Penerapan Lean Manufacturing untuk Mengurangi Pemborosan pada Proses Produksi Biskuit Marie Wijen (Studi Kasus di Usaha Wukir Sari, Kota Batu)

Nuraini, Adityas Komang and STP, MP, Dr. Sucipto and STP, MP., Ika Atsari Dewi (2023) Penerapan Lean Manufacturing untuk Mengurangi Pemborosan pada Proses Produksi Biskuit Marie Wijen (Studi Kasus di Usaha Wukir Sari, Kota Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pemenuhan kebutuhan dan kepuasan konsumen menjadi orientasi penting perusahaan. Industri pangan memiliki prospek cukup tinggi. Di Kota Batu ada 365 UKM bersaing ketat dan memaksa usaha memiliki keunggulan kompetitif. Optimasi penggunaan bahan baku dan pengurangan pemborosan proses produksi dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas usaha. Usaha Wukir Sari di Kota Batu menghasilkan biskuit marie wijen ‘Wukir Sari’. Tantangan utama Usaha Wukir Sari adalah menghasilkan biskuit marie wijen berkualitas, terkendali, efektif, dan efisien agar dapat bersaing dengan produk sejenis. Beberapa pemborosan selama proses produksi di usaha ini adalah ada waktu menunggu dan unnecessary motion akibat tenaga kerja sering melakukan aktivitas tidak perlu seperti pengerjaan ulang, mencari peralatan karena penyimpanan tidak teratur, dan gerakan lain yang harusnya dihindari, serta bergurau selama proses produksi yang menambah lead time produksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi jenis, penyebab pemborosan, dan menyarankan usulan perbaikan untuk mengoptimalkan produktivitas pengolahan biskuit marie wijen di usaha ini. Lean Manufacturing adalah seperangkat alat praktis yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pemborosan dalam sistem manufaktur yang berfokus pada penciptaan nilai bagi konsumen. Tools yang dipilih untuk implementasi Lean Manufacturing pada usaha Wukir Sari adalah Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Value Stream Analysis Tools (VALSAT), dan perbaikan 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, dan Shitsuke). Value Stream Mapping diterapkan detail untuk mengidentifikasi dan menghilangkan pemborosan, dan memberikan perbaikan pada aliran untuk meningkatkan proses produksi. VSM untuk memetakan proses produksi dan penggunaan mapping tools dalam VALSAT dari peringkat tertinggi antara hubungan masing-masing tools dan 12 jenis pemborosan dari kuesioner ke pemilik usaha dan dua pekerja bagian produksi. Selanjutnya perbaikan berkelanjutan dilakukan dengan konsep 5S mengurangi pemborosan. Hasil identifikasi diperoleh pemborosan paling banyak yaitu environmental pollution, unnecessary motion, defect, dan waiting. Tiga tools VALSAT tertinggi yang digunakan Quality Filter Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, dan Overall Supply Chain Effectiveness. Usulan perbaikan untuk mereduksi pemborosan dan perbaikan berkelanjutan dengan konsep 5S. Usulan perbaikan berupa pembuatan red tag, pelabelan tempat penyimpanan untuk mempermudah pencarian barang, diadakan penambahan alat dan jadwal kegiatan kebersihan, serta membuat aturan kerja, display poster, dan checklist evaluasi 5S. Pada future state mapping, didapat pengurangan waktu aktivitas NVA dari 1,86 menit menjadi 0 menit. Pengurangan NNVA dominan pada aktivitas pengiriman gula cair ke tempat pelumuran dan pengiriman wijen sangrai ke tempat pelumuran wijen. Pengurangan waktu aktivitas NNVA dari 36,66 menit menjadi 13,00 menit. Pengurangan lead time keseluruhan dari 250,57 menit menjadi 225,05 menit yaitu 25,52 menit atau 10,19% persen.

English Abstract

Fulfillment of consumer needs and satisfaction is an important orientation of the company. The food industry has quite high prospects. In Batu City there are 365 SMEs competing fiercely and forcing businesses to have a competitive advantage. Optimizing the use of raw materials and reducing waste in the production process is carried out to increase business productivity. The Wukir Sari business in Batu City produces ‘Wukir Sari’ sesame marie biscuits. The main challenge for the Wukir Sari business is to produce quality, controlled, effective and efficient sesame marie biscuits so that they can compete with similar products. Some of the waste during the production process in this business is that there is waiting time and unnecessary motion due to the fact that workers often carry out unnecessary activities such as rework, looking for equipment due to irregular storage, and other movements that should be avoided, as well as joking during the production process which increases lead time production. This research was conducted to identify the types, causes of waste, and suggest suggestions for improvements to optimize the productivity of sesame marie biscuit processing in this business. Lean Manufacturing is a practical set of tools used to identify and eliminate waste in manufacturing systems focused on creating value for consumers. The tools selected for implementing Lean Manufacturing in Wukir Sari's business are Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Value Stream Analysis Tools (VALSAT), and 5S improvements (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke). Value Stream Mapping is applied in detail to identify and eliminate waste that occurs, as well as provide improvements to the flow to improve the production process. VSM was selected to map the production process and the use of mapping tools in VALSAT from the highest rating between the relationship of each tool and 12 types of waste from the questionnaire to the business owner and two production workers. Furthermore, continuous improvement is carried out with the 5S concept in reducing waste. The results of the identification show that the most wastage is environmental pollution, unnecessary motion, defects, and waiting. The three highest VALSAT tools used are Quality Filter Mapping, Process Activity Mapping, and Overall Supply Chain Effectiveness. Proposed improvements to reduce waste and continuous improvement with the 5S concept. Proposed improvements in the form of making red tags, labeling storage areas to make it easier to find items, adding tools and cleaning activity schedules, and making work rules, displaying posters, and 5S evaluation checklists. In the future state mapping, it was found that the NVA activity time was reduced from 1.86 minutes to 0 minutes. The reduction in NNVA was dominant in the activity of sending liquid sugar to the refining place and shipping the roasted sesame to the sesame basting place. Reduction of NNVA activity time from 36.66 minutes to 13.00 minutes. Overall lead time reduction from 250.57 minutes to 225.05 minutes, which is 25.52 minutes or 10.19% percent.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523100004
Uncontrolled Keywords: 5S, Biskuit, Lean Manufacturing, Pemborosan, VSM, VALSAT, 5S, Biscuits, Lean Manufacturing, Waste, VSM, VALSAT
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 15 May 2023 06:47
Last Modified: 15 May 2023 06:47
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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