Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Parameter Mutu Komposisi Mixing Krimer Kental Manis Cokelat Periode Januari-Desember 2020 di PT X

Annisa, Ayu Wulan Windie and Fithri Choirun Nisa,, STP., MP., P.hD. (2022) Analisis Kapabilitas Proses Parameter Mutu Komposisi Mixing Krimer Kental Manis Cokelat Periode Januari-Desember 2020 di PT X. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT X merupakan salah satu industri pangan di Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan susu (dairy manufacture). Salah satu produk yang dihasilkan PT X adalah krimer kental manis dengan varian rasa yaitu cokelat. Dalam menjalankan proses produksi, PT X senantiasa melakukan pengendalian mutu secara berkala pada setiap tahapan proses untuk memastikan parameter mutu sesuai dengan spesifikasi yang sudah ditentukan. Akan tetapi proses pengendalian dan pengawasan mutu parameter mixing krimer kental manis cokelat baru sebatas perekapan pada setiap batch per-harinya. Belum terdapat suatu analisis yang dapat menggambarkan secara keseluruhan performance parameter mutu komposisi mixing krimer kental manis cokelat selama tahun 2020. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukannya suatu analisis yang dapat menggambarkan performance kapabilitas dari parameter mutu komposisi mixing krimer kental manis cokelat selama tahun 2020. Pelaksanaan magang dilaksanakan pada Januari-Juni 2021 di departemen krimer kental manis PT X. Pelaksanaan magang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan yaitu menentukan topik dan tujuan magang, studi literatur, observasi lapang, pengumpulan dan penyusunan data sekunder, analisis data, wawancara lapang, dan penyusunan diagram fishbone. Dalam melakukan analisis kapabilitas proses digunakan data sekunder form produksi & quality proses mixing krimer kental manis cokelat parameter total padatan, lemak, protein, sukrosa pada bulan Januari 2020-Desember 2020. Untuk produk krimer kental manis cokelat, proses produksi tidak dilakukan setiap hari, melainkan hanya 1-2 minggu perbulannya. Oleh karena itu, data disusun per-kuartal (per 3 bulan) agar memenuhi minimal jumlah data yang dapat di analisis. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan aplikasi Minitab 17 & Microsoft Excel dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu (1) Uji Normalitas Data, (2) Uji Goodness of Fit, (3) Uji Analisis Kapabilitas Proses, (4) Pembuatan Grafik. Hasil analisis kapabilitas yang dilakukan pada parameter mutu komposisi mixing krimer kental manis cokelat didapatkan hasil bahwa pada parameter total padatan, lemak, protein, dan sukrosa produk IC dan EC tidak ada yang kapabel, dimana hasil yang didapatkan yaitu Indeks Pp & Ppk < 1. Hal ini menandakan proses belum mampu secara konsisten memenuhi batas spesifikasi serta keterpusatan data pada rentang spesifikasi. Indeks Pp dan Ppk yang rendah disebabkan karena masih ditemukannya hasil yang diluar batas spesifikasi serta masih menyimpang dari keterpusatan data. Faktor-faktor penyebab rendahnya indeks Pp dan Ppk pada parameter mutu komposisi mixing krimer kental manis cokelat antara lain adalah pemahaman dan pengalaman operator berbeda-beda, alat ukur Near-infrared Spectroscopy bermasalah, kebocoran pada diverter valve, adanya toleransi weighing, penggunaan bahan baku dengan komposisi yang berbeda-beda, penggunaan recovery product, akurasi dari kalibrasi tidak bisa menjamin hasil penimbangan sesuai dengan formula, serta metode perhitungan formula dan adjustment yang kurang sesuai.

English Abstract

PT X is one of the food industries in Indonesia which is engaged in dairy manufacture. One of the products produced by PT X is a sweetened condensed creamer with a flavor variant, namely chocolate. In carrying out the production process, PT X always carries out quality control periodically at each stage of the process to ensure quality parameters are in accordance with predetermined specifications. However, the quality control process for mixing sweetened condensed creamer chocolate parameters is only limited to recording each batch per day. There is no analysis that can describe the overall performance of the quality parameters of the composition mixing of the sweetened condensed creamer during 2020. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analysis that can describe the performance capability of the quality parameters of the composition of the sweetened condensed creamer of chocolate during 2020. The internship was held in January-June 2021 in the SCM department of PT X. The internship consists of several stages, which included determining the topic and objectives of the internship, literature study, field observation, collecting and compiling secondary data, data analysis, field interviews, and fishbone diagram making. In conducting the capability analysis, secondary data used in the form of production & quality of the mixing process of chocolate sweetened condensed creamer parameters total solid, fat, protein, sucrose in January 2020-December 2020. For sweetened condensed creamer products, the production process is not carried out every day, but rather only 1-2 weeks per month. Therefore, the data is compiled quarterly (per 3 months) in order to meet the minimum amount of data that can be analyzed. Data analysis was carried out using the Minitab 17 & Microsoft Excel with several stages, namely (1) Normality Test, (2) Goodness of Fit, (3) Capability Analysis, (4) Make Graphics The results of the capability analysis carried out on the quality parameters of the composition of the sweetened chocolate sweetened creamer mixture showed that none of the parameters for total solid, fat, protein, and sucrose IC and EC products were capable, where the results obtained were Pp & Ppk Indices < 1. This indicates that the process has not been able to consistently meet the specification limits and data centering in the specification range. The low Pp and Ppk indices are caused by the finding of results that are outside the specification limits and still deviate from the centralized data. The factors causing the low Pp and Ppk indices on the quality parameters of the mixing chocolate sweet condensed creamer include the understanding and experience of different operators, problems with Near-infrared Spectroscopy measuring instruments, leaks in the diverter valve, the presence of weighing tolerances, the use of raw materials with different compositions, the use of recovery products, the accuracy of the calibration cannot guarantee that the weighing results are in accordance with the formula, and the calculation methods of formulas and adjustments that are not suitable.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522100143
Uncontrolled Keywords: Capability Analysis, Fishbone Diagram, Pp & Ppk Indices, Sweetened Condensed Creamer, Mixing,Analisis Kapabilitas Proses, Diagram Fishbone, Indeks Pp & Ppk, Krimer Kental Manis, Mixing
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 28 Sep 2022 04:08
Last Modified: 28 Sep 2022 04:08
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