Optimasi Produksi Sediaan Bahan Ekstrak Kopi Hijau Dari Kopi Robusta (Coffeacanephora) Jember Dengan Metode Foam Mat Drying

Adiatmi, Austenita Yasyfinur (2019) Optimasi Produksi Sediaan Bahan Ekstrak Kopi Hijau Dari Kopi Robusta (Coffeacanephora) Jember Dengan Metode Foam Mat Drying. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kopi robustamengandungsekitar 10% senyawapolifenol. Proses penyangraian (roasting) dapatmengubahkomposisikimiadanaktivitasbiologisdalam kopi sehinggadapatmenurunkankandunganpolifenoldanaktivitasantio ksidan. Senyawapolifenol memiliki efek antioksidan yang baik untuk menghambatmekanismeoksidatif yang menyebabkanpenyakit degeneratif.Kandungansenyawaantioksidanberperanpentingdal ampenyerapandanpenetralanradikalbebas. Produksisediaanbahanekstrak kopi hijaudilakukandenganmetodepengeringanbusa. Metodepengeringanbusaataufoam mat dryingadalah proses pengeringandenganpembentukanbusadaribahancair yang ditambahfoam stabilizerdandikeringanpadasuhu 70- 75°Cselama 7-8 jam. Dalam proses pengolahanserbukekstrak kopi hijaudibutuhkanadanyabahanpenyalut (enkapsulat)yaitumaltodekstrindanbahanpembusa (foaming agent)yaitu tween 80. RancanganpercobaandisusunberdasarkanResponse Surface Method dengandesainkompositterpusat (Central Composite Design) dankonsentrasimaltodekstrinsebagaifaktor X1sertakonsentrasi tween 80 sebagaifaktor X2. Kombinasikeduanyadiharapkandapatmenghasilkanserbukekstr ak kopi hijaudengankandungansenyawafenolikdanaktivitasantioksidan yang optimum. Konsentrasimaltodekstrin yang dicobakanpadapenelitianiniadalah 12%-22%, sedangkankonsentrasi tween 80 yaitu 0,4%-1,9%. Berdasarkanhasilpenelitiandananalisis data menggunakanaplikasi Minitab 17, diketahuibahwafaktorkonsentrasimaltodekstrinberpengaruhseca viiirasignifikanterhadaprespon total fenoldanaktivitasantioksidansedangkanfaktorkonsentrasi tween 80 tidakberpengaruhsignifikan. Solusi optimum yang diperolehadalahpadakonsentrasimaltodekstrinsebesar 14,78% dan tween 80 sebesar 0,93% yangmenghasilkanserbukekstrak kopi hijaudengankandungantotal fenolsebesar183,639 mg GAE/gdannilai IC50 sebesar 25,187. Dari hasilverifikasisebanyaktiga kali ulangandiperolehrata-rata hasilverifikasiuntukrespon total fenoladalah 198,826 mg GAE/g, sedangkanuntukresponaktivitasantioksidannilai rata-rata IC50adalah 24,606 ppm. Nilaiinimasihberadadalam interval yang diprediksikanoleh program. Penelitianinimenghasilkanserbukekstrak kopi hijaudengankandungansenyawapolifenol yang tinggidanaktivitasantioksidan yang tergolongkuat. Ditinjaudarikandungan total fenoldanaktivitasantioksidan, hasilpenelitianlebihungguljikadibandingkandengankapsul kopi hijau yang ada di pasaran. Rendemen yang diperolehdarilarutanekstrak kopi hijau yang ditambahmaltodekstrindan tween 80 dengankonsentrasitertentuyaitusebesar 17,46%. Diperlukanpenelitianlebihlanjutmengenaiskalagandaproduksise diaanbahanekstrak kopi hijau agar dapatdiproduksisecaramasaldanmenghasilkanprodukunggulan.

English Abstract

Robusta coffee contains about 10% polyphenol compounds. Roasting could change the chemical composition and biological activity in coffee so that it can reduce the content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. Polyphenol compounds have good antioxidant effects to inhibit oxidative mechanisms that cause degenerative diseases. The content of antioxidant compounds plays an important role in the absorption and neutralization of free radicals. The production of green coffee extract preparations executed by foam mat drying. The method of foam mat drying was done by forming foam from a liquid material which was added by foam stabilizer and dried at a temperature of 70-75°C for 7-8 hours. Processing green coffee extract powder requires the encapsulation material namely maltodextrin and foaming agent which was tween 80. The experimental design was arranged based on Response Surface Method (RSM) with a centralized composite design (CCD) and maltodextrin concentration as X1 factor and the concentration of tween 80 as a factor of X2. The combination of both were expected to produce green coffee extract powder containing optimum phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity. Maltodextrin concentrations that were tried in this study were 12%-22%, while the concentration of tween 80 was 0.4%-1.9%. Based on the results of research and data analysis using the application of Minitab 17, it was known that the concentration factor of maltodextrin significantly influences the total phenol response and antioxidant activity while the tween 80 concentration factor has no significant effect. The optimum solution obtained was the maltodextrin concentration of 14.78% and tween 80 of 0.93% which produced green coffee extract powder with a total phenol content of 183.639 mg GAE/g and xan IC50 value of 25.187 ppm. From the verification results of three replications, the average verification result for total phenol response was 198.826 mg GAE/g, while for the antioxidant activity response the average value of IC50 was 24.606 ppm. This value is still within the interval predicted by the program. This research produced green coffee extract powder with high polyphenol compound content and relatively strong antioxidant activity. Based on the total phenol content and antioxidant activity, the results of the study were superior when compared to green coffee capsules on the market. The yield obtained from green coffee extract solution added with maltodextrin and tween 80 with a certain concentration was 17.46%. Further research were needed on the double scale production of green coffee extract preparations in order to be mass produced and produce superior products

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2019/127/052002121
Uncontrolled Keywords: antioksidan, fenol, kopi hijau, RSM, antioxidants, green coffee, phenols, RSM
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 663 Beverage technology > 663.9 Nonalcoholic brewed beverages > 663.93 Coffee
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2020 03:15
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 04:38
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/180103
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