Analisa Yuridisarticle54 Paragraph (1) C United Nation Convention Against Corruption Tentang Perampasan Aset Tanpa Pemidanaan Terkait Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam Sistem Hukum Pidana Yang Berlaku Di Indonesia

Astuti, Yurliza Ikhwana (2017) Analisa Yuridisarticle54 Paragraph (1) C United Nation Convention Against Corruption Tentang Perampasan Aset Tanpa Pemidanaan Terkait Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dalam Sistem Hukum Pidana Yang Berlaku Di Indonesia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tindakpidanaadalahsuatuperbuatandilarangsertamemilikisanksi yang padaumumnyaterterapadaperaturanperundang-undangan yang dimilikioleh Negara Indonesia, sebagainegarahukum. Sudahseyogyanyabahwanegaraharusselalumelakukanpembaharuanterhadapperundang-undangan yang dimiliki. Apalagiseiringberjalannyaglobalisasitindakpidanasemakinragamdanmacammotifnya. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmenganalisisdanmengetahuiakibathukumatauimplikasiapa yang adadenganberlakunyaarticle 54 paragraph (1) c United Nation Convention Against Corruption, terkaittindakpidanakorupsidalam system hukumpidana yang berlaku di Indonesia. Serta untukmengetahuidanmenganalisisperbandinganhukumdaribeberapanegaraatas system hukumpidana yang berlakupadanegaranya yang sudahmemberlakukansanksiperampasanasettanpapemidanaan. Penelitianinimerupakanpenelitian normative, denganmenggunakanmetodependekatanperundang-undangan(statute approach)danpendekatankomparatif (perbandingan). Hasilpenelitianinimenunjukkanpermasalahandimana Negara Indonesia sebagai Negara Pihak yang telahmeratifikasikonvensi UNCAC 2003 denganadanyaUndang-Undang No. 7 Tahun 2006 tentangPengesahan UNCAC, memilikikewajiban (yang dimaksudadalahimplikasi/akibat) yaituuntukmenerapkansertamelaksanakanisidari UNCAC, salahsatunyaialahsanksiPerampasanAsetTanpaPemidanaan. Dengandilakukanperbandinganantarnegara yang sama-samatelahmeratifikasi UNCAC, terlihat Indonesia belummemandangpentingsanksiini. Yang seharusnyadengansegeramembentukperaturankhususmengenaiPerampasanAsetTanpaPemidanaandisertaiKomisidalammenjalankanpraktikpenyitan.

English Abstract

Criminal offense is a prohibited acts and have a sanction that is generally printed on the legislation whis is owned by the state of Indonesia, as a state of law. It should be that state be necessary to updates against the legislation. Especially, about the globalization about ciriminal offense which have more ways and range of motives. This research aims to analyze and recognize the legal consequences/implication of implication of legal consequences with the entry into force of article 54 paragraph (1) c of the United Nation Convention Against Corruption 2003 with the criminal law system in Indoneisa; and how about the comparison of the law by the criminal law system of the other states that already apply the non-coviction based asset forfeiture sanction. This research is a kind of normative research, which by using a statute approach and comparative approach. The results of this study indicate that Indonesia as a State Party which had a ratified the United Nation Convention Against Corruption, 2003 was supposed to be apply the fundamental principles of good faith by enforce and adjust the content/substance of The United Nation Convention Against Corruption. And about the comparison between countries that have had special rules related of article 54 paragraph (1) c, Indonesia has seem doesn’t shows the regulation so importance of the function of thah sanction. And about the losses incurred because crime of corruption has not been be returned.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FH/2017/160/051709520
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 345 Criminal law > 345.02 Criminal offenses > 345.023 23 Specific crimes and classes of crime (Corruption)
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2017 02:10
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2020 06:53
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