Prasetyo, Jerry Fahmi (2017) Evaluasi Kualitas Air Waduk Wonorejo Tulungagung Berdasarkan Indeks Biotik Dari Zooplankton. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Aktivitas pemukiman, pertanian, perikanan, dan pariwisata di sekitar Waduk Wonorejo akan mempengaruhi kualitas air, sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi kualitas air. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menentukan profil struktur komunitas zooplankton di perairan Waduk Wonorejo pada dua kedalaman dan menentukan kualitas air di ekosistem perairan Waduk Wonorejo berdasarkan beberapa indeks biotik dari zooplankton. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di inlet (Sungai Song, Bodeng, Jeruk, dan Putih), tengah waduk (dua lokasi), dan outlet pada dua kedalaman berbeda yang ditentukan berdasarkan kecerahan. Parameter fisika kimia air yang diukur meliputi suhu, konduktivitas, pH, DO, kecerahan, turbiditas, dan intensitas cahaya. Data kualitas air antar kedalaman dan stasiun dianalisis menggunakan uji Two Way ANOVA dan perbedaan kualitas air dianalisis menggunakan analisis cluster dan biplot menggunakan PAST. Profil kualitas fisika kimia air di Waduk Wonorejo menunjukkan masih memenuhi baku mutu kelas II, sedangkan struktur komunitas zooplankton di perairan Waduk Wonorejo pada dua kedalaman menunjukkan secara keseluruhan banyak ditemukan Anuraeopsis fissa dan Nauplius sp. Kekayaan taksa tertinggi terdapat di Outlet kedalaman bawah, sedangkan kekayaan taksa terendah terdapat di Tengah Waduk 1 dan Sungai Song kedalaman atas. Kualitas air di Waduk Wonorejo bervariasi secara vertikal dan horizontal. Berdasarkan beberapa indeks biotik, waduk Wonorejo termasuk belum tercemar toksik (H’), kualitas perairan sedang atau moderate (WZI), dan Oligosaprobic sampai Oligosaprobic with β mesosaprobic (SaI). Kualitas air di Inlet menunjukkan kualitas yang lebih tercemar dibandingkan dengan kualitas air di tengah waduk dan Outlet.
English Abstract
Activity around Wonorejo Reservoir such a village, agriculture, fisheries, and tourism will affect water quality, so water quality need to evaluated. The purpose of this study is to determine profile of zooplankton community structure in the waters of Wonorejo Reservoir in two depths and determine the water quality in the waters ecosystem of Wonorejo Reservoir based on some biotic index of zooplankton. Sampling in inlet, middle of reservoir, and outlet at two different depths determined by water transparency. Physic and chemical water parameters were measured included temperature, conductivity, pH, DO, water transparency, turbidity, and light intensity. Water quality data of each parameters between depth and station were analyzed using Two Way ANOVA test and water quality difference was analyzed using cluster and biplot analysis using PAST. The results showed that the water quality in Wonorejo Reservoir still meets government standard of class II. The structure of the zooplankton community were dominance by Anuraeopsis fissa and Nauplius sp. The highest zooplankton taxa richness at lower depth of Outlet, while the lowest zooplankton taxa richness in the upper depth of Middle of the Reservoir 1 and Inlet of Song River. Water quality in Wonorejo Reservoir varies vertically and horizontally. Based on some biotic index, Wonorejo Reservoir have no toxic polluted (H’), moderate water quality (WZI), and oligosaprobic to oligosaprobic with β mesosaprobic (SaI). Water quality in Inlet showed more polluted than Middle of the Reservoir and Outlet.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FMIPA/2017/314/051709654 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | indeks biotik zooplankton, kualitas air, Waduk Wonorejo |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 578 Natural history of organism and related subjects > 578.7 Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments > 578.776 Plankton |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 20 Oct 2017 02:01 |
Last Modified: | 23 Nov 2021 07:30 |
URI: | |
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