Perencanaan Kinerja Komite Penjamin Mutu Lembaga Diklat Pemerintah Daerah (Studi pada Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Jawa Barat)

Pertiwi, Bella Ayu (2018) Perencanaan Kinerja Komite Penjamin Mutu Lembaga Diklat Pemerintah Daerah (Studi pada Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Provinsi Jawa Barat). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


2013) belum terpenuhi. Tim KPM BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Barat telah menggunakan salah satu konsep peningkatan mutu, dalam melaksanakan perencanaan kinerja yakni konsep mutu menurut Joseph Juran yang terkenal dengan istilah Trilogi Mutu. Namun menurut hasil penelitian, perlu ada penambahan. Selanjutnya juga diperlukan sebuah model khusus untuk perencanaan kinerja bagi Tim KPM. Hal tersebut dirasa penting karena Tim KPM merupakan entitas yang diluar organisasi sehingga perlu ada ‘perlakuan khusus’ sehingga kinerjanya berjalan optimal dan rekomendasi dari hasil kerjanya dapat bermanfaat. Sehingga penelitian ini berakhir pada beberapa kesimpulan dan saran yakni (1) LAN perlu merencanakan tindaklanjut pasca pembentukkan Tim KPM melalui pembuatan payung hukum mengenai KPM serta mengadakan forum khusus untuk KPM diseluruh lembaga diklat di Indonesia; (2) Tim KPM BPSDM Provinsi Jawa Barat telah cukup optimal dalam melakukan perencanaan kinerja, namun terdapat beberapa hal yang perlu ditingkatkan; (3) Penelitian ini menghasilkan model baru khusus dalam perencanaan kinerja Tim KPM Lembaga Diklat yang dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan bagi LAN dan juga BPSDM untuk dapat dipelajari lebih lanjut; (4) Untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat untuk melihat efektivitas keberadaan Tim KPM terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan diklat melalui penelitian kuantitatif.

English Abstract

Background of this research is the instruction of the Head of NIPA (National Institute of Public Administration) for all of Government Training Institution to form Team of Quality assurance committee as contained in LAN head regulation number 25/2015. Team of Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) expected as an Independent free thinker. Nevertheless in empiric a lot of government training institutiton just form it as a requirement for accreditation. Moreover, the formation of the QAC Team still refers to the regulation on Accreditation, there is no specific legal protection for QAC Team. QAC Team of BPSDM Province of West Java be regarded already have readliness to do quality assurance. Seen from the output and accreditation result. So this research is aiming to (1) Understanding the existence of the QAC Team; (2) Analyzing Performance Planning of QAC Team of BPSDM Province of West Java; (3) Describing the ideal performance planning model of the Regional Government training institutions. Theoritically, this research is based on performance planning theory and quality theory. The method of this study uses a descriptive qualitative approach, with two methods of data collection interviews and documentation. While data analysis uses interactive models (Milas, Huberman and Saldana). The research indicate that the formation of a QAC is part of training coaching by LAN. However, this study found that existence of QAC in conducting quality assurance is not optimal enough. In term of Planning Theory (Litman) which is used as an analitycal tool, there are some things that are missed such as evaluation crtiteria points and evaluation methods in Planning Framework that have not been fulfilled. Furthermore, QAC Team of BPSDM Province of West Java has used one of the concepts of quality improvement, in carrying out performance planning namely the quality concepts according to Joseph Juran who is famous for the term Quality Trilogy. But according to the results of the study, there needs to be an addition.Latest, a spesific model for performance planning for the QAC Team is also needed. This is important because QAC Team is an entity outside the organization so there needs to be ;special treatment’ so that its performance runs optimally and recommendations forms its work can be useful. So that this study ends in a number of conclusions and suggestions, namely (1) LAN need to plan follow-up after the formation of the QAC Team through the creation of a legal protection regarding QAC Team and holding a special forum for QAC throughout training institutions in Indonesia; (2) QAC Team of BPSDM Province of West Java has been quite optimal in conducting performance planning, but there are several things that need to be improved; (3) This research produces a new model specifically in the performance planning of the QAC Team which can be considered for the LAN and also BPSDM to be studied further; (4) For further research, it can be seen the effectiveness of the QAC Team on the quality of training and training through quantitative research.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/658.312 5/PER/p/2018/041900466
Uncontrolled Keywords: PERFORMANCE PLANNING
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.3 Personnel management (human resource management) > 658.31 Elements of personnel management > 658.312 Conditions of employment, performance rating, utilization of personnel > 658.312 5 Performance rating (evaluation)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Administrasi, Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2019 02:00
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2019 02:00
Full text not available from this repository.

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