tinganatribut dan kombinasiatribut yang paling disukaikonsumenterhadapprodukkertassenisabut pinang. Analisisdilakukandenganmenentukanutilitasatributkertassenisehi nggadapatdiketahuiatribut mana yang paling mempengaruhikesukaankonsumen. Penilaianpreferensikonsumenmenggunakanmetodekonjoinfull profile. Penyederhanaanstimulidilakukandengan ortogonal arraydan menghasilkan 16stimuli. Penilaiandilakukanoleh responden denganinstrumenpenelitianberupakuesioner. Penyebarankuesionerditujukankepada50 responden yang pernahmemesanataumemproduksikertasundangan. Haltersebutdikarenakantujuanakhirprodukdarikertassenisabutpin angtersebutsebagaiprodukundangan. Atribut yang ditelitidalampenelitianiniterbagimenjadi 7 atributdenganmasingmasingtarafatribut yang mengikuti, yaitukuattarik (lemah, sedang, kuat), ketahanansobek (lemah, kuat), gramatur (rendah, tinggi), dayaserap air (rendah, tinggi), warnaviii (cokelattua, cokelatmuda), kenampakanserat (tidakterlihat, terlihat), dan teksturpermukaan (kasar, halus). Hasil yang diperolehadalahteksturpermukaanmenjadiatribut yang paling diutamakanrespondendenganbobotkepentinganrelatifsebesar 28,24% kemudiandiikutidenganwarna (27,62%), kuattarik (16,51%), ketahanansobek (14,84%), kenampakanserat (9,48%), gramatur (3,09%), dan dayaserap air (0,21%). Kombinasiatribut yang memilikinilaikegunaantaraftertinggiadalahgramaturtinggi, dayaserap air rendah, kuattarikkuat, ketahanansobekkuat, warnacokelatmuda, teksturpermukaanhalus, dan kenampakanserattidakterlihat. Denganbegitu, kombinasitersebutmenjadi yang paling disukairesponden. Selainituuntukpengukuranketepatanprediksidiketahuimelaluikoef isien Kendall’s Tau sebesar 0,886 yang menunjukkanadanyakorelasikuatantaranilaiestimasiparth worth (analisiskonjoin) dengannilaiaktualaggregate rating (preferensikonsumen). Perlakuan yang diberikanuntukmembuatproduk optimum adalah proses bleaching pada totalmassasampel 15 g denganperbandingan 55,74% pinang:50% kardus, teknikpencetakandilapisidenganplastik, dan pinang dipotonglebihkecilsertadiblenderlebih lama.Produk optimum dilakukan uji denganhasilgramatur 261 g/m2, dayaserap air 192%, kuattarik 16,23 kN/m, dan ketahanansobek 370,2 gF
English Abstract
Areca palm is a plant that growing abundantly in Indonesia, but the utilization only its seed and flower, such as used to pharmacy and Indonesian traditional habit “menginang”. It’s not using the fiber of areca palm. So, important for researchers to utilize the fiber, one of them is make art paper. As the new product, art paper from areca-palm fiber needs preference analysis to know how the people preferences for products to be marketed. It’s very important because differences the consumers of characteristic products. This research is purpose to know the importance attribute score and combination attributes that the most liked of art paper from areca-palm fiber. Analysis do with determining utility attribute of art paper so that can be seen which one attributes have the most effect of consumer preferences. Assessment of the consumer preferences using full profile conjoint method. Reducing stimuli using orthogonal array and create 16 stimuli. Assessment from consumer do with a questionnaire. The questionnaire addressed to 50 peoples who have ordered or producing an invitation as end user in this art paper. That’s all because of the end product of this art paper is to make an invitation. There are 7 attributes in this research with its each level, those are tensile strength (weak, middle, and strong), tear resistance (weak and strong), gsm (low and high), power absorption of water (low and high), colour (brown and light brown), appearance of fiber (invisible and visible), and texture (rough and soft). The result is texture being the most attribute which selected by consumers with relative importance weights score is 28,24%, then colour (27,62%), tensile strength (16,51%), tear resistance (14,84%), appearance of fiber (9,48%), gsm (3,09%), and powerx absorption of water (0,21%). Combination attributes which have the highest utility score is high gsm, low power absorption of water, strong tensile strength, strong tear resistance, light brown colour, soft texture, and invisible appearance of fiber. So, the combination being the most important of consumer preferences. In addition, to measurement predictive accuracy in this research is known by Kendall’s Tau coefficient and the score is 0,886 which shows that it has been strong correlation between estimation parth worth score (conjoint analysis) with actual aggregate rating score (consumer preference). Treatment that’s given to create the optimum product is the process of bleaching on the total sample mass is 15 g by comparison 55,74% areca palm and 50% cardboard, the technique of screening coated with plastic, and areca palm is cut smaller and longer time to blend. The laboratory test is performed by the optimum product with the results 261 gsm, power absorption of water is 192%, tensile strength is 16,23 kN/m, and tear resistance is 370,2 gF
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FTP/2019/155/052002113 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Atribut, KertasSeni, Konjoin, Pinang, Areca-Palm, Art Paper, Attribute, Conjoint |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.07 Tests, analyses, quality controls |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 10 Aug 2020 06:26 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 04:27 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/181508 |
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