Uji Rasa Kenyang dengan Metode VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) Snack Bar Berbahan Dasar Ubi Jalar Oranye dan Kacang Merah.

Sulistiani, Feni (2018) Uji Rasa Kenyang dengan Metode VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) Snack Bar Berbahan Dasar Ubi Jalar Oranye dan Kacang Merah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Prevalensi diabetes mellitus kian meningkat ditiap tahunnya, salah satu faktor penyebab diabetes mellitus yakni obesitas melalui sindroma metabolik. Upaya pencegahan obesitas dapat dilakukan dengan mempertahankan berat badan normal. Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan pemilihan bahan makanan dengan tingkat rasa kenyang lama, seperti contoh ubi jalar oranye dan kacang merah, keduanya mengandung karbohidrat kompleks dan serat yang menghasilkan rasa kenyang lebih lama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji rasa kenyang yang dihasilkan dari snack bar ubi jalar oranye dan kacang merah pada 3 perlakuan snack bar, dengan perbandingan ubi jalar oranye dengan kacang merah yakni P1 = 90:10, P2 = 80:20 dan P3 = 60:40. Pengukuran rasa kenyang dilakukan menggunakan metode pengisian kuisioner VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) pada menit 0, 30, 60, 90 dan 120 setelah konsumsi snack bar dengan indikator hunger, fullness, desire to eat dan prospective food consumption. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 27 mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya yang dibagi dalam 3 (tiga) kelompok perlakuan uji pada masing-masing perlakuan. Hasil penelitian VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) berdasarkan CSS (Composite Satiety Score) menggabungkan rasa hunger, fullness, desire to eat dan prospective food consumption yang dirasakan responden menunjukkan bahwa pada perlakuan snack bar P1 menghasilkan rasa kenyang yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan snack bar P2 dan P3, hal tersebut dikarenakan kandungan karbohidrat pada snack bar ubi jalar P1 lebih tinggi dibandingkan snack bar P2 dan P3 yakni sebesar 18,95 gram/sajian. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah produk snack bar ubi jalar oranye dan kacang merah P1 dapat dijadikan alternatif makanan selingan untuk pencegahan DMT-2

English Abstract

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus increases every year, one of the causes of diabetes is obesity through metabolic syndrome. Efforts in preventing obesity can be done by maintaining body weight at normal limits. One of the efforts is by selecting food ingredients that can maintain satiety such as orange sweet potatoes and red beans, both of them contain complex carbohydrates and fiber which can produce a longer feeling of fullness. This research aims to analyze the satiety from snack bars made from orange sweet potato and red beans divided into 3 treatments with a comparison of orange sweet potato with red beans, namely P1 = 90:10, P2 = 80:20 and P3 = 60:40. The measurements of satiety was using a method of filling the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) questionnaire at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after consuming a snack bar with the indicator contains of hunger, fullness, desire to eat and prospective food consumption questions. This research was conducted on 27 students of the Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya which were divided into 3 (three) test treatment groups for each treatment. The results of the VAS (Visual Analogue Scale) study based on the CSS (Composite Satiety Score) combine hunger, fullness, desire to eat and prospective food consumption felt by respondents showed that the P1 snack bar resulted in a higher satiety compared to P2 and P3 snack bars. This was due to the higher carbohydrate content in the P1 than the P2 and P3, which was 18.95 grams/serving. The conclusion of this study is the orange sweet potato bar and P1 red bean snack products can be used as alternative food alternatives for the prevention of DMT-2

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FK/2018/473/051900052
Uncontrolled Keywords: snack bar, ubi jalar oranye, kacang merah, rasa kenyang, VAS.-snack bar, sweet potato, red bean, satiety, VAS
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 613 Personal health and safety > 613.2 Dietetics > 613.28 Specific nutritive elements > 613.283 Carbohydrates
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran > Ilmu Gizi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 03 May 2020 17:42
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 08:11
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/167286
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