Optimasi Proses Pasteurisasi Kontinyu Sari Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola Linn)

Kusumawardhani, Ratih (2010) Optimasi Proses Pasteurisasi Kontinyu Sari Buah Belimbing (Averrhoa carambola Linn). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Belimbing manis ( Averrhoa carambola L.) merupakan jenis buah tropis yang saat ini banyak dibudidayakan di Florida, Hawai, South America, Australia, dan hampir di seluruh bagian negara di Asia tenggara. Dan sudah sejak beberapa ratus tahun yang lalu dibudidayakan di Indonesia, Srilanka, dan Malaysia. Kendalanya buah belimbing mempunyai sifat cepat rusak, hal ini disebabkan oleh sifat komponen-komponen penyusunnya terutama kandungan air yang tinggi dan harga buah belimbing yang relatif murah saat panen raya. Pengolahan buah belimbing menjadi jus atau sari buah merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah buah belimbing dan diharapkan meningkatkan konsumsi buah-buahan di Indonesia. Faktor penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembuatan sari buah antara lain formulasi sari buah dan proses pemanasan atau pasteurisasi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap, tahap I bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formulasi sari buah belimbing yang tepat dan disukai konsumen. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) satu faktor yang dibagi menjadi 3 tahap perlakuan, antara lain: perlakuan proporsi belimbing:air (1:2, 1:4, 1:6, 1:8, 1:10)b/v, penambahan konsentrasi gula (6%, 8%, 10, 12%)b/v, dan penambahan asam sitrat (0,05%, 0,1%, 0,15%, 0,2%, 0,25%)b/v. Hasil terbaik penelitian tahap I digunakan dalam penelitian tahap II yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kondisi optimum proses pasteurisasi sari buah belimbing dengan alat pasteurisasi kontinyu. Optimasi proses pasteurisasi dilakukan menggunakan metode permukaan respon (RSM) dengan variabel independen suhu sistem pemanas (90, 94, 98) o C dan derajat bukaan valve (35, 40, 45) o terhadap respon yang diamati yaitu jumlah total mikroba (TPC) dan vitamin C. Pada penelitian tahap I didapatkan hasil terbaik pada perlakuan tahap I yaitu proporsi belimbing:air = 1:6 yang akan dipakai pada perlakuan tahap II dengan nilai total padatan terlarut 1,4 o Brix, total asam 0,097%, pH 5,45, vitamin C 6,547 mg/100ml, gula reduksi 0,787%, tingkat kecerahan (L * ) 26,56, tingkat kemerahan (a * ) 8,63, tingkat kekuningan (b*) 10,11. rerata kesukaan organoleptik warna sari buah belimbing sebesar 3,633 (menyukai), aroma 2,967 (netral), dan rasa 2,7 (agak menyukai). Hasil terbaik perlakuan tahap II diperoleh pada penambahan konsentrasi gula 10% (b/V) dengan nilai total padatan terlarut 11,2 o Brix, total asam 0,0713%, pH 5,05, vitamin C 6,776 mg.100ml, gula reduksi 0,822%, tingkat kecerahan (L * ) 29,01, tingkat kemerahan (a + ) 8,9, tingkat kekuningan (b + ) 10,9. rerata kesukaan organoleptik warna sari buah belimbing sebesar 3,567 (menyukai), aroma 3,633 (menyukai), dan rasa 3,5 (menyukai). Sedangkan hasil terbaik dari perlakuan tahap II didapatkan pada penambahan asam sitrat 0,02% (b/v) dengan nilai total padatan terlarut 11,16 o Brix, total asam 0,2259%, pH 3,22, vitamin C 7,0436 mg/100ml, gula reduksi 0,9175%, tingkat kecerahan (L * ) 28,14, tingkat kemerahan (a * ) 7,6, tingkat kekuningan (b * ) 9,14. Rerata kesukaan organoleptik warna sari buah belimbing sebesar 3,533 (menyukai), aroma 3,367 (netral), dan rasa 3,433 (netral). Pada penelitian tahap II menunjukkan bahwa hasil solusi optimum model dengan menggunakan Design Expert DX 7.1.5 didapatkan pada suhu sistem pemanas 94,09 o C dan derajad bukaan valve 45 o dengan nilai respon optimum jumlah total mikroba (TPC) sebesar 133211 cfu/ml dan vitamin C sebesar 6.74749 mg/100ml. Sedangkan hasil verifikasi aktual didapatkan nilai respon jumlah total mikroba (TPC) sebesar 110000 cfu/ml dan vitamin C sebesar 6.6124 mg/100ml dengan nilai karakteristik total asam 0.2150%; gula reduksi 0.9229%; pH 3,28; TPT 11,2; tingkat kecerahan (L * ) 28,3; tingkat kemerahan (a * ) 7,8; tingkat kekuningan (b * ) 8,6. selisih nilai. Hasil nilai prediksi dan aktual yang tidak berbeda jauh tersebut merefleksikan akurasi model matematis yang dihasilkan serta kemampuan RSM untuk optimasi proses pasteurisasi kontinyu terhadap respon total jumlah mikroba (TPC) dan vitamin C.

English Abstract

Sweet Starfruit ( Averrhoa carambola L. ) is a tropical fruit which is currently cultivated in Florida, Hawaii, South America, Australia and almost all countries in Souteast Asia. And already several years ago has cultivated in Indonesia, Srilanka and Malaysia. Constraint faced by starfruit is perishable due to ir constituent elements particularly high of moisture content and starfruit prices which are relatively cheap at harvest. Processing starfruit into juice or starfruit extract is an alternative to increase added value and starfruit are expected to increase consumption of fruits in Indonesia. important factor which is considering in processing of starfruit juice such as starfruit formulation and process heating and pasteurization. This research was conducted in two stages. objective of first stage was to obtain appropriate starfruit formulation and preferred by consumers. experimental design was randomized block design one factor which was divided into three stages treatment, namely: proportion treatment of startfruit : water (1:2 ; 1:4 ; 1:6 ; 1:8 ; and 1:10 b/v), addition of sugar concentration (6%; 8%; 1%; 12% b/v), and addition of cictric acid (0.05%; 0.1%; 0.15%; 0.2%; 0.25% b/v). best results of first stage was used in second stage to obtain optimum condition of starfruit pasteurization process by continuous pasteurization. optimization of pasteurization processes were calculated using Response Surface Method (RSM) with independent variable such as temperature heating system (90; 94; 98 0 C) and degree of valve opening (35; 40; 45 0 C) to observed response of total plate count (TPC) and vitamin C. results of first research showed that best treatment of first stage were proportion treatment of starfruit of 1 : 6 which used into second stage with total soluble solid of 1.4 0 Brix; total acid of 0.097%; pH 5.45; Vitamin C of 6.776 mg/100ml; sugar reduction of 0.787%; lightness (L*) of 26.56; redness (a*) of 8.63; yellowness (b*) of 10.11; colour score of 3.567 (like); aroma score of 3.633 (like) and taste score of 3.5 (like). While best results of second stage were obtained addition of citric acid of 0.02% b/v with total soluble solid of 11.16 0 Brix; total acid of 0.2259%; pH 3.22; vitamin C of 7.0436 mg/100ml; sugar reduction of 0.9175%, lightness (L*) of 28.14; redness (a*) of 7.6; yellowness (b*) of 9.14; colour score of 3.533 (like); aroma score of 3.367 (neutral); and taste score of 3.433 (neutral). results of second research showed that model optumium solution using Design Expert DX7.15 were obtained temperature heating system of 94.09 0 C and degree of valve opening of 45 0 with optimum response of total plate count (TPC) of 133211 cfu/ml and vitamin C of 6.74749 mg/100ml. While result of actual verification were obtained total plate count (TPC) of 110000 cfu/ml and vitain C of 6.6124 mg/100ml with characteristic value of total acid of 0.2150%; sugar reduction of 0.9229%; pH 3.28; TPT of 11.2; lightness (L*) of 28.3; redness (a*) of 7.8; yellowness (b*) of 8.6. result between predicted and actual values which were not differ much reflects accuracy of resulting ma matical model and ability of RSM to optimization of continuous pasteurization process on response of total plate count (TPC) and vitamin C.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/664.804 6/KUS/o/041003691
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 664 Food technology > 664.8 Fruits and vegetables
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: Endro Setyobudi
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2011 15:59
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2011 15:59
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/160143
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