Pengaruh Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit dan Filosfer terhadap Total Fenol dan Pemacu Pertumbuhan serta Pengendali Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Tanaman Padi

Dewi, Fibrianti Shinta and Luqman Qurata Aini (2022) Pengaruh Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit dan Filosfer terhadap Total Fenol dan Pemacu Pertumbuhan serta Pengendali Penyakit Hawar Daun Bakteri Tanaman Padi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman padi merupakan salah satu komoditas pangan penting yang menjadi sumber karbohidrat utama khususnya di Indonesia sehingga pemerintah secara khusus mengatur peningkatan produksinya dalam UPSUS Pajale. Namun, produksi padi di Indonesia mengalami berbagai hambatan salah satunya adanya serangan penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) yang disebabkan adanya bakteri patogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Selama ini, upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi serangan patogen tersebut ialah bakterisida sintetik, namun penggunaan secara terus menerus dapat menyebabkan pencemaran lingkungan dan resistensi. Pengendalian hayati menggunakan bakteri antagonis dapat menjadi solusi pengendalian yang berkelanjutan. Bakteri endofit dan filosfer diketahui merupakan kelompok bakteri yang mampu menekan pertumbuhan patogen. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dilakukan uji antagonis secara in vitro terhadap konsorsium bakteri endofit dan filosfer terbaik. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji lanjutan terhadap kemampuan bakteri dalam skala lapang. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2021-Maret 2022 di Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Universitas Brawijaya dan Green House Jatimulyo, serta Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang dan Umbi (BALITKABI) Kota Malang. Tahapan penelitian meliputi peremajaan isolat bakteri antagonis dan patogen, uji aktivitas Plant Growth Promoting (PGP), uji sinergi isolat bakteri antagonis, persiapan dan penanaman bibit, uji penghambatan konsorsium bakteri endofit dan filosfer terhadap HDB, dan uji kandungan total fenol. Penelitian ini menggunakan 11 perlakuan 3 ulangan. Adapun variabel penelitian ini meliputi persentase intensitas penyakit HDB, efektivitas konsorsium bakteri, pertumbuhan tanaman padi, dan total fenol tanaman padi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian didapatkan hasil bahwa konsorsium bakteri E18+F55 memiliki kemampuan terbaik dalam menekan penyakit dengan intensitas terendah 0.94%, efikasi 79.18%, serta total fenol 2.94 mg/g yang berhubungan dengan induksi ketahanan tanaman. Aplikasi konsorsium bakteri juga diketahui berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman yang mana konsorsium E27 (Eschericia coli) + F124 (Uncultured bacterium) memiliki pengaruh terbaik terhadap jumlah anakan dan daun, serta E15 (Bacillus cereus) + F165 (Bacillus cereus) memiliki pengaruh tertinggi terhadap bobot brangkasan padi. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsorsium bakteri endofit dan filosfer memiliki potensi yang tinggi sebagai upaya untuk menekan serangan penyakit yang ramah lingkungan sehingga layak untuk dikembangkan.

English Abstract

Rice is one of the important food commodities which is the main source of carbohydrates, especially in Indonesia, so the government specifically regulates increasing its production in UPSUS Pajale. However, rice production in Indonesia faces various obstacles, one of which is the attack of bacterial leaf blight (HDB) caused by the pathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. So far, the efforts made to overcome the attack of these pathogens are synthetic bactericides, but continuous use can cause environmental pollution and resistance. Biological control using antagonistic bacteria can be a sustainable control solution. Endophytic and phyllosphere bacteria are known to be a group of bacteria capable of suppressing the growth of pathogens. In previous studies, an in vitro antagonist test was conducted against the best consortium of endophytic and phyllosphere bacteria. In this study, further tests were carried out on the ability of bacteria on a field scale. This research was conducted in September 2021-March 2022 at the Plant Disease Laboratory of Pest and Plant Diseases Department of Brawijaya University and Green House of Jatimulyo, as well as the Research Institute for Various Nuts and Tubers (BALITKABI) Malang City. The research stages included purification of antagonist and pathogenic bacterial isolates, Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) activity test, synergism test of antagonist bacteria isolates, preparation and planting of seeds, inhibition test of endophytic and phyllosphere bacteria consortium against HDB, and total phenol content test. This study used 11 treatments with 3 replications. The variables of this study include the percentage of HDB disease intensity, the effectiveness of the bacterial consortium, the growth of rice plants, and the total phenol of rice plants. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the consortium of E18+F55 bacteria had the best ability to suppress disease with the lowest intensity of 0.94%, efficacy of 79.18%, and total phenol 2.94 mg/g associated with the induction of plant resistance. The application of the bacterial consortium was also known to have an effect on plant growth where the consortium E27 (Eschericia coli) + F124 (Uncultured bacterium)had the best effect on the number of tillers and leaves, and E15 (Bacillus cereus) + F165 (Bacillus cereus)had the highest effect on the weight of the rice stove. Therefore, based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the consortium of endophytic and phyllosphere bacteria has high potential as an effort to suppress disease attacks that are environmentally friendly so that it is feasible to be developed.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040578
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2023 06:39
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2023 06:39
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