Pengaruh pemakaian Kait Klem Selang terhadap Beban Maksimum pada Sambungan Balok-Kolom Beton Bertulangan Bambu

Yanuar, Lucky (2017) Pengaruh pemakaian Kait Klem Selang terhadap Beban Maksimum pada Sambungan Balok-Kolom Beton Bertulangan Bambu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Bahan material beton masih digunakan dalam bidang konstruksi karena memiliki kuat tekan tinggi. Namun, beton memiliki kekurangan yaitu kuat tarik yang rendah sehingga sering dikombinasikan dengan tulangan. Tulangan bambu merupakan salah satu alternatif, karena bambu relative ekonomis, pertumbuhannya cepat dan kuat tarik bambu yang tinggi, tetapi bambu memiliki kekurangan yaitu kuat lekat yang rendah dengan beton. Maka perlu adanya upaya untuk mengatasi kelemahan bambu agar memenuhi syarat sebagai bahan konstruksi yang mampu mengganti tulangan baja. Dalam penelitian ini akan diteliti pengaruh pengunaan klem selang terhadap beban maksimum pada sambungan balok-kolom. Sehingga dengan adanya penambahan kait berupa klem selang diharapkan mampu menambah tegangan lekat pada beton dan meningkatkan kapasitas beton bertulangan bambu. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan pengujian pembebanan siklik untuk mengetahui kapasitas beban maksimum dengan pembuatan benda uji berupa balok bertulang bambu berdimensi 18 x 25 x 160 cm dan kolom berdimensi 18 x 25 x 75 cm serta jarak pemasangan kait klem selang 6 cm sebanyak 14 benda uji termasuk benda uji kontrol (tanpa kait). Besar beban maksimum yang dapat diterima benda uji rasio tulangan 0.76% (B1) tanpa kait klem selang (A1) rata-rata 928 kg dan benda uji rasio tulangan 0.76% (B1) dengan klem selang (A2) rata-rata 849 kg. Sedangkan benda uji tanpa klem selang (A1) pada rasio tulangan 1.21% (B2) rata-rata 1003 kg dan benda uji dengan klem selang (A2) pada rasio tulangan 1.21% (B2) rata-rata 1145.5 kg. Selain itu didapatkan lendutan pada beban 650 kg. Benda uji tanpa klem selang (A1) rasio tulangan 0.76% (B1) lendutan rata-rata 0.306 mm dan lendutan rata-rata benda uji dengan klem selang (A2) rasio tulangan 0.76% (B1) sebesar 0.387, Sedangkan Pada benda uji tanpa klem selang (A1) rasio tulangan 1.21% (B2) lendutan rata-rata sebesar 0.199 mm dan lendutan rata-rata benda uji klem selang (A2) rasio tulangan 1.21% (B2) sebesar 0.197. Berdasarkan uji statistik metode Two-Way ANNOVA dan analisis regresi didapatkan belum adanya pengaruh dengan dipasangnya kait klem selang terhadap beban maksimum, hal ini dikarenakan jumlah benda uji sedikit dan koefisien variasi besar. Selain hasil kapasitas beban maksimum dan lendutan didapatkan juga hasil pola retak. Retak awal yang terjadi pada benda uji merupakan retak lentur. Pada benda uji tanpa klem selang (A1) jumlah retak lebih sedikit tetapi retakan tersebut lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan benda uji mengunakan klem selang (A2).

English Abstract

Concrete material is widely used in construction because it has compressive strength. However, on the other hand it also has shortcomings, such as poor tensile strength so in its making, concrete material often combined with reinforcement. Bamboo reinforcement is an alternative, due to its comparatively economical, bamboo’s growth fast and high tensile strength, but it has poor adhesive strength towards concrete. So, there is need for efforts to overcome the weakness of bamboo in order to qualify as construction’s material that’s able to replace reinforcement of steel. This research examines the influence of hose clamps hook towards the maximum load of beam-column’s connection. So, bamboo reinforced concrete with addition of hose clamps hooks are expected to increase adhesive strength onto the concrete and to increase capacity of bamboo reinforced concrete. In this research, the examinations of bamboo reinforced beam using cyclic load are used to find out how large the acceptable load is with the specimens of 18 x 25 x 160 cm bamboo reinforced concrete, the column of 18 x 25 x 75 cm and 14 pieces hose clamps hook using variations of hook’s distance 6 cm including the control specimen (without hooks). The largest load the beam 0.76% (B1) without hose clamps hook (A1) received are in the average of 928 kg and the beam 0.76% (B1) with hose clamps hook (A2) in the average of 849 kg. While on the beam with hose clamps hook (A1) at bamboo reinforced concrete 1.21% (B2) average of 1003 kg and the beam with hose clamps hook (A2) at bamboo reinforced concrete 1.21% (B2) average of 1145.5 kg. In other than, there was displacement at load 650 kg. The specimens without hose clamps hook (A1) reinforcement ratio 0.76% (B1) displacement average of 0.306 mm and displacement average of specimens with hose clamps hook (A2) reinforcement ratio 0.76% (B1) of 0.387. Even though the specimens without hose clamps hook (A1) reinforcement ratio 1.21% (B2) displacement average of 0.199 mm and displacement average of specimens with hose clamps hook (A2) reinforcement ratio 1.21% (B2) of 0.197. Based on statistical tests with ANNOVA two-way methods and regression analysis obtained no influence by the application of hose clamps hook against the maximum load of beam-column’s connection of bamboo reinforced concrete, its because the number of specimens is little and the coefficient of variation is large. Besides the result of maximum load capacity and displacement also obtained the result of crack pattern. Early cracks occurred on the beam is a flexural cracks. The specimens without hose clamps hook (A1) has less cracks, but the crack is longer than the specimen with hose clamps hook (A2).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/588/051706793
Uncontrolled Keywords: sambungan balok-kolom bertulang bambu dengan kait, klem selang, beban maksimum, lendutan, pola retak.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering > 624.1 Structural engineering and underground construction > 624.18 Materials > 624.183 Masonry, cermic, allied materials > 624.183 4 Concrete > 624.183 41 Reinforced concrete (Ferroconcrete)
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2017 07:37
Last Modified: 18 Nov 2024 03:55
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