Perkembangan Akar Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Dalam Lubang Resapan Biopori Dalam Agroforestri Kakao

Kharisma, Muhammad Anggi Galan (2019) Perkembangan Akar Tanaman Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) Dalam Lubang Resapan Biopori Dalam Agroforestri Kakao. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan utama dalam roda ekonomi Indonesia, namun demikian di era perubahan iklim ini produksi kakao terus menurun tiap tahunnya di beberapa daerah di Indonesia. Hal tersebut berhubungan dengan kekeringan pada musim kemarau dan adanya run-off pada musim penghujan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi perkembangan akar kakao dalam lubang resapan biopori dengan aplikasi berbagai macam kualitas bahan organik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Kaliwining, Pusat Penelitian Kopi dan Kakao Indonesia (Puslitkoka) Jember. Lahan yang dipilih untuk pengamatan adalah lahan agroforestri berbasis tanaman kakao (Thebroma cacao L.) berumur 3 tahun dengan tanaman naungan adalah tanaman lamtoro (Leucaena leucocephala). Aplikasi lubang resapan biopori dilakukan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2017 dengan ukuran diameter 20 cm dengan kedalaman lubang 80 cm. Lubang biopori diisi dengan berbagai jenis bahan organik yaitu Biokoka, Trychoderma, Pupuk Kandang, dan kombinasi antara ketiga bahan organik. Variabel yang diukur adalah jumlah akar, panjang akar, berat kering akar, presentase makropori tanah. Metode pengamatan perakaran dilakukan berdasarkan pada Root Mapping Technique. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa jumlah akar pohon sebagian besar berada di lapisan atas (kedalaman <40 cm) untuk semua perlakuan. Total panjang akar (Lrv) terbesar diperoleh dalam lubang biopori + Biokoka (0,0092 cm cm-3) dan di Biokoka+ Trychoderma (0,0091 cm cm-3) sedangkan kerapatan akar terendah ditemukan di perlakuan Trychoderma (0,0055 cm cm-3). Pemberian Pupuk Kandang + Trychoderma diperoleh Lrv sebesar 0,0082 cm cm-3. Rata-rata Lrv di perlakuan kontrol (tanpa tambahan bahan organik) didapat Lrv sebesar 0,0089 cm cm-3. Berat kering akar (Drv) terbesar dijumpai pada pemberian Biokoka (0,0643 g cm-3), sedangkan Drv terendah didapat pada perlakuan Pupuk Kandang + Trychoderma (0,0005 g cm-3). Drv tingkat medium didapat di perlakuan Trychoderma dan perlakuan Biokoka + Trychoderma, Drv rata-rata adalah 0,0009 g cm-3. Rata-rata Drv di perlakuan kontrol cukup besar yaitu 0,0014 g cm-3. Ukuran akar (Specrol=Lrv/Drv) terbesar pada perlakuan Biokoka + Trychoderma (95 cm g- 1), sedangkan nilai terendah ditemukan pada perlakuan Biokoka (5,6 cm g-1).. Jumlah makropori terbesar, didapat di perlakuan Biokoka + Trychoderma (15,7%) sedangkan makropori terendah terdapat di perlakuan Kontrol (8,28%) dan pada pemberian Trychoderma (9,3%). Rata-rata makropori dari perlakuan lainnya adalah 11%. Sebaran Specrol akar tanaman kakao berbanding lurus dengan makropori tanah, (R² = 0,718). Secara keseluruhan, aplikasi lubang resapan biopori bermanfaat untuk memperdalam sebaran akar tanaman ke lapisan tanah bawah, lubang resapan disarankan diisi dengan bahan organik Biokoka.

English Abstract

Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) is one of the main plantation commodities in the Indonesian economy, however, in this era of climate change cocoa production in several regions in Indonesia continues to decline every year. This is related mainly to drought in the dry season and the run-off in the rainy season. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the development of cocoa roots in bio-pore infiltration holes with the application of various quality of organic matter. The research was carried out at the Kaliwining Experimental Sites of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Center (ICCRI) Jember. The plots selected for observation was a 3-year-old agroforestry land based on cacao (Thebroma cacao L.) plants with shade trees were Leucaena leucocephala (locally known as lamtoro). The application of bio-pore infiltration holes is carried out in August 2017 with a diameter of 20 cm with a hole depth of 80 cm. Bio-pore holes are filled with various types of organic materials i.e. Biokoka, Trychoderma, chicken manure, and a combination of all those three organic materials. The variables measured were the number of roots, root length, root dry weight, percentage of soil macropore. The root observation method is perfomed based on the Root Mapping Technique. The results show that a high number of tree root is found in the upper layer (depth <40 cm) for all treatments. The largest total root length density (Lrv) was obtained in biopore + Biococca and in biopore + mix Biokoka and Trychoderma (0.0091 cm cm-3), while the smallest root density was found in biopore+ Trychoderma treatment (0.0055 cm cm-3). Giving Manure + Trychoderma into biopore obtained Lrv of 0.0082 cm cm-3 On average Lrv in the control treatment (without additional organic material) the obtained Lrv was 0.0089 cm cm-3. The largest dry weight of roots (Drv) was found in biopore + Biokoka (0.0643 g cm-3), while the lowest Drv was obtained in the treatment of biopore + Trychoderma (0.0005 g cm-3). Medium-level Drv obtained in biopore + Trychoderma and biopore + mix of Biokoka and Trychoderma treatment, average Drv was 0,0009 g cm-3. The average Drv in the control treatment is quite large, which is 0.0014 g cm-3. The largest root size, however, shown by Specrol (specific root length density = Lrv / Drv) was found in the biopore + mix Biokoka + Trychoderma treatment (95 cm g-1), while the lowest value was found in the biopore added with Biokoka (5.6 cm g-1). The largest percentage of soil macropores was obtained in the biopore + mix Biokoka and Trychoderma (15.7%) while the lowest macropores were in the Control treatment (8.28%) and in biopore + Trychoderma (9.3%). The average macropore from other treatments is 11%. The Specrol distribution of cocoa plant roots is closely link to soil macropore, (R² = 0.718). Overall, the application of biopore infiltration holes is useful to deepen the distribution of plant roots to the lower soil layers, and the infiltration holes suggested filled with Biokoka organic materials.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/573/051907347
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops > 633.74 Cacao > 633.748 Special cultivation methods; Fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth regulators
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 29 Oct 2019 02:34
Last Modified: 29 Oct 2019 02:34
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