Identifikasi Faktor Penggerak Strategi Lean Green Agile Manufacturing System (LGAMS) di Koperasi Agro Niaga Jabung

Rinjayani, Vera Cahya and Mas’ud Effendi, STP, and Muhammad Arif Kamal, STP, M (2020) Identifikasi Faktor Penggerak Strategi Lean Green Agile Manufacturing System (LGAMS) di Koperasi Agro Niaga Jabung. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Koperasi Agro Niaga (KAN) Jabung sebagai koperasi agribisnis memiliki visi untuk tumbuh berkelanjutan. Penerapan keberlanjutan di KAN Jabung masih perlu dilakukan perbaikan pada setiap unitnya, salah satunya pada Unit Susu Olahan (USO) sebagai salah satu unit manufaktur. Indikasinya dapat dilihat dari segi ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan, diantaranya masih ditemukan produk cacat selama produksi, pemasaran produk yang masih dalam lingkup pasar kecil dan limbah padat berupa sampah stiker yang belum diolah optimal. Strategi manufaktur dilakukan guna menjalankan prinsip keberlanjutan dengan menerapkan Lean Green Agile Manufacturing System (LGAMS) melalui faktor penggerak usaha.

English Abstract

Agro Niaga Cooperative (KAN) Jabung as an agribusiness cooperative has a vision to grow sustainable. The sustainability implementation at KAN Jabung still needs improvement in each unit, one of which is the Processed Milk Unit (USO) as a manufacturing unit. It can be seen from the economic, social and environmental aspects, such as the defective product is still found during production, product marketing is still in small distribution market due to short storage time and solid waste such as sticker has not been treated properly. The manufacturing strategy is applied to carry out the principle of sustainability by implementing Lean Green Agile Manufacturing System (LGAMS) through an important enabler.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0520100160
Uncontrolled Keywords: Faktor Penggerak Usaha, LGAMS, MOORA, VIKOR, Enablers, LGAMS, MOORA, VIKOR.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture > 338.16 Production efficiency
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Zainul Mustofa
Date Deposited: 13 Jul 2022 02:18
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 02:32
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