Evaluasi Penampilan Fenotipik Enam Calon Varietas Hibrida Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum L.)

Almira, Afuwwan and Ir. Sri Lestari Purnamaningsih and Dr. Izmi Yulianah, (2022) Evaluasi Penampilan Fenotipik Enam Calon Varietas Hibrida Tomat (Solanum Lycopersicum L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tomat (Solanum lycopersicum L.) merupakan salah satu komoditas hortikultura yang memiliki nilai ekonomi tinggi. Buah tomat dapat dikonsumsi dalam bentuk buah segar dan digunakan sebagai bahan baku industri. Banyaknya kegunaan dan manfaat buah tomat menyebabkan permintaan buah tomat setiap tahun cenderung meningkat (Merintan et al., 2016). Pada wilayah tertentu produksi tomat di Indonesia kurang stabil. Produksi tomat yang tidak stabil dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa hal diantaranya jenis benih yang ditanam, serangan hama penyakit, kultur teknis kurang optimal, serta ketersediaan varietas unggul di tingkat petani tergolong rendah (Adiyoga et al., 1992). Salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan produksi tomat adalah merakit varietas unggul baru tomat melalui program pemuliaan tanaman. Varietas hibrida memiliki beberapa keunggulan seperti hasil yang lebih baik, kemampuan beradaptasi, keseragaman dan reaksi terhadap biotik tertentu dan tekanan abiotik dibandingkan dengan tanaman yang dikembangkan dari varietas inbrida. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei - Agustus 2022 di Desa Bocek, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kota Malang, Jawa timur. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 6 calon varietas tomat hibrida, 2 varietas pembanding yakni Servo dan Diva, pupuk NPK, SP36, kompos, cocopeat, fungisida dan insektisida. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 calon varietas tomat hibrida dan 2 varietas pembanding dengan 3 ulangan. Pelaksanaan penelitian dilakukan mulai dari persiapan lahan hingga panen. Perameter yang diamati meliputi karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Karakter kuantitatif yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman (cm), umur berbunga (hst), jumlah bunga per tanaman (bunga), jumlah tandan bunga per tanaman (tandan bunga), fruit set (%), umur panen (hst), jumlah buah total per tanaman, bobot buah total per tanaman (gram), bobot per buah (gram), hasil buah per petak (kg), hasil per hektar (kg) dan umur simpan Karakter kualitatif yang diamati yaitu tipe tepi daun, bentuk buah dan ukuran buah matang. Hasil pengamatan menunjukan bahwa calon verietas V1, V2, V3, V4 dan V5 menunjukan penampilan bobot per tanaman, hasil per petak dan hasil per hektar yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan varietas pembanding Servo dan Diva. Pada penampilan tinggi tanaman, hasil per petak dan hasil per hektar calon varietas V1 memiliki hasil yang lebih tinggi dari varietas pembanding Servo. Calon varietas V1 memiliki umur simpan yang lebih lama dari pembanding Diva. Berdasarkan pengamatan karakter bentuk buah terdapat empat keragaman bentuk buah yakni bulat (Servo, V2, V3 dan V5), lonjong (Diva dan V1), agak pipih (V4) dan bentuk hati (V6). Pada karakter ukuran buah matang terdapat 2 kelompok yaitu kecil (Diva dan V5) dan intermediate (Servo, V1, V2, V3, V4 dan V6)

English Abstract

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a horticultural commodity that has high economic value. Tomatoes can be consumed in the form of fresh fruit and used as industrial raw materials. The many uses and benefits of tomatoes cause the demand for tomatoes every year to tend to increase (Merintan et al., 2016). In certain areas, tomato production in Indonesia is less stable. Unstable tomato production can be caused by several things including the type of seed planted, pest and disease attacks, less than optimal technical culture, and the low availability of superior varieties at the farm level (Adiyoga et al., 1992). One way to increase tomato production is to assemble new high-yielding varieties of tomatoes through plant breeding programs. Hybrid varieties have several advantages such as better yields, adaptability, uniformity and reaction to certain biotic and abiotic stresses compared to plants developed from inbred varieties. This research was conducted in May - August 2022 in Bocek Village, Karangploso District, Malang City, East Java. The materials used were 6 candidate hybrid tomato varieties, 2 check varieties namely Servo and Diva, NPK fertilizer, SP36, compost, cocopeat, fungicide and insecticide. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 6 candidate hybrid tomato varieties and 2 comparison varieties with 3 replications. The research was carried out starting from land preparation to harvesting. The observed parameters include qualitative and quantitative characters. The quantitative characters observed were plant height (cm), flowering age (dap), number of flowers per plant (flowers), number of flower bunches per plant (flower bunches), fruit set (%), harvest age (dap), total number of fruits per plant, total fruit weight per plant (grams), weight per fruit (grams), fruit yield per plot (kg), yield per hectare (kg) and storage age (dah). The qualitative characters observed were leaf margin type, fruit shape and ripe fruit size. The results showed that the candidate varieties V1, V2, V3, V4 and V5 showed yields per plant, yields per plot and yields per hectare which were not significantly different from the check varieties Servo and Diva. In terms of plant height, yield per plot and yield per hectare, the candidate variety V1 had higher yields than the Servo variety. The candidate for the V1 variety has a longer shelf life than the Diva variety. Based on observations of fruit shape characters, there were four variations of fruit shapes namely round (Servo, V2, V3 and V5), oval (Diva and V1), slightly flattened (V4) and heart-shaped (V6). There are 2 groups of ripe fruit size characters, namely small (Diva and V5) and intermediate (Servo, V1, V2, V3, V4 and V6).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040340
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 16 Mar 2023 03:52
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2023 03:52
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/197586
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