Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Za Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.)

Rokhadi, Meryta Qotrunanda and Dr. agr. Nunun Barunawati, SP., MP. (2022) Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Za Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tiga Varietas Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Bawang merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) menjadi salah satu komoditas hortikultura utama di Indonesia serta memiliki banyak manfaat. Peningkatan produksi tanaman bawang merah dapat diimbangi dengan teknologi budidaya tanaman bawang merah dengan menambahkan sumber nitrogen. Salah satunya adalah nitrogen yang bersumber dari pupuk ZA. Terdapat beberapa varietas unggul bawang merah yang beredar di masyarakat diantaranya varietas Biru Lancor, varietas Super Philip, dan varietas Batu Ijo. Varietas Biru Lancor dan varietas Batu Ijo memiliki keunggulan toleran terhadap penyakit Fusarium sp. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mempelajari dan mendapatkan pengaruh antara dosis pupuk ZA pada tiga varietas tanaman bawang merah. Hipotesis penelitian ini yaitu setiap varietas memberikan respon yang berbeda terhadap pemberian dosis pupuk ZA. Penelitian telah dilaksanakan bulan Maret 2022 hingga bulan Juni 2022. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Tampung, Kelurahan Kalirejo, Kecamatan Gondangwetan, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Kondisi iklim di lokasi penelitian meliputi rata-rata suhu harian sekitar 22-32ºC dengan tingkat kelembapan antara 45%–83% serta berada pada 100 m di atas permukaan air laut (m dpl). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian faktorial yang dirancang menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor yaitu faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk ZA dan faktor kedua adalah varietas tanaman bawang merah. Terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan dan setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali, sehingga terdapat 36 satuan percobaan/petak. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan analisis ragam (ANOVA) pada taraf 5% dan apabila terdapat perbedaan nyata dilanjutkan dengan uji BNJ (Beda Nyata Jujur) pada taraf 5%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian dosis pupuk ZA dan varietas tidak menunjukkan adanya interaksi pada parameter pertumbuhan. Namun terdapat interaksi pada parameter hasil yakni bobot segar total, bobot segar umbi. jumlah umbi, dan bobot umbi kering per rumpun, bobot kering total per rumpun, bobot umbi kering per petak, dan bobot umbi kering per hektar. Varietas Super Philip dengan pemberian dosis pupuk ZA N 150 kg ha-1 mampu meningkatkan bobot segar total per rumpun (55,33%), bobot segar umbi per rumpun (54,15%), jumlah umbi per rumpun (73,51%), bobot umbi kering per rumpun (55,11%), bobot kering total per rumpun (71,54%,), bobot umbi kering per petak (49,34%), dan bobot umbi kering per hektar (49,43%). Pemberian dosis pupuk ZA N 250 kg ha-1 mampu meningkatkan panjang tanaman sebesar 9,89%. Pemberian dosis pupuk ZA N 150 kg ha-1 mampu meningkatkan jumlah daun (11,97%) dan jumlah anakan (10,24%). Adapun varietas Super Philip mampu meningkatkan jumlah daun dan jumlah anakan tertinggi dengan persentase peningkatan 173,37% dan 166,59%.

English Abstract

Shallots (Allium ascalonicum L.) are one of the main horticultural commodities in Indonesia and has many benefits. Increased production of shallots can be balanced with shallot cultivation technology by adding nitrogen sources. One of them is nitrogen sourced from ZA fertilizer. There are high productivity of shallots varieties which farmer preferrence, including the Biru Lancor, Super Philip, and Batu Ijo variety. The Biru Lancor variety and the Batu Ijo variety which have superior disease tolerance to Fusarium sp. The aims of this research is to study and obtain the influence of ZA fertilizer dosage on three varieties of shallots. The hypothesis of this research is each varieties give different response to the dose of ZA fertilizer. The research was conducted from March 2022 to June 2022, was conducted in Tampung, Kalirejo Village, Gondangwetan District, Pasuruan, East Java Province. The climate conditions at the experimental environmental include an average daily temperature at about 22-32ºC with humidity levels at 45%-83% and are located at 100 m above sea level. This research is a factorial experimental designed using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) involve two factors. The first factor is the dose of ZA fertilizer and the second factor is variety of shallot. There were 12 treatment combination and each treatment used 3 replication, thus there were 36 experimental unit/plot. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) at the 5% level and if there was a significant difference, it was continued with the HSD test (Hight Significant Difference) at the 5% level. Based on the results of the research show that there is no interaction between ZA fertilizer dosage and variety treatment on growth variable. However, there is interaction on parameters of yield such kind of total fresh weight, tuber fresh weight, number and dry weight of tubers per clump, total dry weight per clump, dry weight of tuber per plot, and dry weight of tuber per hectare. In conclude is the Super Philip variety with the dose of ZA fertilizer N 150 kg ha-1 able to increase total fresh weight per clump (55.33%), fresh weight of tubers per clump (54.15%), number of tubers per clump (73.51%), dry weight tuber per clump (55.11%), total dry weight per clump (71.54%), dry weight tuber per plot (49.34%), and dry weight tuber per hectare (49.43%). The dose of ZA fertilizer N 250 kg ha-1 able to increase plant length by 9.89%. The dose of ZA fertilizer N 150 kg ha-1 able to increase the number of leaves (11.97%) and the number of tillers (10.24%). Meanwhile, the Super Philip variety able to enhance number of leaves and number of tillers the highest with an increase of 173.37% and 166.59% respectively.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040451
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2023 02:24
Last Modified: 06 Apr 2023 02:24
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