Keanekaragaman Bakteri Rhizosfer Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria/Pgpr) Pada Lahan Agroforestri Pinus-Kopi Di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Brawijaya Malang

Zuhri, Lu’aili Addina and Rina Rachmawati, SP., MP., M.Eng and Dr. Silvi Ikawati, SP.,MP.,M.Sc. (2022) Keanekaragaman Bakteri Rhizosfer Pemacu Pertumbuhan Tanaman (Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria/Pgpr) Pada Lahan Agroforestri Pinus-Kopi Di Hutan Pendidikan Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Rizobakteri adalah kelompok bakteri yang terdapat pada lapisan tanah yang menyelimuti permukaan akar dan memberikan pengaruh yang positif terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman. Hutan Pendidikan UB Forest Malang didominasi oleh tanaman kopi dengan naungan pinus serta terdapat perbedaan tipe pengelolaan lahan yang diterapkan. Sehingga perbedaan pengelolaan pada setiap plot mempengaruhi jumlah mikroorganisme atau bakteri rizosfer yang ada pada lahan kopi pinus. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman bakteri rizosfer yang berpotensi sebagai PGPR pada kawasan agroforestri pinus dan kopi di hutan pendidikan UB Forest Malang. Penelitian dilakukan di UB Forest untuk pengambilan sampel tanah rizosfer. dan di Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya pada bulan Oktober 2021 – Juni 2022. Terdapat 7 plot pengamatan dengan pengelolaan lahan yang berbeda, yaitu (1) Low Management Coffee (LC) perlakuan pruning, (2) Low Management Coffee (LC) perlakuan trimming pruning, (3) Medium Management Coffee (MC) perlakuan pruning, (4) Medium Management Coffee (MC) perlakuan trimming pruning, (5) High Management Coffee (HC) perlakuan pruning (6) High Management Coffee (HC) perlakuan trimming pruning dan (7) Business As Usual (BAU) sebagai kontrol. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pengambilan sampel tanah rizosfer meliputi survei lahan, penentuan plot pengamatan, pengambilan sampel tanah. Sampel tanah kemudian digunakan untuk isolasi bakteri rizosfer, purifikasi bakteri rizosfer, dilanjutkan dengan seleksi bakteri rizosfer untuk mendapatkan isolat yang berperan sebagai PGPR pada dua media selektif yang berbeda, yaitu media Burk dan media Pikovskaya. Selain itu, bakteri hasil purifikasi kemudian dilakukan karakterisasi pada bakteri dengan uji KOH 3% dan pengecatan Gram. Analisis data dilakukan dengan uji korelasi iklim mikro dengan keanekaragaman bakteri. Dari total 118 isolat bakteri yang ditemukan, total bakteri yang berperan sebagai PGPR adalah 80 bakteri, 69 isolat bakteri pelarut fosfat, 53 isolat penambat nitrogen, dan 41 isolat mampu melarutkan fosfat serta menambat nitrogen. Hasil perhitungan nilai kelimpahan tertinggi yaitu pada plot LC 1.1 perlakuan trimming pruning dengan nilai kelimpahan sebesar 9,67 x 10ˆ7 dan terendah pada plot MC 2.2 perlakuan trimming pruning dengan nilai kelimpahan 3,88 x 10ˆ7. Sedangkan hasil keanekaragaman tertinggi adalah 2,57 pada plot MC 2.1 perlakuan pruning dan terendah yaitu 1,97 pada plot MC 2.2 perlakuan trimming pruning dan pada plot HC 3.1 perlakuan pruning. Namun hasil pada tiap plot pengamatan tersebut memiliki kriteria keanekaragaman yang sama yaitu sedang. Hasil uji korelasi iklim mikro dengan kelimpahan dan keanekaragaman bakteri menunjukkan nilai P>0,05 pada setiap variabel pengamatan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa kondisi lingkungan tidak berkorelasi dengan kelimpahan maupun keanekaragaman bakteri PGPR yang ditemukan.

English Abstract

Rhizobacteria are a group of bacteria found in the soil layer that covers the root surface and has a positive influence on plant growth. UB Forest Malang Educational Forest is dominated by coffee plants with pine shade and there are different types of land management applied. So that the difference in management in each plot affects the number of microorganisms or rhizosphere bacteria that exist in pine coffee fields. Therefore, a research was conducted on the diversity of rhizosphere bacteria that have the potential as PGPR in pine and coffee agroforestry areas in UB Forest Malang's educational forest. The research was conducted in UB Forest for rhizosphere soil sampling. and at the Laboratory of Biological Control, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya in October 2021 – June 2022. There are 7 observation plots with different land management, namely (1) Low Management Coffee (LC) pruning treatment, (2) Low Management Coffee (LC) treatment trimming pruning, (3) Medium Management Coffee (MC) pruning treatment, (4) Medium Management Coffee (MC) trimming pruning treatment, (5) High Management Coffee (HC) pruning treatment (6) High Management Coffee (HC) trimming treatment pruning and (7) Business As Usual (BAU) as controls. This research was conducted by taking rhizosphere soil samples including land surveys, determination of observation plots, and soil sampling. Soil samples were then used for isolation of rhizosphere bacteria, purification of rhizosphere bacteria, followed by selection of rhizosphere bacteria to obtain isolates that act as PGPR on two different selective media, it’s Burk media and Pikovskaya media. In addition, the purified bacteria were then characterized on the bacteria using the 3% KOH test and Gram staining. Data analysis was carried out by testing the correlation between microclimate and bacterial diversity. The result of isolation there are found as much 118 isolates of bacteria, the total bacteria that act as PGPR were 80 bacteria, 69 isolates of phosphate solubilizing bacteria, 53 nitrogen fixing isolates, and 41 isolates capable of solubilizing phosphate and fixing nitrogen. The results of the calculation of the highest abundance value were in the LC 1.1 pruning trimming plot with an abundance value of 9.67 x 10ˆ7 and the lowest was in the MC 2.2 pruning trimming treatment plot with an abundance value of 3.88 x 10ˆ7. Meanwhile, the highest diversity yield was 2.57 on the pruning treatment MC 2.1 plot and the lowest was 1.97 on the MC 2.2 pruning trimming treatment plot and the HC 3.1 pruning treatment plot. However, the results in each of these observation plots have the same diversity criteria, namely moderate. The results of the correlation test of microclimate with the abundance and diversity of bacteria showed a P value> 0.05 for each observation variable. These results indicate that environmental conditions have no correlation with the abundance or diversity of PGPR bacteria found.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040442
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 05 Apr 2023 06:54
Last Modified: 05 Apr 2023 06:54
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