Perbaikan Kualitas Ubi Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Ekonomi Ubijalar

Basuki, Nur and -, Harijono and -, Kuswanto (2005) Perbaikan Kualitas Ubi Untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Ekonomi Ubijalar. Project Report. Fakultas Pertanian - Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. (Unpublished)


Serangkaian penelitian secara berurutan (tandem) telah dilaksanakan selama tiga tahun, terdiri atas 21 unit percobaan pada tahun 2003 - 2005. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan klon-klon ubijalar yang mempunyai potensi hasil, kandungan antosianin dan protein tinggi serta tahan terhadap serangan hama boleng (Cylas formicarius). Penggabungan sifat dilaksanakan melalui persilangan terkontrol antar tetua yang masing-masing memiliki keunggulan. Persilangan pada tahun pertama adalah menggabungkan dua sifat unggul dalam satu individu. Klon unggul yang diperoleh dari hasil seleksi tahun pertama selanjutnya digunakan sebagai tetua dan disilangkan dengan klon yang mempunyai sifat unggul lain untuk penelitian tahun kedua. Pada akhir tahun kedua diperoleh individu-individu yang memiliki tiga sifat unggul. Klon terpilih dengan tiga sifat unggul yang dihasilkan, selanjutnya digunakan pada tahun ketiga disilangkan dengan klon yang memiliki sifat unggul keempat dan diadakan seleksi terhadap keturunannya. Hasil yang diperoleh dari persilangan tahun ketiga ini adalah individu yang memiliki empat sifat unggul. Penggabungan empat sifat dalam satu individu ini dilakukan melalui tiga jalur persilangan dengan urutan yang berbeda-beda yaitu a) potensi hasil x antosianin x protein x ketahanan hama boleng; b) potensi hasil x protein x ketahanan hama boleng x antosianin; dan c) Potensi hasil x ketahanan hama boleng x antosianin x protein. Penelitian tahun pertama terdiri atas 9 unit percobaan, bertujuan untuk menggabungkan dua sifat dalam satu individu yaitu a) potensi hasil dan kandungan antosianin tinggi, b) potensi hasil dan kandungan protein tinggi, c) potensi hasil dan ketahanan terhadap hama boleng tinggi. Penelitian tahun kedua terdiri atas 6 unit percobaan, bertujuan untuk menggabungkan tiga sifat dalam satu individu yaitu a) potensi hasil, kandungan antosianin dan protein tinggi; b) potensi hasil, kandungan protein dan ketahanan terhadap hama boleng serta c) potensi hasil, ketahanan terhadap hama boleng dan kandungan antosianin tinggi. Penelitian tahun ketiga terdiri atas 6 unit percobaan, bertujuan untuk menggabungkan empat sifat unggul dalam satu individu sekaligus yaitu a) potenis hasil, kandungan antosianin, kandungan protein tinggi serta tahan terhadap hama boleng; b) potensi hasil, kandungan protein dan ketahanan terhadap hama boleng dan kandungan antosianin tinggi serta c) potensi hasil, ketahanan terhadap hama boleng, kandungan antosianin dan kandungan protein tinggi. Hasil penelitian tahun pertama, telah diperoleh 9 klon yang memilki dua sifat unggul. Pada jalur pertama diperoleh 5 klon dengan sifat potensi hasil dan kandungan antosianin tinggi yaitu klon (JP1X73-6/2)-23, (JP1XD-67)-27, (JP1XD-67)-33, JP1X73-6/2)-40 dan klon (JP1X73-6/2)-46. Jalur kedua diperoleh 2 klon dengan sifat potensi hasil dan kandungan protein tinggi yaitu klon (73-6/2 X BA)-5 dan klon (73-6/2 X BA)-43. Jalur ketiga diperoleh 2 klon dengan sifat tahan terhadap serangan hama boleng yaitu klon (73-6/2 X BA)-43 dan klon (73-6/2 X BA)-5. Klon yang diperoleh dari penelitian tahun kedua terdiri atas 7 klon yang memiliki tiga sifat unggul. Pada jalur pertama terdiri atas 3 klon dengan sifat potenis hasil, kandungan antosianin dan protein tinggi yaitu klon [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 2, klon [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35 dan klon [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BA] - 45. Jalur kedua telah diperoleh 2 klon dengan sifat potensi hasil, kandungan protein dan ketahanan terhadap hama boleng yaitu klon [(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X Boko] - 4 dan klon [(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] - 28. Jalur ketiga diperoleh 2 klon dengan sifat potensi hasil, ketahanan terhadap hama boleng dan kandungan antosianin tinggi yaitu klon [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 x JP1] - 78 dan klon [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 x JP1] - 34. Pada tahun ketiga telah terpilih 15 klon yang memiliki empat sifat unggul yang masing-masing jalur menghasilkan 5 klon unggul. Lima klon terpilih pada jalur pertama dengan sifat potensi hasil, kandungan antosianin, kandungan protein tinggi serta tahan terhadap hama boleng yaitu klon {[(JP1X73-6/2)-40 X BIS-214] - 35 X KTK OP-36} - 28, {[(JP1X73-6/2)-40 X BA] - 45 X KTK OP-36} - 56, {KTK OP-36 X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 132, {KTK OP-36 X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 75, {BOKO X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 9. Klon terpilih pada jalur kedua dengan sifat potensi hasil, kandungan protein dan ketahanan terhadap hama boleng dan kandungan antosianin tinggi yaitu klon {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] -28 X KTK}- 25, {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] - 28 X JP1} - 2, {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] - 28} X JP1} - 99, {KTK X [(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X Boko] - 4} - 50, {JP1 X [(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X Boko] - 4} - 109. Pada jalur ketiga, klon yang terpilih dengan sifat potensi hasil, ketahanan terhadap hama boleng. kandungan antosianin dan kandungan protein tinggi yaitu klon {BA X [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 X JP1] - 34} - 26, {BA X [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36 )- 57 X JP1] - 34} - 37, {BIS-214 X [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 X JP1] - 78} -101, {BIS-214 X [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 X JP1] - 78} - 71, {BIS-214 X [(73-6/2 X KTK-OP36)- 57 X JP1] - 34} - 24.

English Abstract

A series of tandemly research was done for three years, consisted of 21 research units in 2003 - 2005. The aims of this research was to get sweet potato clones having high yielding potential, high anthocyanine and protein content, and resistance to weevils (Cylas formicarius Fab.). Traits combination was achieved through an controlled crossing between superior parents. The crossing in first year was done to combine two superior traits into one individual plant. Superior clones obtained from first year selection were then being used as parental clones and were crossed to other superior clone in the second year of research. At the end of the second year, there were individual clone having three superior traits obtained. Selected clones having three superior traits obtained in second year of research were then being used in the third year as parental clones, and were crossed with clone having the fourth superior trait. Selection was done on its offspring. The result obtained from crossing in the third year were individual plant having four superior traits. This combination of four superior traits in one individual plant was achieved through three ways of crossing with different succession, namely : a) high yielding potential x high anthocyanine content x high protein content x resistance to weevils (C. formicarius Fab.); b) high yielding potential x high protein content x resistance to weevils x high anthocyanine content; and c) high yielding potential x resistance to weevils x high anthocyanine content x high protein content. The first year of research was consisted of nine trial units, with the aim of combining two traits into one individual plant, i.e. : a) high yielding potential x high anthocyanine content; b) high yielding potential x high protein content; and c) high yielding potential x resistance to weevils. The second year of research was consisted of six trial units with the aim of combining three traits into one individual plant, i.e. : a) high yielding potential, high anthocyanine content, and high protein content; b) high yielding potential, high protein content, and resistance to weevils; and c) high yielding potential, resistance to weevils, and high anthocyanine content. The third year of research was consisted of six trial units with the aim of combining four superior traits into one individual plant, i.e.: a) high yielding potential, high anthocyanine, high protein content, and resistance to weevils; b) high yielding potential, high protein content, resistance to weevils, and high anthocyanine content; and c) high yielding potential, resistance to weevils, high anthocyanine content, and high protein content. Result of the first year research, there were nine clones obtained those had two superior traits. In the first way of crossing, there were five clones having high yielding potential and high anthocyanine content : (JP1 x 73-6/2)-23 clone; (JP1 x 73-6/2)-27 clone; (JP1 x D-67)-33 clone; (JP1 x 73-6/2)-40 clone; and (JP1 x73-6/2)-46 clone. In the second way of crossing, there were two clones having high yielding potential and high protein content, i.e. : (73-6/2 x BA)-5 clone, and (73-6/2 x BA)-43 clone. In the third way of crossing, there were two clones obtained those having high yielding potential and resistance to weevils, namely : (73-6/2 x BA)-43 clone and (73-6/2 x BA)-5 clone. Clones obtained in the second year of research were consisted of seven clones having three superior traits. There were three clones obtained from the first way of crossing those had high yielding potential, high anthocyanine content, and high protein content, i.e. : [(JP1 x 73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214]-2 clone; [(JP1 x 73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214]-35 clone; and [(JP1 x 73-6/2)-40 x BA]-45 clone. In the second way of crossing, there were two clones obtained those had high yielding potential, high protein content, and resistance to weevils, namely : [(73-6/2 x BA)-43 x Boko]-4 clone and [(73-6/2 x BA)-43 x KTK-OP-36]-28 clone. In the third way of crossing, there were two clones obtained those had high yielding potential, resistance to weevils, and high anthocyanine content: [(73-6/2 x KTK-OP-36)-57 x JP1]-78 clone and [(73-6/2 x KTK-OP-36)-57 x JP1]-34 clone. In the third year of research, there were 15 clones obtained those had four superior traits, they were five superior clones of each way of crossing. Five clones having high yielding potential, high anthocyanine content, high protein content, and resistance to weevils, which were obtained from first way of crossing.were : {[(JP1X73-6/2)-40 X BIS-214] - 35 X KTK OP-36} - 28 clone, {[(JP1X73-6/2)-40 X BA] - 45 X KTK OP-36} - 56 clone , {KTK OP-36 X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 132 clone, {KTK OP-36 X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 75 clone and {BOKO X [(JP1X73-6/2)-40 x BIS-214] - 35} - 9 clone. There were five clones obtained from second way of crossing those had high yielding potential, high protein content, resistance to weevils, and high anthocyanine content : {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] - 28 X KTK}- 25 clone, {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X KTK-OP 36] - 28 X JP1} - 2 clone, {[(73-6/2 X BA)-43 X

Item Type: Monograph (Project Report)
Identification Number: PEN/641.352 2/BAS/p/020600532
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 641 Food and drink > 641.3 Food
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 14 Sep 2018 02:07
Last Modified: 14 Sep 2018 02:07
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