Formulasi Bubur Kentang Instan Khas Tengger Dengan Metode Linear Programming

Novitasari, Dyah Ayu (2019) Formulasi Bubur Kentang Instan Khas Tengger Dengan Metode Linear Programming. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TNBTS) merupakan salah satu pariwisata di Indonesia yang banyak dikunjungi. Salah satu tanaman hortikultura di sekitar TNBTS yaitu kentang varietas granola yang dimanfaatkan sebagai oleholeh khas Tengger. Kentang granola mengandung karbohidrat yang tinggi sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai makanan yaitu bubur. Agar praktis dan mudah dibawa sebagai oleh-oleh maka bubur dibuat instan. Penelitian mengenai formulasi bubur kentang instan bertujuan untuk mengetahui formulasi yang tepat agar bubur kentang yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan karakteristik fisik dan organoleptik serta mengetahui proses pembuatan bubur kentang instan agar diperoleh biaya rendah namun memiliki kualitas yang baik. Bubur kentang instan terbuat dari bahan baku yang terdiri dari tepung kentang varietas granola, susu bubuk full cream, tepung maizena serta bahan tambahan (garam dan lada). Penentuan formula berdasarkan kandungan karbohidrat, protein dan lemak dari tiap bahan baku menggunakan metode linear programming (LP) dengan bantuan software LiPS 1.11.1. Formulasi yang digunakan yaitu tepung kentang 26,8 gram, susu bubuk 12,2 gram, tepung maizena 21 gram, garam 0,3 gram dan lada 0,2 gram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bubur kentang instan memiliki densitas kamba sebesar 0,5 g/ml, daya serap air 3,4 ml/g, uji seduh 200 ml dan warna kuning cerah. Terdapat perbedaan warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kenampakan dan overall antara bubur kentang instan produk baru dan produk komersial. Bubur kentang instan berwarna agak kuning cerah, agak beraroma khas kentang, agak gurih, tekstur agak kental, kenampakan agak menarik dan overall agak disukai panelis. Warna, rasa dan tekstur bubur kentang sangat disukai sedangkan aroma, kenampakan dan overall disukai panelis.viii Biaya pokok pembuatan bubur kentang instan yaitu Rp 12.262,98. Biaya ini lebih mahal dibandingkan bubur komersial dengan harga Rp 11.790 karena penelitian dilakukan dalam skala kecil sehingga biaya overhead tinggi namun biaya bahan baku rendah.

English Abstract

Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) is one of Indonesia's most visited tourism. One of the horticultural plants around TNBTS is granola potato varieties which are used as typical regional cuisine of Tengger. Granola potato varieties contains high carbohydrates so it can be developed as mashed potato. To be practical and easy to carry as souvenirs, the mashed potato made as instant product. Research on instant mashed potato formulations aims to find out the right formulation so that the mashed potato is accordance with physical and organoleptic characteristics and to know the process of making instant mashed potato in order to obtain low cost but good quality. Instant mashed potato is made from raw material consist of granola potato varieties flour, full cream milk powder, cornstarch and additives (salt and pepper). Determination of formula based on carbohydrate, protein and fat content of each raw material uses linear programming (LP) method support by LIPs software 1.11.1. Formulations consist of 26.8 grams of potato flour, 12.2 grams of milk powder, 21 grams of cornstarch, 0.3 grams of salt and 0.2 grams of pepper. The results of research, instant mashed potato has a bulk density of 0,5 g/ml, water absorption of 3,4 ml/g, 200 ml brewing test and has a bright yellow color. There is a difference in color, aroma, taste, texture, appearance and overall between the instant mashed potato of new product and commercial product. Instant mashed potato has a bright yellow color, slightly aroma of potatoes, rather savory, rather thick texture, looks rather interesting and overall is rather preferred by panelists. The color, taste and texture of mashed potato are very well-liked while the aroma, appearance and overall are liked by panelists. The cost of making 60 grams of instant mashed potato is Rp 12.262,98. It is more expensive than commercial product of Rpx 11.790 because this research was conducted on a small scale so the overhead costs are high but the cost of raw materials is low

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/125/052002119
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bubur Instan, Kentang varietas granola, Linear Programming, Instant Mashed, Granola Potato Varieties, Linear Programming
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.7 Specific cooking processes and techniques
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:50
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 04:36
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