Pengaruh Ukuran Dan Komposisi Campuran Serat Kenaf-Serat Abaka Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit Hibrid Poliester

Lailiyah, Feni (2017) Pengaruh Ukuran Dan Komposisi Campuran Serat Kenaf-Serat Abaka Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Komposit Hibrid Poliester. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang pembuatan dan karakterisasi sifat mekanik bahan komposit hibrid serat kenaf-serat abaka dan poliester ditinjau dari ukuran serat dan komposisi campuran serat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ukuran serat dan komposisi campuran serat terhadap sifat mekanik pada komposit hibrid poliester khususnya kuat impak. Resin poliester-MEKPO (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) berperan sebagai matrik pada komposit dan serat kenaf-serat abaka berperan sebagai filler pada matrik polimer resin poliester. Pembuatan spesimen dengan metode pencetakan hand lay up. Pembuatan spesimen uji impak sesuai standar pengujian pada buku instruksi manual mesin uji impak charpy XJJ-5. Karakterisasi kuat impak komposit dilakukan dengan alat uji impak charpy XJJ-5. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sifat mekanik komposit hibrid poliester meningkat berdasarkan komposisi campuran serat dan ukuran serat. Nilai kuat impak tertinggi diperoleh pada komposit dengan komposisi campuran serat kenaf dan serat abaka 6 : 0 sebesar 2,612x102 kJ/m2.dan nilai kuat impak tertinggi pada komposit dengan variasi ukuran serat diperoleh pada komposit dengan ukuran serat 150 mesh sebesar 2,631x102 kJ/m2.

English Abstract

The research on the preparation and characterization of mechanical properties of hybrid composite materials kenaf fiber-abaca fiber and polyester reviewed of fiber size and fiber mixed composition. The purpose of the research is to determine the effect of fiber size and fiber mixed composition to mechanical properties of hiybrid composite polyester especially impact strength. Polyester resin-MEKPO (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) was used as matrix in composite and kenaf fiber-abaca fiber as filler in the polymer matrix of polyester resin.The composite was made using hand lay up method. The specimens composite of impact test was made according to testing standars in charphy XJJ-5 impact test machine manual instruction book. Characterization of impact strength of the composite was measured by using equipment charpy impact XJJ-5. The result of the research shows that the mechanical properties of composite increase by the addition fiber size and fiber mixed composition. The highest impact strength gained of the composition of kenaf fiber and abaca fiber 6 : 0, which give a impact strength of 2,612x102kJ/m2and the highest impact strength from the composite with variation of fiber size gained of the fiber size 150 mesh which give a impact strength of 2,631x102kJ/m2.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FMIPA/2017/445/051709785
Uncontrolled Keywords: Komposit hibrid, serat kenaf, serat abaka, hand lay up, kuat impak.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 620 Engineering and allied operations > 620.1 Engineering mechanics and materials > 620.11 Engineering materials > 620.118 Composite materials
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 17 Oct 2017 02:56
Last Modified: 22 Nov 2021 02:49
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