Studi Fertilitas Dan Inkompatibilitas Pollen Spesies Durio Kutejensis Dan Durio Sp. Asal Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

Rudarmono, - and Prof. Ir. Sumeru Ashari,, M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D and Dr. Budi Waluyo,, SP., MP. and Dr. Noer Rahmi Ardiarini,, SP., M.Si. (2022) Studi Fertilitas Dan Inkompatibilitas Pollen Spesies Durio Kutejensis Dan Durio Sp. Asal Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pulau Kalimantan merupakan sentra keragaman genetik tumbuhan di indonesia, diantaranya beberapa genus Durio yang bersifat endemik. Keberadaan tumbuhan tersebut sebagai potensi dan asset sumberdaya genetik. Demikian halnya di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, terdapat spesies Durio kutejensis dan Durio sp. yang merupakan kerabat dekat tanaman Durian. Kedua spesies tersebut sudah dikenal masyarakat lokal bahkan sudah terdaftar sebagai varietas unggul nasional merupakan komoditas hortikultura buah yang berpeluang ekonomis untuk dibudidayakan, karena buah Durio kutejensis yang dikenal dengan buah Lai dan Durio sp. yang dikenal masyarakat dengan sebutan Mandong sangat berpotensi, karena memiliki nilai jual yang relatif sama dengan buah durian, preferensi konsumen relatif tinggi dan memiliki keragaman buah yang bervariasi. Buah Lai dan Mandong memiliki karakter buah dan daging buah yang berbeda dengan durian (D.zibethinus), teutama aroma daging buah tidak menyengat, tidak mengandung alkohol, dan rasa daging buah manis, berlemak dan bertekstur halus. Namun demikian, perkembangan dan pertambahan populasi tanaman Lai dan Mandong di Kalimantan Timur tidak signifikan, hal ini disebabkan karena terbatasnya upaya pengembangan dan peremajaan pohon, baik oleh permerintah maupun masyarakat, produktivitas tanaman relatif rendah, produksi buah setiap musin cenderung tidak stabil dan beberapa faktor lainnya. Menurut Shaari, et at. (1985); Indriyani, et al. (2012), sebagian besar genus Durio memiliki sifat inkompatibilitas yang dapat menghambat proses penyerbukan (polination) dan pembuahan (fertilization), sehingga menghambat terbentuknya buah. Ditambahkan oleh Bumrungsri, et al. (2008): Baqi, et al. (2022), tanaman genus Durio memiliki bunga hermaprodit tetapi bersifat protandry yang menyebabkan terjadinya sifat inkompatibilitas (incompatibility), yaitu ketidakmampuan tanaman mmembentuk biji dan buah karena benang sari (anther) dan putik (stigma) matang (mature) tidak bersamaan. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk (1) mengidentifikasi karakter morfologi dan pertumbuhan bunga dan buah pada spesies Durio kutejensis dan Durio sp., (2) mengetahui tingkat fertilitas pollen pada spesies Durio kutejensis dan Durio sp. (3) mengetahui tingkat Inkompatibilitas pada persilangan spesies yang sama dan antar spesies pada Durio kutejensis dan Durio sp. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lapangan, yaitu di Dusun Batu Besaung, Kelurahan Sempaja Selatan, wilayah administratif Kota Samarinda, dan di Laboratorium Bioteknologi, Faperta Unmul. Kegiatan Penelitian yang dilaksanakan di lapangan untuk mengetahui diskripsi morfologi dan pertumbuhan bunga dan buah, serta kegiatan proses persilangan. Sedangkan di Laboratorium melakukan uji viabilitas pollen Lai var. Mahakam, Lai var Kutai, Lai var. Batuah dan var Mandong. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap perkembangan bunga sejak inisiasi hingga mekar, rata-rata untuk Lai var, mahakam 48,00 hari, Lai var. Kutai 48,00 hari, Lai var. Batuah 50,60 hari dan var. Mandong 52.40 hari. Penampilan karakter kualitatif dan kuantitatif bunga pada 3 (tiga) varietas Lai relatif sama, sedangkan pada varietas mandong berbeda, yaitu warna 11 mahkota, benang sari dan putik berwarna pink, sedang Lai berwarna merah. ukuran panjang dan diameter (kuncup bulat, kuncup lonjong, kuncup belum mekar dan bunga mekar) pada bunga Mandong relatif lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan bunga Lai. Karakter kualitatif bunga dan buah berbeda untuk ke 2 (dua) spesies tersebut. Fertilitas pollen Lai (Durio kutejensis) dan Mandong (Durio sp.) termasuk katagori fertil, karena daya kecambah (viabilitas) pada hari pertama setelah bunga mekar rata-rata 74,34%. Hal ini menurut Williams. (1994), persentase daya kecambah antara 61-100% termasuk klasifikasi fertil. Hasil persilangan antarspesies Durio kutejensis dan Durio sp. sebesar 83.33% dan 16,67%. Menurut Wang, et al. (2003) persentase terbentuknya buah hasil persilangan tersebut diklasifikasikan kompatibel (compatibility) dan inkompatibel sebagian (partial incompatibility)

English Abstract

The island of Borneo is a center for genetic diversity of fruit plants in Indonesia, including several genera of Durio which are endemic to specific regions. The existence of these plants as potential assets of genetic resources. Likewise in East Kalimantan Province, there are Durio kutejensis and Durio sp. which is a close relative of the Durian plant. Both species are well known to the local community and have even been registered as national superior varieties, which are fruit horticultural commodities that have economic opportunities to be cultivated, because Durio kutejensis fruit, known as Lai fruit, and Durio sp. which is known to the public as Mandong, has a lot of potential because it has a relatively the same selling value as durian fruit, relatively high consumer preferences and has a variety of fruit varieties. Lai and Mandong fruits have different characteristics of fruit and flesh from durian (D. zibethinus), especially the aroma of the flesh is not pungent, does not contain alcohol, and the taste (teste) of the flesh is sweet, fatty, and has a smooth texture. However, the development and increase in the population of Lai and Mandong plants in East Kalimantan were not significant, this was due to limited efforts to develop and rejuvenate trees, both by the government and the community, plant productivity was relatively low, fruit production tended to be unstable every season and several other factors. According to Shaari, et al. (1985); Indriyani, et al. (2012),, most of the Durio genus have incompatibility properties that can inhibit the process of pollination and fertilization, thus inhibiting the formation of fruit. Added by Bumrungsri, et al. (2008); Baqi, et al. (2022), plants of the Durio genus have a hermaphrodite but protandry capitula which causes self-incompatibility, namely the inability of plants to form seeds and fruit because the stamens (anther) and pistil (stigma) do not mature at the same time. The aims of this study were to (1) identify the morphological characteristics of flowers and fruits in Durio kutejensis and Durio sp. species, (2) to determine the pollen fertility level in Durio kutejensis and Durio sp. (3) to determine the level of incompatibility between interspecific and interspecific crosses of Durio kutejensis and Durio sp. This research was carried out in the field, in Sempaja Selatan Village, the administrative area of Samarinda City, and at the Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture Mulawarman University of Mulawarman. Research activities are carried out in the field to describe the morphology of flowers, flower and fruit growth, and crosses between species, while in the laboratory to test the viability of pollen, namely Lai var. Mahakam, Lai var Kutai, Lai var. Batuah and var Mandong.The results showed that the flower growth stage from initiation to bloom, the average for Lai var, mahakam 48.00 days, Lai var. Kutai 48.00 days, Lai var. Batuah 50.60 days and var. Mandong 52.40 days. The appearance of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of flowers in 3 (three) varieties of Lai is relatively the same, while that of the Mandong variety is different, namely the color of the crown, stamens, and the pistil is pink, while Lai is red. The length and diameter (round buds), oval buds, unbloomed buds, and blooming flowers) of Mandong flowers are relatively smaller than Lai flowers. The qualitative characteristics of flowers and fruits are different for the 2 (two) species. The fertility of Lai (Durio kutejensis) and Mandong (Durio sp,) pollen is categorized as fertile because the germination (viability) on the first day after the flowers bloom is an average 13 of 74.34%. This is according to Williams. (1994), the percentage of germination between 61-100% is classified as fertile. The results of crosses between Durio kutejensis and Durio sp. of 83.33% are based on Wang, (2003) including the compatible classification, and 16.67% partially incompatible

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0622040005
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2022 03:55
Last Modified: 10 Mar 2023 02:29
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