Pengembangan Sampling Plan Pada Kajian Resiko Aflatoksin M1 Pada Produk Susu Dan Olahannya Kategori Pangan No.13 Di Badan Pom Jakarta

Khoirunnisa, Zahra (2019) Pengembangan Sampling Plan Pada Kajian Resiko Aflatoksin M1 Pada Produk Susu Dan Olahannya Kategori Pangan No.13 Di Badan Pom Jakarta. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kajian Resiko Afaltoksin M1 pada produk susu dan olahannya Kategori Pangan No. 13.0 (Produk Pangan untuk Keperluan Gizi Khusus) merupakan bentuk dari pengawasan post market. Dalam kajian resiko perencanaan pengambilan sampel harus matang agar sampel representatif terhadap seluruh produk susu yang berdedar di Indonesia. Pengembangan dilakukan dengan mengambil data produk pangan olahan susu dari database web BPOM. Pengembangan sampling plan menggunakan data listing berdasarkan nama produk yang diadaptasi dari metode stratified random sampling dengan hasil pendataan produk kategori 13 sebanyak 900 produk (susu dan non susu), dan hasil proses screening & dropping data terdapat 628 produk berbasis susu dan 272 produk non susu. Pengolahan data shopping list dengan Selected by Random menggunakan bantuan program Microsoft Excel dengan fitur Pivot Table. Pre survei dilakukan di Jakarta Pusat dibagi menjadi 4 zona dan 64 ritel lokasi survei. Hasil penilaian strategi pengembangan Sampling plan dengan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) sudah baik, dengan mengoptimasi tujuan, kriteria dan alternatif menjadi hirarki terstruktur. Menurut para ahli kriteria ketersediaan di lapang dinilai paling berpengaruh dalam proses sampling plan dengan bobot tertinggi 0,391, namun alternatif strategi penggunaan database BPOM memiliki bobot paling tinggi terhadap kriteria representatif yaitu 0,444, dimana strategi pengembangan yang dilakukan sudah memenuhi kriteria dari sampling plan.

English Abstract

Aflatoxin M1 Risk Assessment in dairy products and processed Food Category No. 13.0 (Food Products for Special Nutrition Needs) are a form of post market supervision. In the risk assessment, sampling planning must be done well so those representative samples of all dairy products are distributed in Indonesia. The development is carried out by collecting data on dairy food products from the BPOM web database. The sampling plan development uses listing data based on product names adapted from the stratified random sampling method with the results of category 13 product data collection of 900 products (milk and non-milk), and the results of the screening & dropping data of 628 milk-based products and 272 non-dairy products. Processing shopping list data with Selected by Random uses the help of Microsoft Excel program with the Pivot Table feature. Pre surveys conducted in Central Jakarta were divided into 4 zones and 64 retailers were surveyed. The results of the strategy evaluation for the development of the Sampling plan using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method are good, by optimizing objectives, criteria and alternatives into a structured hierarchy. According to experts the criteria for field availability are considered to be the most influential in the sampling plan process with the highest weight of 0.391, but the alternative strategy for using the BPOM database has the highest weight on representative criteria, 0.444, where the development strategy has met the criteria of the sampling plan itself

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/218/052002092
Uncontrolled Keywords: Representatif, Sampling Plan, AHP, Representative, Sampling plan, AHP
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.07 Tests, analyses, quality controls
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:40
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2022 03:06
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