Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Roti Melalui Matriks SWOT-AHP pada Usaha Favoritee Flavor

Hendriette, Natasha Roma Lydia and Dr. Sucipto,, STP, MP. and Mas’ud Effendi,, STP, MP. (2022) Analisis Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Roti Melalui Matriks SWOT-AHP pada Usaha Favoritee Flavor. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) makanan cukup menjanjikan bagi perekonomian Indonesia. Salah satunya adalah Favorite Flavor by Juna dengan produk andalan roti. Produk usaha cukup unggul di pasaran, tetapi pertumbuhan usaha masih lambat. Hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya karyawan, promosi tidak kuat, dan tidak memiliki strategi yang tepat dalam menjalankan usaha. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis strategi pengembangan usaha yang tepat memanfaatkan matriks Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, dan Threats (SWOT) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analisis SWOT digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal usaha, kemudian dirumuskan prioritas strategi menggunakan analisis AHP. Responden yang terlibat adalah pihak internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa berdasarkan analisis SWOT pada matriks Internal-Eksternal posisi usaha Favorite Flavor by Juna berada pada strategi hold and maintain dengan nilai Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) = 2.86 dan External Factor Evaluation (EFE) = 2.95. Jumlah total IFE dan EFE ≥2,5 mengindikasikan posisi internal usaha kuat. Analisis prioritas dengan metode AHP menunjukkan bahwa kriteria produk enak memperoleh nilai terbesar yaitu 0.72. Strategi dengan nilai prioritas tertinggi adalah melakukan perencanaan inovasi secara berkala (0,7), pengembangan produk baru (0.27), dan melakukan kolaborasi dengan brand lain (0,13).

English Abstract

Small and Medium Enterprise (ISE) are a promising business sector for the Indonesian economy. One type of micro business engaged in the food sector is Favorite Flavor by Juna with its flagship product being bread. Although this business has products that are quite superior in the market, their business growth is still relatively slow. This is caused by a lack2 of employees, weak promotions, and not having the right strategy in running the business. The aim of this study is to analyze the right business development strategy through the use of the Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) matrix. SWOT analysis is used to analyze internal and external factors owned by the business, then from these factors a strategy that can be implemented is formulated. Determination of priority strategy is done by using AHP analysis. In this study, the respondents involved were internal and external of Favorite Flavor by Juna. The results found that based on the SWOT analysis on the Internal-External matrix, the position of the Favorite Flavor by Juna business was in the hold and maintain strategy with (Internal Factor Evaluation) IFE = 2.86 and (External Factor Evaluation) EFE = 2.95. The total number of IFE and EFE 2,5 indicates a strong internal position of the business. Priority analysis using the AHP method shows that the criteria for delicious products get the largest value, which is 0.72. The strategy with the highest priority value is to periodically plan innovation (0.7), develop new products (0.27), and collaborate with other brands (0.13).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100414
Uncontrolled Keywords: UMKM, Roti, SWOT, AHP, Pengembangan bisnis,UMKM, Bread, SWOT, AHP, Business development
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 07 Feb 2023 02:38
Last Modified: 07 Feb 2023 02:38
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