Pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support (Pos) Terhadap Affective Commitment (Ac) Karyawan Dengan Needs For Affiliation (N-Aff) Sebagai Variabel Moderator.

Opod, Lisanry Liane (2018) Pengaruh Perceived Organizational Support (Pos) Terhadap Affective Commitment (Ac) Karyawan Dengan Needs For Affiliation (N-Aff) Sebagai Variabel Moderator. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat apakah terdapat pengaruh antara Perceived Organizational Support (POS) terhadap Affective Commitment (AC) karyawan dan melihat apakah Needs for Affiliation terbukti menjadi variabel moderator dalam penelitian ini. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 149 orang yang merupakan karyawan tetap dan telah bekerja minimal 1 tahun yang berasal dari 3 divisi besar yaitu divisi Finance & Corporate Services, Sales & Marketing dan Business Operation & Strategic di PT. Trans News Corpora (CNN Indonesia TV). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional dengan teknik sampling Cluster Random Sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan dua alat ukur unidimensional yang telah melalui proses transadaptasi yaitu skala Persepsi Dukungan Organisasi yang dibuat oleh Eisenberger, dkk (1986), skala Komitmen Afektif yang dibuat oleh Allen & Meyer (1990) dan satu skala yang dibuat oleh peneliti sendiri berdasarkan faktor-faktor pembentuk kebutuhan afiliasi yang diungkapkan Hill (dalam Baron & Byrne,2004) yaitu skala Kebutuhan afiliasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Regresi Linier Sederhana menunjukkan hasil p = 0,393 (p<0,05) yang berarti bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara POS dengan AC dan uji moderasi Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) menunjukkan hasil p = 0,226 (p<0,05) yang berarti bahwa kebutuhan afiliasi tidak terbukti memoderasi pengaruh POS terhadap AC.

English Abstract

This study aims to see whether there is an influence between Perceived Organizational Support (POS) to the employees Affective Commitment (AC) and to see if Needs for Affiliation is proved to be the moderator variable in this study. Subjects in this study amounted to 149 people who are permanent employees and have worked at least one year, coming from three major divisions namely division Finance & Corporate Services, Sales & Marketing and Business Operation & Strategic at PT. Trans News Corpora (CNN Indonesia TV). This research used correlational quantitative method with Cluster Random Sampling as a sampling’s technique. Data collection used two transadaptation unidimensional scale, namely the Perceived Organizational Support scale made by Eisenberger, et al (1986), Affective Commitment scale made by Allen & Meyer (1990) and one scale created by the researcher himself based on factors that shaping of affiliate needs, expressed by Hill (in Baron & Byrne, 2004) is the Needs for Affiliation scale. Data were analyzed by using Simple Linear Regression, and showing result p = 0,393 (p <0,05) it means that there is no significant influence between POS with AC. Moderation test used Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) and showed result p = 0,226 (p <0, 05) which means that, the need for affiliation is not proven to moderate the effect of POS on AC.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIS/2018/707/051809258
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Affective Commitment (AC), Needs for Affiliation Perceived Organizational Support (POS), Affective Commitment (AC), Needs for Affiliation
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.3 Personnel management (human resource management) > 658.31 Elements of personnel management > 658.312 Conditions of employment, performance rating, utilization of personnel > 658.312 5 Performance rating (evaluation)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 14 Feb 2019 02:28
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 04:03
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