Pramestidhiya, Elvira (2019) Hubungan Tingkat Kepuasan Petani Dengan Loyalitas Pembelian Benih Jagung Pakan Hibrida Di Desa Dengkol, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Permintaan jagung untuk pakan ternak terus meningkat karena jagung menjadi bahan baku pakan yang lebih disukai ternak dibandingkan biji-bijian lain. Peningkatan permintaan jagung pakan untuk ternak sejalan dengan perkembangan industri perunggasan khususnya ayam. Pemerintah menggunakan strategi kebijakan penggunaan benih jagung hibrida untuk meningkatkan produksi nasional dan memenuhi kebutuhan permintaan jagung pakan untuk ternak. Produksi jagung nasional diketahui sebesar 40,8% berasal dari Pulau Jawa. Provinsi Jawa Timur menjadi provinsi utama penghasil jagung di Pulau Jawa dengan kontribusinya sebesar 21,8% dengan rata-ratanya sebesar 6,02 juta ton/tahun. Salah satu desa potensial yang menggunakan benih jagung pakan hibrida terletak di Desa Dengkol, Kecamatan Singosari, Kabupaten Malang. Strategi kebijakan pemerintah menggunakan benih hibrida di tingkat petani memicu semakin banyaknya produsen yang bergerak di bidang produksi benih jagung hibrida. Produsen perlu memperhatikan kepuasan petani agar mampu menjadi pemimpin pasar. Kepuasan petani dirasakan berdasarkan pada tingkat kesesuaian antara kinerja dengan kepentingannya. Tingginya tingkat kepuasan petani terhadap benih jagung hibrida akan memperbesar peluang terbentuknya perilaku loyalitas. Perilaku loyalitas ditandai dengan petani melakukan pembelian produk secara berulang. Berdasarkan uraian latar belakang tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Menganalisis kesesuaian tingkat kepentingan petani terhadap tingkat kinerja atribut produk benih jagung pakan hibrida di lokasi penelitian.(2) Menganalisis tingkat kepuasan petani terhadap benih jagung pakan hibrida di lokasi penelitian. (3) Menganalisis tingkat loyalitas petani terhadap benih jagung pakan hibrida di lokasi penelitian. (4) Menganalisis hubungan tingkat kepuasan dengan loyalitas petani terhadap pembelian benih jagung pakan hibrida di lokasi penelitian. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Responden penelitian ini adalah 35 orang petani di Desa Dengkol yang telah menggunakan Pertiwi-2 selama minimal tiga kali musim tanam dan bersedia untuk diwawancarai. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Importance Perfomance Analysis (IPA) model Diagonal, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Piramida Loyalitas, dan Korelasi Rank Spearman. Hasil analisis IPA menunjukkan atribut umur panen, produktivitas (potensi hasil), dan ketahanan terhadap hama dan penyakit perlu diperbaiki kinerjanya. Keunggulan benih Pertiwi-2 yaitu ujung tongkol penuh (muput) sehingga perlu dipertahankan kinerjanya. Atribut daya tumbuh, tahan roboh, dan harga benih memiliki kinerja berlebihan. Hasil CSI yang diperoleh sebesar 78,16% dan termasuk kategori puas. Petani merasa puas terhadap kinerja tongkol yang penuh hingga ujungnya, benih memiliki daya tumbuh yang baik, tahan terhadap roboh, dan juga harganya terjangkau. Tingkat loyalitas petani tergolong pada liking the brand sebesar 31,6%. Petani menyukai merek benih jagung Pertiwi-2 karenaii mereknya terkenal dan memberikan penerimaan 2 kali lebih besar dari biaya yang harus dikeluarkan. Hasil analisis hubungan antara tingkat kepuasan petani dengan loyalitas pembelian benih Pertiwi-2 sebesar 0,611 sehingga termasuk dalam kategori memiliki hubungan yang kuat. Semakin tinggi kepuasan yang dirasakan petani, maka Tingginya tingkat kepuasan yang dirasakan petani akan memperbesar peluang terbentuknya loyalitas pada benih Pertiwi-2. Produsen benih Pertiwi-2 disarankan perlu memperbaiki kinerja atribut umur panen, produktivitas (potensi hasil), serta ketahanan terhadap hama dan penyakit. Selain itu, produsen juga diharapkan mampu menyediakan benih yang tahan terhadap kondisi kekurangan air. Peneliti selanjutnya yang menggunakan metode piramida loyalitas dapat mengklasifikasikan petani hanya pada satu tingkatan loyalitas saja. Penelitian selanjutnya juga perlu dilakukan pada lokasi lain dengan merek benih yang berbeda.
English Abstract
Maize demand for feed continues to rise as feed raw materials because livestock preferred maize than other grain. Increasing demand of maize feed is in line with the development of the poultry industry, especially chickens. The government use a policy strategy for the use of hybrid maize seeds to increase nationally production and fulfill the needs of maize feed. National maize production is known to be 40.8% from Java. East Java Province is the main province of maize producers in Java with a contribution of 21.8% and average of 6.02 million tons/year. One potential village that uses hybrid feed maize seeds is located in Dengkol Village, Singosari District, Malang Regency. The government's policy strategy to use hybrid seeds at the farm level has led to an increasing number of producers in hybrid maize seed production. Producers should pay attention to farmer's satisfaction to become market leaders. Farmer satisfaction is felt based on the degree of conformity between performance and importance. The high level of farmer’s satisfaction with hybrid maize seeds will increase the chance of loyalty behavior. Loyalty behavior is indicated by farmer purchases the product repeatedly. Based on the research background, then the objectives of this study are: (1) To analyze the suitability of farmer's level of importance with performance attributes of hybrid maize feed seed products in research location (2) Analyzing the level of farmer's satisfaction with hybrid maize feed seeds in research location. (3) Analyzing the level of farmer's loyalty to hybrid feed maize seeds in research location. (4) Analyzing the relationship between the level of farmer's satisfaction and farmer's loyalty towards the purchasing of hybrid feed maize seeds in research location. Collecting samples using a purposive sampling technique. Respondents of this research are 35 farmers in Dengkol Village who had used Pertiwi-2 for at least three planting seasons and willing to be interviewed. The analytical methods used are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) Diagonal model, Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Loyalty Pyramid, and Rank Spearman Correlation. The results of IPA analysis indicate the attributes of harvest age, productivity (potential yield), and resistance to pests and diseases need to be improved. The advantages of Pertiwi-2 seeds are full cob tip (muput), so that it needs to be maintained. The growing power, resistant of fall plants, and seed price attributes have an excessive performance. The results of CSI obtained is 78.16% and it categoried in satisfaction category. Farmers are satisfied with the performance of the cobs that are full to the end, seeds have good growth power, resistant of fall plants and price is affordable. The level of farmer loyalty is classified as liking the brand by 31.6%. Farmers like Pertiwi-2 maize seed brand because the brand is well-known and provides 2 times more revenue than cost that must be expend. The results of analysis relationship between the level of farmer satisfaction and the loyalty of purchasing Pertiwi-2 seeds amounted to 0.611, itiv means included in category of having a strong relationship. The higher satisfaction felt by farmers will increase chance the loyalty of Pertiwi-2 seeds. Pertiwi-2 seed producers are suggested to improve the performance of harvest age attributes, productivity (potential yield), and resistance to pests and diseases. Besides, producers are also expected be able to provide seeds that are resistant on lack of water condition. Further researchers who use the loyalty pyramid method can classify farmers only at one level of loyalty. Further research also needs to be done at other locations with different seed brands. .
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/364/051907128 |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.8 Managemet of marketing > 658.81 Sales management > 658.812 Customer relations |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 10 Aug 2020 06:41 |
Last Modified: | 25 Oct 2021 02:34 |
URI: | |
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