Kamila, Dinda Aghnia and Prof. Ir. Didik Suprayogo (2023) Pengaruh Fitoremediasi Terhadap Penurunan Nilai pH, Suhu, dan Daya Hantar Listrik (DHL) Air Irigasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Air merupakan sumberdaya utama yang dibutuhkan makhluk hidup. Tanaman menjadi salah satu makhluk hidup yang bergantung pada ketersediaan dan kualitas air melalui air irigasi. Kualitas air mengalami penurunan akibat adanya pencemaran air. Data Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) pada tahun 2015 sebanyak 67,94% air sungai di Indonesia tergolong tercemar berat, dengan penyumbang polutan terbesar berasal dari limbah rumah tangga sebesar 60%. Hal ini berdampak pada pertanian yang memanfaatkan air sungai sebagai suplai utama air irigasi. Air irigasi dengan tingkat polutan memengaruhi tingkat kesuburan tanah, sehingga secara langsung berdampak pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Salah satu indikasi terjadinya pencemaran air adalah meningkatnya pH air, suhu air dan daya hantar listrik air. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kualitas air irigasi yaitu dengan fitoremediasi. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi efektifitas fitoremediasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas air irigasi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kolam percobaan Desa Sukorejo, Kecamatan Gondanglegi, Kabupaten Malang pada bulan Mei hingga bulan Agustus 2022. kegiatan analisis laboratorium dilakukan di laboratorium Fisika Tanah, Departemen Tanah serta laboratorium Perum Jasa Tirta I. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) terdiri dari 5 perlakuan dan 4 kali ulangan yaitu: P0: tanpa perlakuan tanaman (kontrol), P1: fitoremediasi kombinasi 3 tanaman (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, dan Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.), P2: fitoremediasi kombinasi 6 tanaman (Vetiveria zizanioides L., Equisetum hyemale, Echinodorus palaefolius, Nelumbo nucifera, Limnocharis flava, dan Fimbristylis globulosa), P3: fitoremediasi kombinasi 9 tanaman (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Limnocharis flava, Equisetum hyemale, Fimbristylis globulosa, Colocasia esculenta, Nelumbo nucifera dan Typha angustifolia L.) dan P4: fitoremediasi kombinasi 12 tanaman (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Limnocharis flava, Equisetum hyemale, Fimbristylis globulosa, Colocasia esculenta, Nelumbo nucifera, Typha angustifolia L., Echinodorus palaefolius, Vetiveria zizanioides L. dan Cyperus alternifolius L.). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa setelah dilakukan fitoremediasi selama 56 HSR didapatkan hasil biomassa tanaman fitoremediasi lebih berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kualitas air irigasi (pH, suhu dan DHL) dibanding dengan diversifikasi tanaman fitoremediasi. Berdasarkan pengukuran biomassa tanaman didapatkan hasil biomassa tanaman tertinggi pada perlakuan fitoremediasi kombinasi 3 tanaman (P1) dengan tanaman Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, dan Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. sebesar 98,27 kg/m2. Fitoremediasi dengan perlakuan kombinasi 3 tanaman (P1) mampu menurunakan nilai pH air 9,6 menjadi 6,58, nilai suhu air 31 °C menjadi 23,4 °C dan nilai DHL 0,62 ms/cm menjadi 0,25 ms/cm, dengan nilai efektivitas penurunan sebesar pH (32,85%), suhu (24,51%), dan DHL (58,06%).
English Abstract
Water is the main resource needed by living organism. Plants become one of the living organism that depend on the availability and quality of water through irrigation water. Water quality has decreased due to water pollution. Data from the the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) in 2015 as much as 67.94% of river water in Indonesia is classified as heavily polluted, with the largest contributor of pollutants coming from household waste by 60%. This has an impact on agriculture which utilizes river water as the main supply of irrigation water. Irrigation water with pollutant levels affects the level of soil fertility, thereby directly impacting plant growth and production. One indication of water pollution is an increase in water pH, water temperature and water electrical conductivity. Efforts are being made to improve the quality of irrigation water by means of phytoremediation. The purpose of this research is to identify the effectiveness of phytoremediation in improving the quality of irrigation water. This research was carried out at the experimental pool on Sukorejo Village, Gondanglegi District, Malang Regency from May to August 2022. Laboratory analysis activities ware carried out in the Soil Physics laboratory, Department of Soil, and Perum Jasa Tirta I laboratory. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of 5 kinds of treatments with 4 repeats, namely: P0: without plant treatment (control), P1: phytoremediation of a combination of 3 plants (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, dan Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.), P2: phytoremediation of a combination of 6 plants (Vetiveria zizanioides L., Equisetum hyemale, Echinodorus palaefolius, Nelumbo nucifera, Limnocharis flava, dan Fimbristylis globulosa), P3: phytoremediation of a combination of 9 plants (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Limnocharis flava, Equisetum hyemale, Fimbristylis globulosa, Colocasia esculenta, Nelumbo nucifera dan Typha angustifolia L.) and P4: phytoremediation of a combination of 12 plants (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., Limnocharis flava, Equisetum hyemale, Fimbristylis globulosa, Colocasia esculenta, Nelumbo nucifera, Typha angustifolia L., Echinodorus palaefolius, Vetiveria zizanioides L. dan Cyperus alternifolius L.). The results of this study indicate that after phytoremediation for 56 HSR, the results of phytoremediation plant biomass have more influence on increasing the quality of irrigation water (pH, temperature and EC) compared to diversification of phytoremediation plants. Based on plant biomass measurements, the highest plant biomass results were obtained in the phytoremediation treatment of a combination of 3 plants (P1) with Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes, and Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. with a value of 98.27 kg/m2. Phytoremediation with a combination of 3 plants (P1) was able to reduce the pH value of water from 9.6 to 6.58, the value of water temperature from 31 °C to 23.4 °C and the EC value of 0.62 ms/cm to 0.25 ms/cm, with a decreasing effectiveness value of pH (32.85%), temperature (24.51%), and EC (58.06%).
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523040048 |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 05 Jun 2023 07:44 |
Last Modified: | 05 Jun 2023 07:44 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/200761 |
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