Pengaruh Macam Media Tanam dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) dalam Polybag

Pradana, Feriansyah Hanif and Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito (2023) Pengaruh Macam Media Tanam dan Konsentrasi Pupuk Organik Cair Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) dalam Polybag. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sayuran merupakan hasil pertanian yang memiliki prospek cukup baik karena sayuran banyak dibutuhkan setiap harinya dan memiliki banyak manfaat. Salah satu sayuran yang cukup banyak digemari dan mudah didapatkan yaitu tanaman pakcoy. Tanaman pakcoy termasuk tanaman yang banyak digemari masyarakat karena memiliki banyak manfaat. Terjadinya penurunan produksi pakcoy pada tahun 2014 hingga 2015, hal tersebut berkaitan dengan alih fungsi lahan pertanian yang ditambah lagi pertambahan jumlah penduduk yang semakin banyak. Selain itu, keberadaan pupuk pabrikan / anorganik yang semakin lama semakin susah didapatkan karena harganya yang kurang terjangkau menjadi salah satu faktor kurang efektifnya kegiatan budidaya tanaman pakcoy. Penggunaan polybag dan juga pemupukan tanaman secara organik dapat dijadikan alternatif dalam mengatasi beberapa masalah tersebut. Maka dari itu, peneliti tertarik untuk melihat pengaruh pertumbuhan tanaman pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) dengan pemberian berbagai konsentrasi pupuk organik cair yang diterapkan dengan berbagai macam media tanam. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui interaksi macam media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman pakcoy di polybag. Hipotesis dari percobaan ini diduga terdapat interaksi dalam pengaplikasian berbagai macam media tanam dan pupuk organik cair dengan berbagai macam konsentrasi. Percobaan dilaksanakan di lahan pekarangan P4S "Alam Lestari" (Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian dan Perdesaan Swadaya), Jl. Mahakam, Kelurahan Tanjungsari, Kota Blitar. Percobaan dilaksanakan bulan September hingga bulan November 2021. Alat yang digunakan dalam percobaan ini berupa timbangan analitik, spet/suntikan, gembor/sprayer, cangkul, cetok, kamera, dan alat tulis. Sedangkan bahan yang diperlukan untuk percobaan adalah benih pakcoy varietas Nauli yang berasal dari PT. East West Seed Thailand, tanah, kompos, vermikompos, pupuk organik cair Nutrisida, polybag, dan air. Rancangan yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang disusun secara faktorial dengan 3 kali ulangan. Perlakuan ini terdiri dari dua faktor yaitu macam media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair. Faktor 1 yang merupakan macam media tanam yang dibagi dalam 3 taraf yang meliputi M1: Tanah (kontrol), M2 : Tanah + Vermikompos, dan M3 : Tanah + Kompos. Kemudian untuk faktor 2 yaitu konsentrasi pupuk organik cair yang terdiri dari 5 taraf, yaitu K1: Tanpa Pupuk Organik Cair (kontrol), K2: Konsentrasi 0,5 ml.liter-1, K3: Konsentrasi 1 ml.liter-1, K4: Konsentrasi 1,5 ml.liter-1, dan K5: Konsentrasi 2 ml.liter-1. Berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan, terdapat interaksi antara perlakuan macam media tanam dan konsentrasi pupuk organik cair terhadap bobot kering tanaman pakcoy. Perlakuan macam media tanam berpengaruh nyata terhadap rerata luas daun serta bobot segar tanaman pakcoy dengan perlakuan media tanam tanah + vermikompos. Perlakuan konsentrasi POC 1,5 ml.liter-1 memiliki rerata luas daun yang lebih tinggi namun tidak berbeda nyata dengan konsentrasi POC 1 ml.liter-1 dan 2 ml.liter-1. Perlakuan konsentrasi POC 1,5 ml.liter-1 memberikan rerata bobot segar tanaman pakcoy tertinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Pertambahan konsentrasi POC terhadap bobot segar tanaman pakcoy meningkat secara kuadratil, dimana POC yang optimum diperoleh pada konsentrasi 1,5 ml.liter-1.

English Abstract

Vegetables are agricultural products that have good prospects because vegetables are needed every day and have many benefits. One of the vegetables that is quite popular and easy to get is the pakcoy plant. Pakcoy plants are plants that are much loved by the community because they have many benefits. There was a decrease in pakcoy production from 2014 to 2015, this was related to the conversion of agricultural land which was added to the increasing number of residents. In addition, the existence of manufactured/inorganic fertilizers which are increasingly difficult to obtain because the prices are less affordable is one of the factors in the ineffectiveness of pakcoy cultivation activities. The use of polybags as well as organic fertilization of plants can be used as an alternative in overcoming some of these problems. Therefore, researchers are interested in seeing the effect of the growth of pakcoy plants (Brassica rapa L.) by administering various concentrations of liquid organic fertilizer applied to various types of planting media. This experiment aims to determine the interaction between the types of planting media and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer on the growth and yield of pakcoy plants in polybags. The hypothesis of this experiment is that there is an interaction in the application of various kinds of planting media and liquid organic fertilizers with various concentrations.. The experiment was carried out in the yard of P4S "Alam Lestari" (Self-help Agriculture and Rural Training Center), Jl. Mahakam, Tanjungsari Village, Blitar City. The experiment was carried out from September to November 2021. The tools used in this experiment were analytical scales, spet/injection, sprayer, hoe, trowel, camera, and stationery. Meanwhile, the materials needed for the experiment were pakcoy seeds of the Nauli variety from PT. East West Seed Thailand, soil, compost, vermicompost, nutrient liquid organic fertilizer, polybags, and water. The design used in this experiment was a randomized block design (RBD) which was arranged factorially with 3 block. This treatment consisted of two factors, namely the type of planting medium and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer. Factor 1 which is the type of planting medium which is divided into 3 levels which include M1: Soil (control), M2: Soil + Vermicompost, and M3: Soil + Compost. Then for factor 2, namely the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer which consists of 5 levels, namely K1: Without Liquid Organic Fertilizer (control), K2: Concentration of 0,5 ml.liter-1, K3: Concentration of 1 ml.liter-1, K4: Concentration of 1,5 ml.liter-1, and K5: Concentration of 2 ml.liter-1. Based on the experiments that have been carried out, there is an interaction between the different types of planting media and the concentration of liquid organic fertilizer on the dry weight of pakcoy plants. The treatment of various planting media had a significant effect on the average leaf area and fresh weight of pakcoy plants with the treatment of soil + vermicompost growing media. The treatment with liquid organic fertilizer concentration of 1.5 ml.liter-1 had a higher average leaf area but was not significantly different from liquid organic fertilizer concentrations of 1 ml.liter-1 and 2 ml.liter-1. The treatment with liquid organic fertilizer concentration of 1.5 ml.liter-1 gave the highest average fresh weight of pakcoy compared to other treatments. The addition of liquid organic fertilizer concentration to the fresh weight of pakcoy plants increased quadratically, where the optimum liquid organic fertilizer was obtained at a concentration of 1.5 ml.liter-

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523040064
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 06 Jun 2023 06:28
Last Modified: 06 Jun 2023 06:28
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