Nurindraty, Chitrani (2017) Analisis Strategi Model Business Pada Produk Industri Pariwisata Dengan Pendekatan Model Canvas (Studi Pada Batik Tulis Tresna Art Kota Bangkalan). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Industri pariwisata mengakibatkan makin tingginya jumlah permintaan produk seperti industri kreatif kerajain batik tulis. Batik kini sudah mendapatkan pengakuan dari UNESCO sebagai warisan budaya. Pemerintah daerah Jawa Timur berusaha mendorong perkembangan batik sebagai salah satu industri kreatif di Jawa Timur baik dari segi global bmaupun Nasional. Bangkalan yang memiliki pengerajin batik sebanyak 1. 500 pengerajin, salah satunya ialah yang menapung hasil dari para pengerajin yaitu Galeri Tresna Art. Makin banyaknya jumlah pengusaha batik akan menimbulkan persaingan baru bagi Tresna Art, sehingga dibutuhkan strategi khusu agar galeri yang di bangunnya sejak tahun 2006 tetap menjadi pusat utama tujuan sebagai pusat oleh – oleh, sehingga peneliti mengangkat judul “ Analisis Strategi Model Business pada produk industri pariwisata dengan pendekatan Model Canvas “ . Pada penelitain ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitaitif dengan rumusan masalah bagaimana analisis perumusan Strategi Tresna Art dengan perumusan Model Canvas dan Strategi yang tepat bagi Tresna Art dengan pendekatan Model Canvas ? . Analisis data yang digunakan melalui pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian didapat bahwa ( 1 ) Customer Segmen dari Tresna ialah pasar tersegmentasi ( 2 ) Value Propositions adalah kualaitis produknya dan kaulatisa pelayanan ( 3 ) Channels dari Tresna dalam menjangkau pelanggan dengan toko offlinenya dan jasa biro ( 4 ) Cutomer relationships melalaui bantuan personal dengan karyawan ( 5 ) Revenue Streams Tresna ialah dengan penjulana aset produk yang disediakan ( 6 ) Key Resources yang Tresna terdiri dari aset fisik, aset intelektual, aset finalsial dan manusia ( 7 ) key activities dengan melakukan perwatan galerinya ( 8 ) key patnerships Tresan ialah tiga pengerajin batik tulis di Madura ( 9 ) Cost Structure dari Tresna terdiri dari dari biaya tetap dan biaya variabel. Berdasarkan uraina diatas, peneliti meyarakan pada Tresna untuk menambahakan inovasi pada prodaknya, menjalin kerjasam dengan bebrbagai kalang demi mendukung usahanya, pengaktifan website secara uptodate, adanya pemberian diskon kepada pelanggan, melakuakan penjualan dengan media e – commerce, dan membuat paket perjalan wisata ataupun paket edukasi.
English Abstract
Tourism industry has caused the rise in the amount of product demands, such as the diversified creative industry was on the creative industry of batik tulis crafting. The batik that has been acknowledged by UNESCO as cultural heritage.The government of East Java had tried to push the development of batik as one of the icons of creative industry in East Java,both on the global and national terms. Bangkalan also has 1.500 batik craftsmens, and among them, was the one who had accomodated the products from the Tresna Art Gallery. The increasing number of entrepreneurs in batik industry will create a new competition for Tresna Art Gallery. So, they will need a specific strategy in order for the gallery that has been built since the year of 2006 to keep becoming the main destination as a souvenir center. That is why the researcher chooses the title of of “Business Model Strategy Analysis on Tourism Industry Product with Canvas Model Approach”. This research uses a descriptive method and a qualitative approach, with one problem formulation on how the analysis of strategy formulation of Tresnawith Canvas Model formulation and the right strategy for Tresnawith a canvas model approach?.Data analysis that was used is from Data collection, Data Reduction, Data Presentation and Inference. The results of the research were, (1) The Customer Segment of Tresna was a segmented market (2) Value Proposition that was given were more on the qualities of the products and the service quality (3) The Channels of Tresna in order to reach the customer was by the offline store and bureau service (4) The Customer Relationship was from the personal help with the workers (5) Revenue Streams that were acquired by Tresna was by making a sale on a products assets that were provided (6) Key Resources by Tresn acomposed as Physical Assets, Intellectual Assets, and Human Resources (7) Key Activities was by doing a check and maintenance from the gallery (8)Key Partnership that was owned by Tresna were threeBatik craftsmens which located in Madura (9) Cost Structure from Tresna itself consisted of Fixed Cost and Variable Cost. Based from the explanation, the Researcher suggested theTresnaArt Gallery to increase more innovation on the products, building more cooperation from any other circles to support the business, up–to date website activation, giving discounts to customers, and creating a tour travel package or Education Package.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FIA/2017/1272/051801689 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Model Canvas, Batik Tulis, Bangkalan |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.4 Secondary industries and services > 338.47 Services and specific products > 338.479 1 Services and specific products (Geography and travel) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis / Niaga |
Depositing User: | Yusuf Dwi N. |
Date Deposited: | 27 Mar 2018 04:09 |
Last Modified: | 26 Oct 2021 04:10 |
URI: | |
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