Keragaman Karakteristik Fisik Biji 22 Genotipe Jarak Kepyar (Ricinus Communis L.) Sebagai Dasar Seleksi

Amali, Mukhlash and Dr. Ir. Andy Soegianto, CESA. (2022) Keragaman Karakteristik Fisik Biji 22 Genotipe Jarak Kepyar (Ricinus Communis L.) Sebagai Dasar Seleksi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Jarak kepyar (Ricinus communis L.) merupakan tanaman yang tergolong ke dalam famili Euphorbiaceae. Tanaman jarak kepyar memiliki peluang secara ekonomis. Bijinya memiliki kandungan minyak dengan persentase 40-60%. Minyak jarak kepyar dapat dimanfaatkan ke banyak kegunaan di dunia industri di antaranya sumber bahan bakar biodesel, bahan kosmetika, polimer plastik berupa resin dan cat. Angka produksi jarak kepyar di Indonesia sendiri masih mengalami fluktuatif. Pada tahun 2011, produksi jarak kepyar Indonesia berada pada angka 2,3 ribu ton (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). Namun pada tahun 2019 mengalami penurunan menjadi 1,7 ribu ton saja (Statista, 2021). Jumlah permintaan jarak kepyar perlu diimbangi dengan jumlah produksinya. Salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan produktivitas tanaman jarak kepyar ialah dengan pemuliaan tanaman. Untuk memperoleh varietas yang memiliki sifat yang unggul diperlukan adanya keragaman genetik. Keragaman genetik merupakan hal mendasar agar seleksi bisa berjalan efektif. Adapun karakteristik fisik biji jarak kepyar sendiri dapat digunakan sebagai dasar dalam kegiatan seleksi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui keragaman karakter kuantitatif dan kualitatif biji pada 22 genotipe jarak kepyar sebagai dasar dalam seleksi. Dan hipotesisnya ialah terdapat karakter kuantitatif dan kualitatif biji pada 22 genotipe jarak kepyar yang memiliki keragaman luas. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Juli 2021 yang berlokasi di Green House Lahan Percobaan Jatimulyo Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur. Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi tray, penggaris, alat tulis, alat budidaya jarak kepyar (cangkul, cetok, selang), timbangan digital, jangka sorong, meteran, amplop, dan kamera digital. Bahan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu pupuk NPK, pupuk urea, deskriptor UPOV dan Panduan Descriptor Draft Nasional Guideliness for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Castor (Ricinus communis L.), polibag 40×40 cm, tanah, dan air. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 22 genotipe jarak kepyar hasil seleksi tahan layu fusarium sebagai perlakuan dan terdapat 2 ulangan, sehingga terdapat 44 satuan percobaan. Pada tiap satuan percobaan terdiri atas 3 tanaman. Pelaksanaan penelitian ini meliputi persiapan lahan, penyemaian dan penanaman, pemeliharaan, dan panen. Pengamatan dilakukan pada tiap plot percobaan meliputi karakteristik kualitatif dan kuantitatif fisik biji jarak kepyar. Variabel kualitatif meliputi warna utama biji, warna sekunder biji, caruncle biji, serta rasio panjang dan lebar biji. Variabel kuantitatif meliputi panjang biji, lebar biji, ketebalan biji, bobot 100 biji, jumlah biji per tanaman, bobot biji per tanaman, diameter rata-rata geometrik, volume biji, dan luas permukaan biji. Analisis data vi kuantitatif menggunakan analisis varian dan koefisian keragaman, sedangkan data kualitatif menggunakan analisis kelompok dengan software NTSYS versi 2.02. Hasil dari analisis varian diperoleh pengaruh yang sangat nyata pada semua karakter kuantitatif fisik biji. Nilai koefisien variasi genetik (KVG) pada karakter kuantitatif fisik biji diperoleh hasil berkriteria sedang hingga tinggi dan nilai koefisien variasi fenotipe (KVF) pada karakter kuantitatif fisik biji diperoleh hasil berkriteria rendah hingga tinggi. Karakter kualitatif fisik biji diperoleh koefisien kemiripan sebesar 0,42 atau 42% yang bermakna keragaman genetik tinggi atau keragaman luas pada karakter kualitatif biji dari 22 genotipe jarak kepyar

English Abstract

Castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is a plant belonging to the Euphorbiaceae family. Castor bean plants have opportunities economically. The seeds have an oil content of 40-60%. Castor bean oil can be used for many uses in the industrial world, including biodiesel fuel, cosmetics, plastic polymers in the form of resins and paints. Castor bean production figures in Indonesia itself are still fluctuating. In 2011, Indonesia's production of castor bean was at 2.3 thousand tons (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021). However, in 2019 it decreased to 1.7 thousand tons (Statista, 2021). The number of requests for castor bean needs to be balanced with the amount of production. One way to increase the productivity of the castor bean plant is by plant breeding. To obtain varieties that have superior traits, variance of genetic is required. Variance of genetic is fundamental for selection to be effective. The physical characteristics of the castor bean seeds can be used as a basis for selection activities. The purpose of this study was to know the variability of quantitative and qualitative character of seed on 22 genotypes of castor bean as the basis of selection. And the hypothesis is that are the character of quantitative and qualitative of seed from 22 genotype of castor bean which have wide variability. This research was conducted from February to July 2021, located in the Green House of the Jatimulyo Experimental Field, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Lowokwaru District, Malang City, East Java. The tools used in this research include trays, rulers, stationery, cultivation tools for castor bean (hoe, trowel, hose), digital scales, calipers, gauges, envelopes, and digital cameras. The materials used in this study were NPK fertilizer, urea fertilizer, UPOV descriptor and Guideliness National Draft Descriptor Guide for the Conduct of Tests for Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability Castor (Ricinus communis L.), 40×40 cm polybags, soil, and water. This study used randomized block design (RBD) consisting of 22 genotypes of castor bean that has been selected as resistant to fusarium wilt as a treatment and there were 2 replications, so that there were 44 experimental units. In each experimental unit consisted of 3 plants. The implementation of this research includes land preparation, nursery and planting, maintenance, and harvest. Observations were made on each experimental plot including the qualitative and quantitative physical characteristics of the castor bean seeds. Qualitative variables include main color of seeds, secondary color of seeds, caruncle of seeds, and ratio of length and width of seeds. Quantitative variables include seed length, seed width, seed thickness, weight of 100 seeds, number of seeds per plant, seed weight per plant, geometric mean diameter, seed volume, and seed surface area. Data analysis for quantitative character is using analysis of variance and coefficient of variance, while qualitative character is using cluster analysis with NTSYS software 2.02 version. viii The results of the analysis of variance obtained a very significant effect on all physical quantitative characters of seeds. The value of the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) on the physical quantitative characters of seeds obtained results with moderate to high criteria and the value of the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) on the quantitative physical characteristics of seeds obtained results with low to high criteria. The physical qualitative characters of the seeds get the coefficient of similarity is 0,42 or 42% its mean the genetic variability is high or the variability is high on qualitative characters of the seeds from 22 genotype of castor bean

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522040080
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2022 08:22
Last Modified: 19 Jul 2022 08:22
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