Fadillah, Asyraf and Arif Hidayat,, STP., M.AIT., Ph.D. and Danang Triagus Setiyawan,, ST., MT. (2022) Analisis Penentuan Jumlah dan Pemilihan Supplier Menggunakan Metode Decision Tree dan Analytic Hierarchy Process (Studi Kasus CV. Bagus Agriseta Mandiri). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Apel merupakan komoditas pertanian yang menjadi tulang punggung perekonomian bagi petani dan pemerintahan kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Berdasarkan data statistik dinas pertanian kota batu, jumlah produksi pertahun buah apel mencapai 43.000 ton pada tahun 2020. Akibat ketersediaan buah apel yang melimpah diperlukan pengolahan lebih lanjut untuk menambah nilai ekonomi buah apel sekaligus memperpanjang umur simpan. Melihat peluang olahan buah apel yang cukup besar, masyarakat kota Batu mulai mendirikan industri rumah tangga atau industri kecil sebagai bentuk pemanfaatan buah apel yang melimpah untuk dijadikan bahan baku utama. Salah satunya yaitu CV. Bagus Agriseta Mandiri yang berdiri pada tahun 2001. Perusahaan ini bergerak pada bidang agroindustri hilir yaitu subsektor industri yang mengolah hasil budidaya buah ataupun sayur. Karena produk unggulan yang ditawarkan perusahaan seluruhnya merupakan produk olahan dengan bahan baku apel maka kebutuhan bahan baku akan buah apel untuk kegiatan produksi cukup tinggi namun umur simpan bahan baku yang relatif singkat. Akibatnya perusahaan sangat bergantung kepada supplier untuk dapat menjamin ketersediaan dan kualitas bahan baku. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan analisis penentuan jumlah dan pemilihan supplier guna meminimalisir risiko kegagalan pasokan dan mendapatkan supplier handal yang sesuai dengan kriteria perusahaan. Tujuan penelitian ini agar dapat mengidentifikasi risiko kegagalan pasokan bahan baku buah apel yang terjadi akibat supplier dan penilaian supplier berdasarkan kriteria yang diinginkan perusahaan. Selain itu, disusun usulan jumlah dan pemilihan supplier berdasarkan risiko kegagalan pasokan dan kriteria untuk mendapatkan supplier yang handal. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan permodelan decision tree dan analytical hierarchy process. Decision tree digunakan untuk menganalisa jumlah supplier dengan mempertimbangkan risiko kegagalan pasokan. Analytical hierarchy process digunakan untuk pemilihan supplier yang sesuai berdasarkan kriteria perusahaan sehingga mendapatkan peringkat supplier yang terintegrasi. Dengan kedua metode tersebut selanjutnya dapat disusun usulan jumlah dan pemilihan supplier sebagai upaya mengendalikan pasokan bahan baku buah apel dengan harapan dapat meminimalisir risiko kegagalan pasokan. Hasil analisis menggunakan decision tree diperoleh jumlah supplier berdasarkan risiko kegagalan pasokan dan biaya kerugian yaitu dengan menggunakan 2 pemasok. Dalam penelitian ini, hasil jumlah pemasok didapatkan dalam kondisi ideal dimana pemasok dapat memenuhi kebutuhan seluruh jumlah bahan baku yang diperlukan perusahaan. Pada hasil analytical hierarchy process diperoleh peringkat supplier handal berdasarkan kriteria yang dipilih perusahaan yaitu harga, kualitas, pengiriman, pelayanan dan ketepatan jumlah. Pemeringkatan supplier dilakukan berdasarkan kinerja supplier terhadap kriteria dengan nilai bobot yaitu Supplier 3 sebesar 0.2994; Supplier 4 sebesar 0.1949; Supplier 5 sebesar 0.1877; Supplier 1 sebesar 0.1829 dan Supplier 2 sebesar 0.1351.
English Abstract
Apples are an agricultural commodity that is the foundation of the economy for farmers and the government of Batu city, East Java. According to statistical data from the Batu City Agriculture Service, the annual production of apples reach 43.000 ton in 2020. Due to the abundance of apples, further processing is needed to increase the economic value of apples while extending their shelf life. Seeing the opportunity for processing apples that are quite large, the people of Batu city began to build home industries or small industries as a form of utilizing abundant apples as the main raw material. One of them is CV. Bagus Agriseta Mandiri, which was established in 2001. This company is engaged in the downstream agroindustry sector, namely the industrial sub-sector that processes fruit or vegetable cultivation. Because the superior products offered by the company are all processed products with apples as the main raw material, then the need for raw materials to carry out production activities is quite high but the shelf life of raw materials is relatively short. As a result, the company relies heavily on suppliers to ensure the availability and quality of raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the number of suppliers and suppliers selection in order to minimize the risk of supplier failure and obtain reliable suppliers that meet the company's criteria. The purpose of this research is to identify the risk of supplier failure of apples as raw materials and supplier assessments based on the criteria desired by the company. In addition, proposals for the optimal number of suppliers are drawn up and the best suppliers are selected based on the risk of supply failure and criteria in order to get a reliable supplier. In addition, recommendations are given for the optimal number of suppliers and the best suppliers are selected based on the risk of supplier failure and the criteria for obtaining reliable suppliers. This research utilizes decision tree approach and analytical hierarchy process. Decision tree is used to determine the optimal number of suppliers in the presence of supplier failure risks. The analytical hierarchy process is used as a solution to supplier selection based on the company criteria to obtain an integrated supplier ranking. With these two methods, a suggestions for the number and suppliers selection can be drawn up as an attempt to control the supply of apples as raw material in outlook of minimizing the supplier failure risks. The results of the analysis using a decision tree obtained the optimal number of suppliers based on the risk of supply failure and loss cost by using 2 suppliers. In this study, the results of the optimal number of suppliers are obtained under ideal conditions where the supplier can meet the needs of the entire amount of raw materials needed by the company. The results of the analytical hierarchy process obtain reliable supplier ratings based on the criteria selected by the company, namely price, quality, delivery, service and quantity accuracy. The ranking of suppliers is carried out based on the performance of suppliers against the criteria with a weight value are Supplier 3 by 0.2994; Supplier 4 by 0.1949; Supplier 5 by 0.1877; Supplier 1 by 0.1829 dan Supplier 2 by 0. 1351.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522100319 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Rantai Pasok, Pemasok, Decision tree, Analytical Hierarchy Process,Supply Chain, Supplier, Decision tree, Analytical Hierarchy Process |
Subjects: | 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2023 01:51 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2023 01:51 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/196742 |
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