Pengaruh Suhu Dan Waktu Dalam Pembuatan Bioethanoldari Pati Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima) Dengan Bantuan Kluiveromycesmarxianusub5 Dengan Saccharification Simultaneous And Fermentation (Ssf)

Kurniawan, Yosua Adi (2019) Pengaruh Suhu Dan Waktu Dalam Pembuatan Bioethanoldari Pati Ubi Kayu (Manihotutilissima) Dengan Bantuan Kluiveromycesmarxianusub5 Dengan Saccharification Simultaneous And Fermentation (Ssf). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Etanolmerupakansalahsatusumberenergialternatif yang paling banyakdikembangkansaatini. Etanolberpotensisebagaibiofuel untukmenggantikanbahanbakarfosildanbersifatramahlingkungan .Kebutuhanetanoluntukberbagaitujuanpenggunaansepertisebag aisumberenergialternatif, pelarut, cleansing agent, danpengawet, menyebabkanproduksietanolmakinmeningkat. Disampingitu, sumberbahanbakarfosil yang semakinempirisketersediaannyadankebutuhanakanbahanakar yang ramahlingkunganmenjadifokuspenelitianduniasaatiniuntukmene mukansumberenergi yang baru, bersihdanmurah. Ubikayumerupakansalahsatukomoditaspertanian yang penting di Indonesia dimanasebagianbesarproduksinya (80%) digunakansebagaibahanpangan. Dalampembuatanetanolprosesnyaadalahsecarabatch. Patiubikayudifermentasidenganbantuanmikroorganisme, salahsatunyaadalahKluiveromycesmarxianus. Mikroorganismeinimendapatperhatiankarenamemilikikarakteristi ktahanterhadappanas. Penelitianinidilakukanpadasuhu yang berbedayaitusuhu 370C, 400C, 430C, dan 460C denganmenggunakanmetode RAL atauRancanganAcakLengkapdenganperulangansebanyak 3 kali. Padasetiapsuhu, pertamamemilikijumlahsel yang samakemudiandilakukanpengamatan yang dilakukanselama24jam. Dari pengamatanselama24 jam, diukurkadaralkoholnyadankerapatanselnya yang diukursetiap6 jam sekali. Harapandaripenelitianiniadalahuntukmemperolehsuhuterbaikdal ammemproduksi bioethanol denganmenggunakanKluyveromycesmarxianus.

English Abstract

Cassava is one of the alternative energy source that the most developed at this time. Ethanol has a potency becoming bioful to replace fossil fuel and enviromentaly friendly. The need of ethanol for differing goals such as alternative energy source, solvent, cleansing agent, preservative has caused higher ethanol production. Besides that, the available of the more empiris fossils fuel and the need of environment friendly fuel have become world research focus at this time to in finding a new energy source, clean and cheap. Cassava is one of the important agriculture comodity in Indonesia in which the most of its production [80 persen] are used as foodstuffs. The process in making ethanol is batch. In the beginning cassavas have to be proced and taken the starch then fermentedby the aid of organisms. One of them is Kluiveromycesmarcianus. This microorgism gets a concern for having heat resistant. Based on the biotechnology, k marxianus is microorganism that can produce enzyme or aromatic compound and etanol in high temperature. Threfore, this microorganism can reduce the content of lactose. This research is conducted in different temperature, those are; 370C, 400C, 430C, and 460C by using RAL metod or a complete random design with reiterance as much thrice. On each temperature, first have the same number of cells than observed for 24 hours. From the observation for 24 hours, measured the level of alkohol and cells density every 6 hours. The expectation of this observation is to get the best temperature in producing bioethanol by using kluyveromycesmarxianus.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/344/052002418
Uncontrolled Keywords: Etanol, Kluyveromycesmarxianus,UbiKayu, RAL,
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.07 Tests, analyses, quality controls
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:30
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 06:30
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