Riana, Nur Sofa and Luqman Qurata Aini, SP., M.Si., Ph.D (2023) Pengaruh Aplikasi Bakteri Indigenous UB Forest Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Kesehatan Tanaman Tomat Cherry (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Substrat. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tanaman merupakan bagian penentu hasil yang akan didapatkan dalam kegiatan berbudidaya untuk mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam mengkonsumsi sayuran. Tomat cherry (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) merupakan salah satu jenis tomat yang populer dikalangan masyarakat sejalan dengan permintaannya yang sangat tinggi. Menurut Wuryani et al. (2014) dalam Fajriyani (2020), hanya 60% permintaan tomat cherry yang dapat dipenuhi di Indonesia dikarenakan produksi tomat cherry sangat rendah dibandingkan potensi produksinya disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti ketersediaan lahan terbatas, air dan hara, serta penyebaran penyakit tular tanah. Alternatif berupa perbaikan sistem budidaya tomat cherry yaitu dengan sistem hidroponik substrat. Selain itu, pemberian rizobakteria tunggal diduga dapat menekan intensitas serangan penyakit dan meningkatkan bobot buah pada tanaman tomat. Salah satu sumber isolat rizobakteria di hutan pendidikan UB Forest yang sudah dilakukan eksplorasi oleh peneliti sebelumnya memiliki potensi sebagai bakteri antagonis, pelarut fosfat, penambat nitrogen, dan penghasil IAA (Dinata, 2018). Potensi bakteri Indigenous UB Forest dalam bidang pertanian sangat perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui kemampuan dari beberapa isolat tunggal bakteri Indigenous UB Forest dalam mempengaruhi senyawa biokimia dan senyawa ketahanan tanaman, serta pengaruh pertumbuhan tanaman tomat cherry pada sistem hidroponik substrat. Kegiatan penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September - Desember 2022. Pelaksanaan penelitian secara in vivo berlangsung di kebun Lily Harvest yang bertempat di Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, Kelurahan Punten, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur 65338. Pembuatan suspensi bakteri dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya. Sedangkan pada analisis kandungan total fenolik dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Sentral Balitkabi Malang. Metode pengujian secara in vivo menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 9 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yang terdiri dari 4 tanaman setiap perlakuan sehingga total tanaman sebanyak 108 tanaman. Data dianalisis sidik ragam dan diuji lanjut Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada taraf signifikan 5% menggunakan software IBM SPSS Statistic ver. 25. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi bakteri indigenous UB Forest yaitu Bacillus sp. (UB 36), Pseudomonas sp. (UB 52), Pseudomonas sp. (UB 53), Bacillus sp. (UB 62), dan Clostridium sp. (UB 64) secara tunggal memberikan pengaruh dalam meningkatkan kesehatan tanaman seperti kandungan total fenolik, klorofil, dan karotenoid daun tanaman tomat cherry pada sistem hidroponik substrat. Sedangkan aplikasi bakteri Pseudomonas sp. (UB 53) secara tunggal memberikan pengaruh terbaik dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman tomat cherry secara hidroponik substrat dengan persentase peningkatan sebesar 54%.
English Abstract
Plant growth and health are part of the determinants of the results that will be obtained in cultivation activities to meet the needs of the community in consuming vegetables. Cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme) is one type of tomato that is popular among the public in line with its very high demand. According to Wuryani et al. (2014) in Fajriyani (2020), only 60% of cherry tomato demand can be met in Indonesia because cherry tomato production is very low compared to its production potential due to several factors such as limited land availability, water and nutrients, and the spread of soil-borne diseases. An alternative to improve the cultivation system of cherry tomatoes is the substrate hydroponic system. In addition, the provision of a single rhizobacteria is thought to suppress the intensity of disease attack and increase fruit weight in tomato plants. One of the sources of rhizobakteria isolates in the UB Forest education forest that has been explored by previous researchers has the potential as antagonistic bacteria, phosphate solvents, nitrogen fixers, and IAA producers (Dinata, 2018). The potential of Indigenous UB Forest bacteria in agriculture is very necessary to conduct further research to determine the ability of several single isolates of Indigenous UB Forest bacteria to affect biochemical compounds and plant resistance compounds, as well as the effect of cherry tomato plant growth on the substrate hydroponic system. Research activities were carried out in September - December 2022. The implementation of in vivo research took place in the Lily Harvest garden located on Jalan Pangeran Diponegoro, Punten Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City, East Java 65338. Preparation of bacterial suspensions was carried out in the Plant Disease Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. While the analysis of total phenolic content was carried out at the Central Laboratory of Balitkabi Malang. The in vivo test method used a Randomized Group Design (RAK) with 9 treatments and 3 replications, consisting of 4 plants per treatment so that a total of 108 plants. Data were analyzed for variance and further tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at a significant level of 5% using IBM SPSS Statistic software ver. 25. The results showed that the application of indigenous UB Forest bacteria, namely Bacillus sp. (UB 36), Pseudomonas sp. (UB 52), Pseudomonas sp. (UB 53), Bacillus sp. (UB 62), and Clostridium sp. (UB 64) singly influenced in improving plant health such as total phenolic content, chlorophyll, and carotenoids of cherry tomato leaves in the substrate hydroponic system. While the application of Pseudomonas sp. (UB 53) bacteria singly gives the best effect in increasing the growth of cherry tomato plants in substrate hydroponics with a percentage increase of 54%.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523040118 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | PKN 01 UB |
Date Deposited: | 09 Jun 2023 06:33 |
Last Modified: | 09 Jun 2023 06:33 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/201337 |
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