Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Coklat Batang Menggunakan Green Quality Function Deployment II (GQFD II) (Studi Kasus Di Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati)

Velyawati, Nike and Dr. Retno Astuti,, STP. MT and Aunur Rofiq Mulyarto,, STP., M.Sc. (2022) Peningkatan Kualitas Produk Coklat Batang Menggunakan Green Quality Function Deployment II (GQFD II) (Studi Kasus Di Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perkembangan industri di era globalisasi semakin berkembang pesat. Perkembangan industri menjadikan Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati semakin bersaing dalam mengembangkan industrinya. Upaya yang dilakukan Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati dalam menghadapi persaingan tersebut, yaitu dengan memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen dari segi kualitas produk. Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati menambahkan strategi peningkatan kualitas produk dari segi lingkungan dengan cara memproduksi cokelat batang secara ramah lingkungan dan memberikan harga ekonomis agar konsumen tertarik untuk membeli produknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui atribut kualitas yang dipentingkan konsumen, mengetahui limbah yang dihasilkan selama proses produksi, dan menganalisis biaya yang dapat dikurangi sehingga dihasilkan produk yang berkualitas ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Green Quality Function Deployment II (Green QFD II). Green QFD II mengintegrasikan QFD, LCA, dan LCC ke dalam matriks – matriksnya. QFD digunakan untuk mendapatkan prioritas atribut kualitas yang perlu perbaikan. Penetapan atribut pada QFD melalui pendekatan 8 atribut kualitas, meliputi performance, Easthetica, Feature, Reability, Serviceability, Conformance to Spesification, Durability, dan Perceived Quality. LCA digunakan untuk mengevaluasi dampak lingkungan yang dihasilkan dari proses produksi. Penetapan atribut pada LCA dari limbah yang dihasilkan, meliputi emisi CO2, pH, COD, TSS, BOD, minyak dan lemak. LCC digunakan untuk mengevaluasi biaya produk selama siklus hidupnya. Penetapan atribut pada LCC, yaitu Pembelian biji kakao, butter, susu bubuk, dan gula, kemasan printing, alumunium foil, gaji, dan listrik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelompok Tani Mulyo Jati yang berlokasi di Desa Randugenengan, Kabupaten Mojokerto pada bulan Juli 2022 sampai September 2022. Prioritas respon teknis pada house of quality berturut – turut yaitu teknik pengolahan (0,27), penanganan bahan baku (0,14), desain kemasan (0,13), penanganan bahan baku (0,14). Pada green house prioritas limbah yang perlu ditekan dampaknya berturut – turut emisi CO2 dari listrik (0,07), emisi CO2 dari pembakaran limbah kulit kakao (0,07), COD (0,007), BOD (0,007). Kemasan printing dan listrik merupakan biaya yang dapat dikurangi pada cost house. Hasil analisis Green Quality Function Deployment II pada house of quality atribut yang paling dipentingkan konsumen yaitu cokelat masih layak konsumsi (tidak berjamur). Limbah yang memiliki dampak tertinggi pada green house yaitu emisi CO2 listrik sebesar 9.027,67 ppm. Biaya yang dikurangi pada cost house meliputi pembelian listrik dan kemasan printing. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya perlu dilakukan analisis hubungan antara variabel kualitas penelitian, serta memperkuat analisis biaya untuk menambah akurasi penelitian.

English Abstract

Industrial development in the era of globalization is growing rapidly. Industrial developments have made the Mulyo Jati Farmer Group increasingly competitive in developing their industry. The efforts made by the Mulyo Jati Farmer Group in dealing with this competition, namely by fulfilling the needs and desires of consumers in terms of product quality. The Mulyo Jati Farmer Group added a strategy to improve product quality from an environmental point of view by producing chocolate bars in an environmentally friendly manner and providing economical prices so that consumers are interested in buying their products. The purpose of this research is to find out the quality attributes that are important to consumers, to find out the waste generated during the production process, and to analyze costs that can be reduced so that quality products are produced that are economical and environmentally friendly. This research method uses the Green Quality Function Deployment II (Green QFD II). Green QFD II integrates QFD, LCA, and LCC into its matrices. QFD is used to get priority quality attributes that need improvement. Determination of attributes in QFD through the approach of 8 quality attributes, including performance, aesthetics, features, reliability, serviceability, conformance to specification, durability, and perceived quality. LCA is used to evaluate the environmental impact resulting from the production process. Determination of attributes on the LCA of the waste produced, including CO2 emissions, pH, COD, TSS, BOD, oil and grease. LCC is used to evaluate the cost of a product over its life cycle. Determination of attributes on LCC, namely the purchase of cocoa beans, butter, powdered milk and sugar, packaging printing, aluminum foil, salary and electricity. The research was carried out at the Mulyo Jati Farmer Group located in Randugenengan Village, Mojokerto Regency from July 2022 to September 2022. The priority of technical response to the house of quality is processing technique (0.27), raw material handling (0.14), packaging design (0.13), raw material handling (0.14). In the waste priority greenhouses that need to reduce their impact respectively CO2 emissions from electricity (0.07), CO2 emissions from burning cocoa shell waste (0.07), COD (0.007), BOD (0.007). Printing and electricity packaging are costs that can be reduced at the cost house. The results of the Green Quality Function Deployment II analysis on the house of quality attribute that is most important to consumers, namely chocolate is still fit for consumption (no mold). The waste that has the highest impact on the green house is the CO2 emission of electricity of 9,027.67 ppm. Costs deducted from the cost house include the purchase of sugar and printing packaging. Suggestions for further research need to analyze the relationship between research quality variables, as well as strengthen the cost analysis to increase research accuracy.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100416
Uncontrolled Keywords: Cokelat Batang, Green Quality Function Deployment II, Peningkatan Kualitas,Chocolate Bar, Quality Improvement, Green Quality Function Deployment II
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2023 02:55
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2023 02:55
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