Pengaruh Pemberian Jenis Dan Dosis Sumber Fosfat Terhadap Perbanyakan Spora Mikoriza Arbuskula Asal Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara, Kalimantan Timur

Arfiyanti, Herliana and Dr. Ir. Budi Prasetya,, MP (2022) Pengaruh Pemberian Jenis Dan Dosis Sumber Fosfat Terhadap Perbanyakan Spora Mikoriza Arbuskula Asal Lahan Bekas Tambang Batubara, Kalimantan Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Permasalahan utama lahan bekas tambang batubara adalah P-Tersedia tanah yang rendah dan mudah terikat dengan unsur Fe dan Al. Tanah bekas tambang batubara di Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur memiliki nilai pH 4,7 (masam), kandungan C-organik 0,7% (sangat rendah), P-Total tanah 20 mg 100 g-1 (rendah), P-Tersedia tanah 13 mg kg-1 (sangat rendah), dan KTK 11,7 cmol 100 g-1 (rendah). Mikoriza dapat membantu penyediaan P tidak tersedia menjadi bentuk anorganik yang tersedia. Penambahan sumber fosfat slow release seperti fosfat alam, tepung tulang, dan tepung ikan menjadi sumber hara P yang baik karena tidak mudah terfiksasi dan hilang tercuci. Pemberian 25-50 P mg kg-1 tanah memberikan hasil baik pada kolonisasi dan jumlah spora namun akan menurun jika dosis terus ditingkatkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki lahan bekas tambang batubara dengan meningkatkan P-Tersedia tanah dan jumlah spora mikoriza. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai April hingga November 2021. Analisis kimia dan biologi tanah dilakukan di Departemen Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Kegiatan perbanyakan mikoriza dilakukan di Rumah Kaca Kampus 2 Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian, Malang. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap Faktorial (RALF) dengan jenis sumber fosfat (P) terdiri dari 3 taraf perlakuan yaitu P1: Fosfat alam; P2: Tepung tulang; P3: Tepung Ikan dan dosis sumber fosfat (F) terdiri dari 5 taraf perlakuan yaitu F0: kontrol; F1: 0,.17 g polibag- 1; F2: 0,29 g polibag-1; F3: 0,40 g polibag-1; F4: 0,57 g polibag-1. Parameter yang diamati meliputi jumlah spora 100g-1, koloni MA pada akar, pH tanah, P-Total tanah, P-Tersedia tanah, tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan bobot tanaman. Analisa data menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dengan uji lanjut Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pemberian jenis dan dosis sumber fosfat yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh nyata pada jumlah spora dan nilai P-Tersedia tanah. Kombinasi perlakuan P3F3 (tepung ikan dosis 0,40g polibag-1) menghasilkan jumlah spora tertinggi sebanyak 299,20 spora. Nilai P-Tersedia tanah tertinggi diperoleh pada kombinasi perlakuan P1F4 (fosfat alam dosis 0,57g polibag-1) yaitu 34,90 mg kg-1. Terdapat hubungan kuat (r = 0,65) dan korelasi positif antara P- Tersedia tanah dan jumlah spora mikoriza dengan nilai koefisien determinasi R2 = 0,56 yang artinya P-Tersedia tanah mempengaruhi jumlah spora mikoriza sebesar 56%. Titik optimum didapatkan saat P-tersedia tanah 28,58 mg kg-1 menghasilkan jumlah spora sebanyak 235,01 spora. Kombinasi perlakuan P2F3 (tepung tulang dosis 0,40g polibag-1) merupakan dosis terbaik dan efektif dalam meningkatkan jumlah spora sebesar 272,50 spora dan P-Tersedia tanah 28,24 mg kg-1. P-Tersedia dalam tanah pada kadar yang cukup dapat memberikan jumlah spora yang optimal, namun jumlah spora akan berkurang saat nilai P-Tersedia tanah terlalu tinggi

English Abstract

The main problem of ex-coal mining land is low P-Availability soil and easily bound to Fe and Al elements. Ex-coal mining land at Sangatta, East Kalimantan has a pH value of 4.7 (acidic), C-organic content of 0.7% (very low), P-Total soil 20 mg 100 g-1 (low), P-Available soil 13 mg kg-1 (very low), and CEC 11.7 cmol 100 g-1 (low). Mycorrhizae can help provide P that is not available into the inorganic form that is available. The addition of slow release phosphate sources such as rock phosphate, bone meal, and fish meal are good sources of P nutrients because they are not easily fixed and washed away. Giving 25-50 P mg kg-1 of soil gave good results on colonization and the number of spores but it would decrease if the dose was continuously increased. This study was aimed to improve the ex-coal mining land by increasing the P-Availability of soil and the number of mycorrhizal spores. The research was carried out from April to November 2021. Chemical and biological analysis of the soil was carried out at the Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. Mycorrhizal propagation activities were carried out at the Greenhouse Campus 2 of the Agricultural Development Polytechnic, Malang. The study used a factorial completely randomized design (RALF) with a phosphate source type (P) consisting of 3 treatment levels, namely P1: rock phosphate; P2: Bone meal; P3: Fish meal and dose of phosphate source (F) consisted of 5 treatment levels, namely F0: control; F1: 0.17 g polybag-1; F2: 0.29 g polybag-1; F3: 0.40 g polybag-1; F4: 0.57 g polybag-1. Parameters observed included the number of spores 100g-1, MA colonies on roots, soil pH, P-Total soil, P-Available soil, plant height, number of leaves, and plant weight. Data analysis used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) 5% further test. The results showed that the application of different types and doses of phosphate sources had a significant effect on number of spores and P-Available soil. The combination of P3F3 treatment (fish meal dose of 0.40g polybag-1) resulted in the highest number of spores as much as 299.20 spores. The highest P- Available soil was obtained in the treatment combination P1F4 (rock phosphate dose 0.57g polybag-1) which was 34.90 mg kg-1. There is a strong relationship (r = 0.65) and a positive correlation between P-Availability of soil and the number of mycorrhizal spores with a coefficient of determination R2 = 0.56, which means that P-Availability of soil affects the number of mycorrhizal spores by 56%. The optimum point was obtained when the P-available soil 28.58 mg kg-1 produced the number of spores as much as 235.01 spores. The combination of P2F3 treatment (bone meal dose 0.40g polybag-1) was the best dose and effective in increasing number of spores by 272.50 spores and P-Available soil 28.24 mg kg-1. P-Available soil at sufficient levels can provide an optimal number of spores, but the number of spores will decrease when the P-Available soil is too high

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040144
Uncontrolled Keywords: fosfat alam, tepung tulang, tepung ikan, mikoriza, P-Tersedia tanah, ock phosphate, bone meal, fish meal, mycorrhizae, P-available soil
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 01 Sep 2022 02:16
Last Modified: 01 Sep 2022 02:16
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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