Pengaruh Perlakuan Dehidrasi Osmosis Pada Kinetika Pengeringan, Sifat Kimia Dan Struktur Sel Murbei Kering (Morus Nigra L.)

Tutik, Ameliya Widiyas (2019) Pengaruh Perlakuan Dehidrasi Osmosis Pada Kinetika Pengeringan, Sifat Kimia Dan Struktur Sel Murbei Kering (Morus Nigra L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Murbei merupakan produk yang mudah rusak karena kandungan airnya yang cukup tinggi sehingga perlu mendapat perlakuan pengolahan pangan yaitu dengan proses pengeringan. Sebelumnya, diperlakuan perlakuan predrying yaitu dehidrasi osmosis untuk menghasilkan buah kering yang berkualitas baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan dehidrasi osmosis terhadap kinetika pengeringan, sifat kimia dan struktur sel murbei kering. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 1 faktor. Faktor yang digunakan yaitu lama waktu perendaman osmosis menggunakan larutan osmotik glukosa 70% yang terdiri dari 5 variasi waktu yaitu 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 7 jam. Setiap perlakuan diamati penambahan Solid Gain, Water Loss, Weight Reduction, Kadar Air, Laju Pengeringan, diuji vitamin C, Total Sugar dan struktur sel bahan menggunakan SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Sampel yang diamati yaitu non treatment, blanching dan dehidrasi osmosis. Pada sampel perendaman dehidrasi osmosis 3, 4, 5, 6 dan 7 jam diperoleh nilai rata-rata Solid Gain tertinggi pada sampel perendaman 7 jam. Nilai rata-rata Water Loss dan Weight Reduction tertinggi pada sampel perendaman 5 jam. Kadar air dan laju pengeringan sampel perendaman 5 jam memiliki penurunan paling cepat dibanding dengan sampel lainnya. Dari beberapa parameter tersebut sampel perendaman 5 jam menjadi perlakuan terbaik. Pada uji SEM perbesaran 200x dan 5000x sampel non treatment tidak terlihat kerusakan pada permukaan kulit, pada sampel blanching terlihat permukaan kulit berongga dan pada sampel dehidrasi osmosis terlihat kerusakan dibeberapa sisi permukaan buah. Kandungan vitamin C murbeivii kering menurun akibat peningkatan waktu perendaman dehidrasi osmosis. Sedangkan vitamin C pada sampel non treatment dan blanching lebih rendah. Total gula murbei kering meningkat akibat peningkatan waktu perendaman. Sedangkan total gula pada sampel blanching dan non treatment lebih rendah.

English Abstract

Mulberry is a product that is easily damaged because the water content is high enough that it needs to be treated with food processing, namely by the drying process. Previously, it was treated predrying with osmosis dehydration to produce good quality dried fruit. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of osmosis dehydration treatment on drying kinetics, chemical properties and structure of dry mulberry cells. This study uses a completely randomized design method (CRD). The factors used were the time of osmosis immersion using a 70% osmotic glucose solution consisting of 5 time variations namely 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 hours. Each treatment will observe adding Solid Gain, Water Loss, Weight Reduction, Moisture Content, Drying Rate, tested vitamin C, Total Sugar and material cell structure using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). The samples observed were non treatment, blanching and osmosis dehydration. In immersion samples osmosis dehydration 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 hours obtained the highest average value of Solid Gain in 7-hour immersion samples. The average value of Water Loss and Weight Reduction is highest in 5-hour immersion samples. Water content and drying rate of 5-hour immersion samples have the fastest decline compared to other samples. Of the several parameters the 5-hour immersion sample is the best treatment. In the SEM test 200x magnification and 5000x nontreatment samples did not show any damage to the skin surface, in blanching samples seen the surface of the hollow skin and in osmosis dehydration samples showed damage on some sides of the fruit surface. Dry mulberry vitamin C content decreases due to increased immersion time in osmosis dehydration. Whileix vitamin C in the non-treatment and blanching samples was lower. The total dry mulberry sugar increases due to increased immersion time. While the total sugar in blanching and nontreatment samples is lower

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/248/052002052
Uncontrolled Keywords: ehidrasi Osmosis, Murbei (Morus nigra L.), Pengeringan, Drying, Mulberry (Morus nigra L.), Osmotic Dehydration
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.07 Tests, analyses, quality controls
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2020 06:15
Last Modified: 14 Aug 2020 06:22
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