Analisis Aspek Kesejahteraan Hewan, Kehalalan Dan Keamanan Pangan Pada Rumah Pemotongan Ayam (Studi Kasus Di Rumah Potong Ayam Mualim Broiler Batu)

Paramitha, Dewi Laras Ayu Karunia Dia Pradnya (2018) Analisis Aspek Kesejahteraan Hewan, Kehalalan Dan Keamanan Pangan Pada Rumah Pemotongan Ayam (Studi Kasus Di Rumah Potong Ayam Mualim Broiler Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Indonesia memiliki jumlah penduduk terbanyak dengan urutan ke-4 didunia. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia meningkatan konsumsi daging ayam. Peningkatan konsumsi tersebut banyak rumah potong ayam (RPA) kurang memperhatikan aspek kesejahteraan hewan, aspek kehalalan, serta aspek keamanan sehingga berdampak pada kualitas daging. Kesejahteraan hewan dapat ditinjau dari penanganan hewan sebelum disembelih, aspek kehalalan ditinjau dari proses penyembelihan disesuaikan dengan HAS 23101, dan aspek keamanan produk ditinjau dari penanganan selama dan setelah proses penyembelihan. Rumah potong ayam Mualim Broiler kurang menerapkan aspek tersebut, khususnya pada aspek kesejahteraan hewan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pemenuhan aspek kesejahteraan hewan, kehalalan ditinjau dari proses penyembelihan hingga hewan mati sempurna, dan pengaruh aspek keamanan terhadap kualitas produk yang diterapkan di RPA Mualim Broiler Batu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan mengamati proses penanganan ayam hingga pengukuran kualitas karkas ayam. Metode penelitian menggunakan scoring dan pembobotan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 7 responden pekerja di RPA yang mengisi kuesioner aspek kesejahterahan hewan dan kehalalan. Keamanan pangan diukur dengan pendekatan Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) dan pengujian mikroba untuk mengetahui kualitas produk. Sampel pengujian mikroba daging ayam potong beku sebanyak tiga buah terhadap Salmonella sp dan Total Plate Count (TPC). Berdasar hasil penelitian pemenuhan aspek kesejahterahan hewan pada RPA Mualim diperoleh hasil total sekitar 58% dan belum terpenuhi, sehingga vii perlu ada perbaikan khususnya parameter kebebasan dari rasa lapar dan haus, kebebasan dari rasa sakit, luka-luka, dan penyakit, serta kebebasan mengekspresikan perilaku alami. Aspek kehalalan untuk usaha ini sudah terpenuhi didukung adanya sertifikat halal dari LPPOM MUI. Aspek keamanan pangan RPA tersebut sudah sesuai standar SNI ditinjau dari proses produksinya, namun terdapat beberapa proses produksi tergolong dalam titik kritis yakni tahap pemeriksaan keranjang ayam, alat penyembelihan, tempat penyembelihan, pencelupan, pemisahan jeroan ayam, pencucian kembali, pemotongan karkas, pembekuan, dan transportasi. Berdasar hasil pengujian mikroba masih terdapat kandungan Salmonella sp dan Total Plate Count (TPC) diatas batas standar.

English Abstract

Indonesia has the most population with 4th place in the world. Indonesia's population growth increasing consumption of chicken meat. The increase in the consumption of a lot of chicken slaughterhouse (RPA) less attention to aspect of animal welfare, the halal assurance, and safety food aspect that impact on the quality of the meat. Animal welfare can be viewed from animal handling before slaughter, aspect of halal can be reviwed of slaughter process are adjusted to HAS 23101, and aspect of safety food can be reviewed from handling during and after the slaughter process. Mualim Broiler chicken slaughterhouse does not apply this aspects, especially on aspects of animal welfare. The purpose of this research is analyze the fulfillment of aspects animal welfare, halal assurance reviewed of the slaughter process to dead animals, and the impact of aspects of animal welfare on the quality of the products applied in the Mualim Broiler Batu. This study used a descriptive analysis method by observing the chicken handling process to measure the quality of chicken carcasses. The research method used scoring and weighting. This study will used 7 experts as respondents to fill out questionnaires aspects of animal welfare and halal assurance. Food safety is measured by the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approachment and microorganism test to determined product quality. Microorganisms test samples in three pieces of frozen chicken meat. Microorganisms test for Salmonella sp and Total Plate Count (TPC). Based on the results of research on the fulfillment of the welfare aspects of animals in Mualim Broiler chicken slaughterhouse , the total results were around 58% and have not been fulfilled, so that there needs to be improvement, especially the parameters of freedom from hunger ix and thirst, freedom from pain, injury and disease, and freedom to express natural behavior. Fulfillment of halal assurance applied by the Mualim Broiler chiken slaughterhouse has been fulfilled all supported by halal certificates from LPPOM MUI. Aspect of safety food chicken slaughterhouse is in accordanced with SNI standards in terms of its production process, but there are several production processes classified as critical points, they are tools of slaughter, place of slaughter, dye process, separation of chicken innards, re-washing, carcass cutting, freezing and transportation. Based on the results of microorganism test there is still the content of Salmonella sp and Total Plate Count (TPC) upper the limits of the standard.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2018/583/051811495
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aspek kesejahteraan Hewan, Halal, Keamanan Produk, Pengujian Mikroba./ Animal Welfare, Halal Assurance, Safety Food, Microorganism test.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.3 Food > 641.36 Meat > 641.365 Poultry (Meat)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 02 Jul 2019 02:53
Last Modified: 30 Jun 2022 04:19
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